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Backgrounds & Details Kit Volume 2 - Sci-Fi Characters
by Megan R. [Featured Reviewer] Date Added: 05/27/2013 07:13:39

Every single individual in the known universe has a background, his own story to tell - but who has the time to work it out for them all? Whilst players may lavish time and effort on their own characters, the GM in particular has shed-loads of NPCs to deal with... and even players may run short of time or inspiration or desire to introduce some randomness, outside factors, into the story they are writing for their character. Hence, this work.

What you get is a bunch of tables to roll on, from which you can build up as much detail as you want for an individual. First of all, there's one for the type of species the individual happens to be - depending on the availability of alien races in your universe, you may feel more comfortable picking one or modifying this to suit. Then we move on to how the individual was 'born' - anything from a conventional birth to exotic artificial methods, parents, siblings and other family members.

The next area to be explored is personal details. Quite a lot of detail on occupation, with broad categories and then sub-tables for each one; then clothing style, behaviour and even diet. Education, gender, hair colour and style... facial hair, height and weight, how healthy they are... possibly even more detail than you bother with for a character you are going to play - yet it all goes to making anyone - PC or NPC - more 'real' in the context of the alternate reality you and your friends are creating in your game. Consider this: you probably know this much about a close friend: what his favourite food is, what he looks like, what he does and a bit about how he was educated... so why do you not know the same sort of details about your character?

More details: hobbies, the sort of home the individual lives in and even how much time he spends there. Then implants - legal or otherwise - and the languages he can speak... looks, age (real and apparent), pets and personality, quirks, how good his senses are, even sexual preferences, skin colour and what his voice sounds like. Finally, there is a set of tables to allow you to create a bit of background history, a 'lifepath' if you will, of major events in his past.

It's rather fun to play with, may even suggest plot ideas and certainly leaves you knowing a lot more about a character than a few stats scribbled on a character sheet ever will!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Backgrounds & Details Kit Volume 2 - Sci-Fi Characters
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[PFRPG] Treasure Hoards - Volume 1 - Aberrations
by Megan R. [Featured Reviewer] Date Added: 05/14/2013 03:21:18

This product is a magnificent resource for any GM who has struggled when devising the lists of loot available to characters, all the more because it is so well organised and focussed on just the soon-to-be-robbed property of Aberrations. Further types of monster are promised for further releases in this series.

Organised by average party level - a good way to ensure that the characters neither get too powerful too fast nor fail to be adequately rewarded for their efforts - suggestions are made for the different amounts of treasure available: incidental (less than standard), standard, double or triple. For each category you can then roll a d6 (or choose from the list) to find out precisely what is in that particular treasure: coins, gems and other items of value. Naturally, if you have a particular item you want to introduce to your game, you can either add it to what's there, or use it to replace an equivalent item in that cache if balance is particularly important for you.

It should be a real boon to anyone who is pressed for time or short on ideas for loot, and this promises to be a series worth collecting by any GM who enjoys creating their own adventures and encounters.

I just have one quibble. Treasure comes in HOARDS not HORDES! Get that right and I shall be tempted to make this a 5-star product, rather than a 4-star one.... and within 24 hours a corrected version was uploaded! Well done, & I am good to my word... have your 5 stars :)

[5 of 5 Stars!]
[PFRPG] Treasure Hoards - Volume 1 - Aberrations
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100 Locations & Rooms
by Darryl J. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 04/26/2013 21:47:41

While the list is only 1 page and gives no description of the rooms, the cost is 0.00 and takes only moments to download. I recently was mapping out a residence and could have used this product to help fill in some of the rooms. But that points out, this product is most beneficial when used ahead of time, during the planning of a adventure.

Many of the rooms have very imaginative names and that could be an evenings hook.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
100 Locations & Rooms
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[PFRPG] Dragon Templates - Volume 2 - I to O
by Robert L. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 04/19/2013 17:05:23

This is a great product! I will definitely use the templates in this product in my game in the near future!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
[PFRPG] Dragon Templates - Volume 2 - I to O
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[PFRPG] Dragon Templates - Volume 2 - I to O
by David E S. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 04/09/2013 04:32:40

This is a collection of seven monster templates for Pathfinder, labeled for dragons. None of them feel like they are especially for dragons; Lazy, Masochistic, and Insane could all apply to any creature. Several feel mispriced, and none of them feel interesting, like I would ever use them. Masochistic is unclear on how it works; "If the dragon confirms a critical, then the following occurs: +1 to critical chance +1 to critical confirmation roll +1 damage +1 to hit" when the only one of those that could happen after the dragon confirms a critical is +1 damage. Or does it mean for the rest of the encounter? Typography is inconsistent and not well done, punctuation is missing or misused, and "The javelin is bread to kill other dragons with its wing attacks." (To go beyond a cheap shot at the limits of spell checking, this struck me as one of the most promising and hence disappointing traits. "Bred to kill other dragons" should mean more than just some bonuses to wing attacks.)

I suppose it's possible that this is part of a more interesting set, since they say that Novus Draco is recommended, but I don't see the value as a stand-alone item.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
20 Tavern/Inn Menus
by Brett B. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 04/02/2013 20:43:23

50 cents for a reference you really don't NEED, but would love to have in your gun belt "just in case". I love it. Came in handy on several situations...when knee deep in an improvised adventure and the characters happen across a wayward inn. BING! Thanks Ennead!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
20 Tavern/Inn Menus
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[PFRPG] Dragon Templates - Volume 1 - A to H
by Megan R. [Featured Reviewer] Date Added: 03/27/2013 05:49:44

This is rather fun... in the quest to add greater detail and variety to that most iconic of monsters, the dragon, here is a selection of templates to apply to your base dragon stats, to give all manner of additional features to them. Some will create 'variants' or 'sub-species' of known dragon types, while others add little quirks and different abilities to whatever dragon to whom you choose to apply the template.

Starting off with the Albino - NOT a white dragon but one of any shade born without pigmentation - there is a whole range of things you can do with your dragons. Maybe he's amphibious, or has a weird breath weapon that literally encases its target in quick-setting amber. Maybe it was too mean to die and has become a ghost. Or it can blink (as in the spell), or it appears to be made of glass...

There's a lot of fun to be had here... Now, dragons should always be the high spot of an adventure, something exciting to encounter, but these templates can be used to make them even more interesting and unusual... and we've only got to 'H'! Look out for more...

[5 of 5 Stars!]
[PFRPG] Dragon Templates - Volume 1 - A to H
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[PFRPG] Dragon Body Parts & Equipment
by Megan R. [Featured Reviewer] Date Added: 03/18/2013 09:44:17

Back in 1983, a dungeon rang with song: "What shall we do with a drunken dragon?" as we'd managed to kill one off, a black one as I recall, and were wondering what to do with it...

Herein perhaps I shall find the answers, even if that black dragon is long since roasted and eaten. The work details all the parts of a dragon, their value and possible uses. Apart from featuring on the party's menu, the skull might make a trophy, the hide as armour or boots, other parts may serve as spell components, jewellry or even aphrodesiacs (I'll leave you to imagine which bits!). Let nothing go to waste.

However, it's not quite that easy. Once you have decided which bits to collect, you have to butcher the dragon, extract the chosen bits and then get them safely to wherever you plan to sell or otherwise use them. You may also wish to have a chance that parts were damaged during combat - well, the dragon is dead and it's unlikely it died of fright when the party arrived, so there may well be battle damage. And of course, if you're clumsy, you might damage bits even as you try to harvest them. Even if you are taking care you might encounter all manner of problems - trapped gas, for example, or a parasite which realises that its host is no more and it had better find a new one.

The second part of this work looks at equipment that might be useful if you are fighting dragons, or which can be manufactured from their remains. Specialist arrows, harvesting tools (what? You went hunting dragons on purpose, for the express reason of bringing back dragon parts? Why not, indeed!), preservative chemicals... and the equipment that the best-dressed dragon might itself have: talon covers, prosthetic scales and so on.

And then, back to roast dragon. Or at least some recipes for choice dragon parts, for the ultimate dungeon feast, or for when you haul that mound of dragon-meat back to town and sell it to some enterprising inn-keeper. Blood pudding, dragon haggis, dragon-fat fried potatoes, dragon liver soup and more (om nom nom) plus a few drinks into the bargain.

Finally there's a handful of plot hooks involving the potentials of dragon-hunting for pleasure and more importantly profit. Fruit for a few adventures there, and overall a product redolent of ideas...

[5 of 5 Stars!]
[PFRPG] Dragon Body Parts & Equipment
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30 Dragon Descriptions
by Megan R. [Featured Reviewer] Date Added: 03/14/2013 12:47:18

A dragon is, well, a dragon, right?

Now it doesn't have to be. It's easy enough to come up with the stats - age, colour, size, weapons, etc. - but how do you tell one dragon from another?

Here are some 30 descriptions that go well beyond game mechanics. You can use them as is, the juvenile gold Cloghgyrtu the Coward quite appeals, for example, or you can mix and match if you decide that his velociraptor head with double brow horns and stiff neck that he has trouble bending looks better on a different dragon.

They're all like that, those little features that enhance descriptions far beyond just saying "It's a large red dragon" and embue each one with character. One might have silver eyes, another a whip-light tail, a third tends to cough a lot.... scales might have a range of colours - and not even the official colour that the dragon in question is from a rules mechanical standpoint! That could prove entertaining as the gold-scaled beast advancing on you suddenly spits acid or electricity...

A neat idea to help personalise your dragons and make them come alive to your players.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
30 Dragon Descriptions
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[PFRPG] Breath Weapons
by Megan R. [Featured Reviewer] Date Added: 03/06/2013 05:25:46

This product contains a comprehensive review of what breath weapons actually are, how they work in terms of game mechanics and even takes a look at how they might work in terms of the alternate reality of your game... what is actually going on inside that creature just before it breathes its 'whatever' at you. This last is of particular interest to anyone who likes to understand the 'ecology' of the monsters that they use in their games.

At places, particularly in the first few pages, the text reads more like notes jotted down as the author thinks about breath weapons rather than a finished product. By the time we reach the 'in character' descriptions of breath weapons it has settled down to a more polished delivery.

An interesting feature of the 'in character' understanding of how breath weapons work is that it has been written at the level of knowledge appropriate to a quasi-mediaeval fantasy world. So, for example, an electrical attack is not really understood - as a 21st century person with life-sciences training, I'd be thinking in terms of the way in which a creature like the electric eel generates its charge, but here we have thoughts of it being akin to an electrical storm and ending with 'The alchemists are working on an answer to that'!

Then we move on to the process of designing a new breath weapon from the ground up, including calculation of CRs and creating a template for creatures that will use it. This is followed by several new breath weapons that have already been designed for you to use. Many of these are based on spell effects like Fear or Move Earth.

Finally there are some 'breath weapon related feats. These enable the creature wielding the breath weapon to modify or otherwise control it in a similar fashion to a magic-user utilising metamagic feats to alter his spells. At the very end there's an appendix that looks at areas of effect (with neat charts) and ways of calculating the course of a jagged, curved or chaotic breath weapon.

There's a lot of useful stuff here about the art and science of breath weapons, and with a modicum of editing and expansion could be a contender for 'Compleat Book of Breath Weapons'... it just gives out an air of having been a little rushed in the writing, perhaps a deadline caught the author unawares.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
[PFRPG] Breath Weapons
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101 Fantasy Jobs & Professions
by Jesper A. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 03/01/2013 17:55:53

The product is basically just a list of professions in a fantasy setting - some more useful than others. It is an ok source of inspiration for encounters so you don't fall into the stereotypical encounter with a blacksmith because you couldn't think of anything else. As a free product it is worth getting but I would not have paid much if anything at all to get it had it not been free.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
101 Fantasy Jobs & Professions
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Optional Rules - Death Effects
by Megan R. [Featured Reviewer] Date Added: 02/22/2013 11:32:58

A neat idea for more evilly-minded GMs... the concept that not all monsters just lie there quietly when those pesky player-characters kill them off but all manner of dramatic effects just might occur (to the discomfort of anyone attempting to loot the body, of course!).

First up, a simple mechanic to allow for this using a 'Death Effect Template' that can be applied to the monster(s) of your choice, adding +1 to its CR and setting the variables for whichever effect you decide is appropriate (or is the result of a die roll on the table of effects that follows).

Then comes the actual effects. #11: Ascension could give good-aligned parties pause for thought: "The corpse glows softly and starts to rise up. At 10 feet the corpse starts to fade away. An angelic choir can be heard." Ooops! Have they killed someone that really ought to have been left alive? I forsee fun with this... I have a 'good' otyugh tucked away in a sewer system I think I'll apply this one to, the party in that game have so far talked to him rather than slay him out of hand, but anyone going for him is in for a shock now!

Of course many of the effects give a shock of a more tangible nature. I quite like # 37: "Explosion (Rust) The corpse explodes and anything within range that could rust immediately does so." There are other kinds of explosion, acid bursts and even electrical discharges to choose from, as well as a fair few disquieting effects than do no lasting harm but you can have a lot of fun with the players until they do wear off...

A neat little resource, to be used sparingly for best effect. Catch those looters unbewares!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Optional Rules - Death Effects
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1000 Chaos Effects
by [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 02/17/2013 12:14:23

The question is not if you will need this, but rather when you will get the opportunity to force it in, seeing as it is what you will probably want.

Pro: The list of 1000 Chaos Effects offers a menagerie of intireguing effects, all of which will either leave your party gaping confused or laughing at the situation, or even offer a new twist to an essential story. The list is very vague in it's descriptions, making it well fitting for most generic fantasy RPG:s, and if you don't think the listed effect fits your world, you can allways make a re-roll. With one thousand diffferent effects, all easy to find, you get an whole lotfor only $1.75.

Con: Many of the listed effects aim for very different effects on your game, meaning you by rolling the tablemight well give your Games Master a hard time, as some effects will distract from play, some will tip the balance of a combat, and some will obstruct certain progression (which is why the GM should reserve the right to make re-rolls). Simply put: the book of 1000 Chaos effects may be a bit chaotic. Especially, the book risks giving a very humorous undertone to your game, something not all players will want in their world. The text is also, occationally, lacking in spelling and gramar, although this does not cause any major hinderance to reading it.

Over all, the book may need some adaptation when used, depending on your system, and the GM will certainly have to be careful not to allow any results that may wreck his or her campaign (though the risk of this is usually quite small). It offers a many effects (a thousand, to be exact), and although not all of these are very mind-blowing, it has a number of effects you will be yearning to apply. As such, one of the best uses of this work is to use as inspiration, for magical items and the like. And if you don't think you'll use it in your games, you might still want considder buying it; it's a good, entertaining read even on it's own.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
1000 Chaos Effects
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Background & Details Kit
by Eric L. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 02/11/2013 09:13:45

I find this kit to be the perfect way to quickly create more interesting NPCs, but I have also used it as a springboard for my creativity when creating my player characters as well. Naturally, when creating a player character, I take a lot more liberty in discarding results I don't like, but for things like family, background, childhood events, and the like, I've always had a lot of difficulty coming up with those things for some reason. Now, it's just a couple of rolls away. Very useful!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Background & Details Kit
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Optional Rules - Flaws
by Megan R. [Featured Reviewer] Date Added: 02/11/2013 04:32:54

Some systems have complicated systems of merits and flaws to create more rounded characters, ones who have disadvantages balanced with other advantages. If you find these too much to administer, or your chosen ruleset doesn't have one, this is worth a look. Whilst being designed for the D20 system, it could be introduced into a different game system with little modification, the concept is sound.

The basic idea is simple. No character is absolutely perfect, and so you can make a random selection of up to two flaws from the tables herein. (Any more than that would tend to be a bit silly, but the odd defect can help improve role-playing.) To balance the disadvantages - generally presented as negative modifiers to either skills or attribute bonuses - an extra feat may be taken for each flaw that you have.

Some are a bit odd. For example, the flaw of being intensely curious is handled mechanically by giving a -2 modifier to listen and spot checks, being always the last in combat and having a -1 to ranged attacks. Now, I can understand going last in combat, but surely a negative modifier to your concentration check would make more sense than listen and spot ones - reflecting the ease with which you are distracted, after all you might be very good at actually noticing things hence being distracted by them! Most, however, have considerable potential for bringing your character to life, provided that you role-play being a fussy eater or a loud-mouth as well as taking the mechanical hits for your disadvantage.

Interesting ideas which you may wish to develop further to fully incorporate them into your game.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Optional Rules - Flaws
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