Very useful product for any random magical effects like Chaos magic or a Wand of Wonder. I've been looking for something like this for sometime and it's definitely worth it.
straightforward, but inspiring stuff. roll on three tables to construct three-part babble, or on a fourth list for solid pregenerateds. now, if you'll excuse me, i need to get back to repairing my accelerated neutrino inhibitor.
For me this one was just eh. It's not horrible but not as helpful as I hoped. For the price I can't complain
I really loved the wild mage from tome of magic in 2nd edition, and this has that same feel. Might run a series of games on an island where all arcane spells surge.
Basically a table that a player can use to generate random Galactic Features. Has all the usual stuff and some interesting things that could make space exploration fun to encounter. Good to have when you are looking for ideas.
Okay, first of all, no one likes to have their work spoken bad of. I know work went into it. I respect that. Lists of a hundred different things are difficult to come up with. I think it's very user-friendly. A few dice rolls and you've got something. I think it could be used as inspiration for items. I suppose I thought this would have more details and fewer combinations that simply don't work. I don't know what to do with an average scale robe. I'm not trying to find something that comes up with everything for me, but what's average about it? Size? Quality? Average as in everyone has one? Yes, I know those blanks can be filled in on the fly at any time. It's that all of the combinations are like that. It's not horribly common to have a roll that makes sense. I don't even want to try to explain about the complex soft letter jock strap.
I've downloaded a few things like this Armor and Clothing generator. I like most of them. This one just wasn't what I thought it would be, I guess.
Creator Reply: |
Thanks for the feed back - Sorry you didn\'t enjoy it. There was going to be more details in the orginal draft, but that was a bit beyond the scope of the product, which was to give a quick one line description. Also you don\'t have to use all the lists for each item, it just provides more results. If you just need to know, for example, the condition of an item you can just use that, or even just the table that tells you what the item of clothing is. |
If you want to go beyond merely telling your players what is written on the scroll their characters have just found, this should help spawn a few ideas for making those scrolls a bit more interesting.
It consists of several tables covering everything from what sort of scroll it is (arcane, divine, etc) to ink type and material, not forgetting the container and even how legible the handwriting is! It's advised if you want to use the complete system you roll scrolls up ahead of time, but you can always use a single table if one of your players asks a question that you haven't considered.
Interestingly, there are some perfectly mundane scrolls included, so characters may find themselves holding a dictionary, a recipe, a shopping list... or birthday greetings or perhaps the deeds to a house or research notes on a range of topics. Not every scroll is crackling with spells, after all.
There are also some innovative scrolls that are themselves magical, rather than having magic written on them. Fancy a scroll that takes dictation or which can make an exact copy of another scroll merely by being laid on top of it? Or one which will map an area for you? They can be found here.
Of course, there are also some cursed scrolls. Not everything the characters will find should be beneign and useful...
As well as providing all those little details that make scrolls come to vivid life in your game, just reading through the possibilities starts spawning ideas regarding scroll-based plots... a hidden benefit, perhaps, but one worth pursuing.
This serie of supplements have taken a shark jump, while the earlier ones at least had some meat on the bones this is rightout anorectic.
The minor and medium "World Wonders" are silly and uninteresting and it is only one Major one ... And it is a bit .... weird, not bad but ....
Dragon Templates (and Variants), Volume 3 - P to Z, has 11 templates ranging from a -1 to +2 Challenge Rating (CR), with one with a variable CR bonus that could go to +4! As the pattern established by the previous two volumes, the templates are unpolished but useable, just. Some interesting ideas here, the stone imbued xenolith, the amusing yodeling and the astrologically tied zodiac templates. But the quantum template will just drive everyone (including the GM) crazy, the temporal template gives out limited uses of 8th and 9th level time spells and splitter looks like a mathematical headache though it is a neat idea. There are some useful pieces here and some dross to be sorted through.
If you use a lot of dragons in your campaign, or if you just want the ones that show up to be unique and interesting, these products will provide inspiration and a starting point for various unusual dragons but they are only a starting point, you will need to work out the finer details and balance them yourself.
Disclosure: As a featured reviewer for RPGNow/DriveThroughRPG, I received my copy of this product for free from the publisher for the purpose of this review.
Note: Read more reviews and other gaming articles at my journal https://seaofstarsrpg.wordpress.com/
Dragon Templates (and Variants), Volume 1 - A to H, has 23 templates ranging from a -1 to +3 Challenge Rating (CR). The templates are light on detail, providing an introductory paragraph or two, a brief note on the physical changes that the template causes, and lastly the mechanics which sometime come with drawbacks. While some of the ideas are interesting and solid, they are not well developed and the CR adjustments do not seem to always align with the powers granted. The hybrid (half dragon/half something else) variant is especially sketchy but the albino, broken and glass templates have a considerable amount of potential.
If you use a lot of dragons in your campaign, or if you just want the ones that show up to be unique and interesting, these products will provide inspiration and a starting point for various unusual dragons but they are only a starting point, you will need to work out the finer details and balance them yourself.
Disclosure: As a featured reviewer for RPGNow/DriveThroughRPG, I received my copy of this product for free from the publisher for the purpose of this review.
Note: Read more reviews and other gaming articles at my journal https://seaofstarsrpg.wordpress.com/
A nice collection of just a few Welsh girl's names for anyone wanting a Celtic feel to their game (or if a contemporary game takes you into Wales).
Try not to get your tongue knotted... Welsh is in fact a phonetic language, it is just that Welsh phonetics are like nothing else! A quick guide - a single F comes out like a V, a double FF is like F in English... and Y is a vowel. LL is like the 'CH' in loch...
And just to give you a bonus: MY name (Megan) is Welsh, and my daughter's middle name is Angharad, another Welsh name.
My parents always said that they chose Megan because they were living in London at the time and wanted a Welsh name the English could pronounce!!!
This is a fun little list that is especially useful when you are a game master who is running off-the-cuff. It is true that most of the items on the list are elixirs, potions, and other mixtures that definitely sound like they are more suitable to be useful in a setting where magic and/or alchemy is available, but many sound perfect for exotic drinks in a sci-fi setting. After reading the list the first time, I was instantly inspired to write up some of the magical brews for my Advanced Dungeons and Dragons campaigns (yup, I still run AD&D) and some of the others for Champions, Mekton II, Star Trek the RPG, and Traveller. Imagine that, a generic role playing supplement that is actually usable in multiple game systems and in multiple settings. Admittedly, this product is most useful in fantasy settings - but the only true limitation to it's usefulness is the imagination of the game master using it.
This is completely useless. I was hoping to see some variety that would be universal regardless the game system and storyline. I can come up with a better list and better names in 10 minutes so I really doubt any DM, even inexperienced like myself, would find any use in it. Sorry :/.
I was generally happy with this product and enjoyed the random drug name tables although it often took several rolls before I got a name I preferred - but trying to pronounce the rejected names was half the fun.
The biggest hole in the product was a lack of information on the use of the drug. The opening paragraph seems to suggest that all drugs are used for curing disease. In my role playing games this is one of the less frequent uses. I categorised my drugs as Poison antidote, antibiotics for disease, general healing (hit point restoring) drugs, ability boosters, control drugs (eg pentathol, rohypnol), and recreational drugs (depressants and euphorics).
The dosage tables were cumbersome with all drugs requiring a long term regimen of use. Most characters want to know how quick a single dose will work and how long the effects will last.
The other tables gave a well rounded picture of the affects and usage although another table on misuse (over dosage or incorrect application may have been useful - do extra doses increase the effects or the side effects? and what happens if you take a suppository orally?)
Not terrible at all, but this free GM aid is worth every penny. Its just cliched dungeon names.