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Brutally Frank Issue 1
by Decapitated D. [Featured Reviewer] Date Added: 01/31/2011 14:59:56

Dying Breath: 4 out of 5 I wasn't sure what to think of this book just based on the description given. I knew I wanted to try it out though, there is just something so appealing to that cover. So I decided to give it a look and I was happy that I did. The artwork alone was just through the roof. There wasn'ta single panel that I didn't like and I will say it was the high point to the issue. The story on the other hand was full of great moments, but I felt at times, even with the amount of backstory given, it wasn't enough. The action was present, and the story itself was compelling, but it just seemed like something else could have been added. One way or the other I liked it, and I can't wait to read #2. This one is dark and intriguing so do yourself a favor and check it out.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Brutally Frank Issue 1
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