This is a grand story, and it's almost firing on all cylinders. It has a few things that go THUD in it, though. So let's get those out of the way. First and main thing...the use of vertical, and then horizontal, and then switching back and forth, pages in this book, make it hard to read on a computer. I would also not like it holding it in my hand as a printed book, having to turn pages sideways to read them has always bothered me. Another thing that kept me from fully engaging, is artwork flaws. Some places the art is much better than others. Facial constructions and poses that don't work, pop us out of the flow of the story. That's something this title will really need to work on moving forward.
Now the good...the overall power and complexity of the plot and pacing of things happening, is enjoyable. I'm not reading something I haven't seen in some story or another before, but there is enough originality of the characters, personality in their interactions, that this does work, and is interesting. So yeah, this has some things to work on and think about, but it's something I'd read more of too, so I'll give it a "Check it out" wholeheartedly.
-Ian Shires is publisher of Self Publisher! Magazine.