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Quick Generator - Adventuring Party or Group Name
by Kim F. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 03/24/2018 00:23:03

This was originally reviewed on the Open Gaming Network.

These reviews are intended to give you the best chance of evaluating whether this product is for you.

Products are given a 1 to 5-star rating with each rating defined as follows:

1 * – Bad

2 * – Mediocre

3 * – Decent

4 * – Good

5 * – Excellent

Now, let’s get on with the show!

This week we give you Quick Generator – Adventuring Party or Group Name!

Publisher: Ennead Games

Author: Chris Kentlea

Cover Artist: Lord Zsezse Works

System: System-agnostic

Page count: 4 ( 1 page cover, 1 page credits, 2 page content)

This one is a bit different to what I normally review, with it being just a simple name generator, but I figured it was time to showcase something new here.

So, let’s start by looking at the cover first as usual: The cover itself is fine, it’s the same stock cover used for Ennead Games other generators, but I think a nice touch would have been a nameplate or a banner showcasing some of the names that you could generate from here. Just as a “showing off” for the product. No complaints about it really, though it’s a little bit dull – but for a product like this, I’m not expecting Ennead Games to have forked out on a “new, shiny, fancy cover”.

Inside are two tables, following the “Verb, Noun” style of name generation. Roll 1d100 on the first table, and then roll 1d100 on the second table. Voila, here’s your name. So you get things like “Yellow Vanguards”, “Profane Dominion”, and the like. Some of the combinations are really evocative, and other less so. I will give the author kudos though for keeping all the names within the realm of believable fantasy. You won’t find any unsuitable-feeling words on the list, so no science fiction tropes for example. Obviously, not all combinations sound great, but then you just reroll.

And so we come to the conclusion:

This obviously is not a large product, by any means. It’s two pages, a random generator for coming up with names on the fly, and it’s cheap at only 1.25$, more importantly it’s actually good at what it does. That inclines me towards a high score.

But, and this is a big but. This is obviously a PDF product, which means that most of the time, you’ll be using some form of electronic device, be it a tablet, computer, laptop or phone to look at it while rolling. That also means that you’re likely to have access to the internet, which makes this kind of product a bit redundant for only two tables. Which would tend to drag it down a bit.

I’ll rightfully admit to being old-school on these things though, and I don’t like it when the GM or the players get absorbed into their devices when playing, which is far too easy, and likely to happen. So, printing this out becomes a good option, though it might be a little ink-heavy. – Print it out though and tell everyone to turn off their phones and you have a decent product for the price on your hands.

As such, I’ll clock this in at 3 stars (if there’d been a third table, to suggest things like a company outfit, it’d have been a 4 star), but if you like having your devices during your game, this would probably only rate 2 stars for you.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Quick Generator - Adventuring Party or Group Name
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Creator Reply:
First off, a big thank you for this, this is the sort of review I absolutely LOVE as it's fair, give comments and suggestions. You mention a possible third table, well the funny thing is I am working on an expanded variant of this which gives more details about an adventuring party (and incorporates the date from this generator as well - might be able to add in outfits before it comes out in a couple of weeks). As for the cover, I kind of agree with with you, but with just me running the show, I have to keep costs down as much as possible, especially with regards to artwork - but it is something I am working on improving as time goes by. Again, a big ty for this review. Chris
20 Tavern/Inn Menus
by Katrina B. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 03/07/2018 11:16:07

Really helpful! Offers 20 menus each offering breakfast, lunch/ supper/ bread, dessert, and non-alcoholic and boozy drink options with prices for everything.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
20 Tavern/Inn Menus
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Equipment Maker SciFi Edition Volume 1 - Firearms
by Kyrinn E. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 02/06/2018 15:22:44

Equipment Maker SciFi Edition Volume 1 - Firearms

I knew I wasn't going to get much for my money, but, I was a bit surprised how little I got.

While there are tables with lists of names and qualities, these qualities largely go undefined. When combined with random determination of the various categories, one ends up with nonsensical weapons with no game effects even hinted at, such as: 87 Stunning Toxic Mending Gun

The Mark System (Mk. #) is supposed to point the GM in the direction of how powerful the weapon is across all categories (damage, ammunition capacity, etc.), and in the most superficial fashion it could 'help', but it really isn't worth the trouble of rolling on a percentile table which has results ranging from 1-20. The amount of work a GM would have to go through to make the very loose terminology in this pdf work with a sci-fi game seems like something that could be done with the RPG in question alone, and this product's tables only useful in quickly generating nonsense names. These names, however, will sound very enticing to Players who will want a: 99 Withering Chaotic Chain Spray, and want it to do something awesome in their chosen RPG system; this product will not do this for the GM.

So, what are we left with? This product may be an interesting starting point for lengthy prep for an idea-deprived GM, but other than that, I'd suggest saving your money and giving this a pass.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Equipment Maker SciFi Edition Volume 1 - Firearms
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[PFRPG] - Fantastic Feats Volume LI [51] - Warpriest
by Marshall G. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 01/14/2018 23:22:03

With three pages of content, plus a short preface and table of contents on one page, and the cover and OGL comprising the other two pages, the length of the product was about what I expected. But I didn't expect the poor proofreading (for instance, "Once per say" instead of "Once per day"), nor did I expect the complete lack of details or ambiguous nature of the writing.

An example: "Sacrifice a spell for a bonus to your hit rolls with Sacred Weapon." Okay. Well, great. That word "rolls" is plural, which implies it last for multiple attacks. How many? Doesn't say. Maybe it applies only to a single turn but gives the bonus to all attacks in that turn if the character has multiple attacks? That would make sense. But is anybody in their right mind EVER going to sacrifice a randomly-chosen 7th level spell to get a +3 for one turn? If they could choose the spell, I could imagine it. Maybe. But just randomly selecting which spell in the chosen level gets lost for such a tiny one-time bonus? Useless.

And all but two work that way. One of the others is entirely unintelligible - I have no idea what it's talking about. The other (Divine Rage) fails to mention if it's an all-the-time bonus, in which case it's somewhat over-powered, or if it's a certain number of times per day in which case it's missing a pretty important piece of information.

A little thought and a little editing could have made this useful. As is, I suggest the $1.25 can be better spent on something else.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
[PFRPG] - Fantastic Feats Volume LI [51] - Warpriest
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101 Fantasy Jobs & Professions
by Rob B. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 12/08/2017 14:11:52

A great resource for those who run parts of a campaign in a city

[5 of 5 Stars!]
101 Fantasy Jobs & Professions
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Empire Builder - Settlement Overview
by John W. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 11/03/2017 23:17:21

this set has come in very handy it saves lots of my time, it is Awesome

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Empire Builder - Settlement Overview
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Mission Outlines Volume 1
by David J. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 08/01/2017 00:32:53

Blech. This is a series of sci fi "missions" generated by a random event/plot generator. Each page has the (very) rough outline of an adventure, then that bare framework expanded upon with attempts at narrative.

Editing was poor, grammar was sub-par, and ideas were.....odd, to say the least.

It's tough to mash together concepts that really shouldn't be blended, yet Ennead Games attempted exactly that, with bland and/or bizarre outcomes.

I gave up at the "mission" where a data courier is being stalked by an over-friendly AI. The AI thinks it's making friendship overtures, but the courier feels the AI is infringing on his life in a seriously bad way. Then a bad-guy's daughter wants to steal data from the AI, too.

It just doesn't really make sense, and when you're trying to Boldly Go Where No One's Gone Before, silliness just doesn't help.

Had I dropped more money into this, I would have asked for a refund.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
Mission Outlines Volume 1
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Quick Generator - Cybernetics & Implant Names
by Phil W. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 05/09/2017 04:41:50

Worth a dollar, just for the example combinations; Dynamic Bladder and Calibrated Tongue!

I'm not sure what either of those do, but the next time a PC goes in for cybernetics, they may come out with more than they bargained for...

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Quick Generator - Cybernetics & Implant Names
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Cult Details [BUNDLE]
by Darryl J. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 04/17/2017 04:22:12

Great bundle full of highly useful generators. Being system agnostic these are good for fantasy, modern or any other setting. The Cult generator is especially nice with how quickly and thoroughly the practices, history and vital statistics of a cult can be created. By dropping just a few tables the cult generator proved excellent at whipping up a secret society. A few rolls on the Ritual Name charts created some very impressive sounding spells for a character to use.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Cult Details [BUNDLE]
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Adventure Outline Maker
by Rachel B. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 01/02/2017 08:56:36

I was looking for something to give me a little boost to help create plots. I am great at filling in the details but sometimes my brain just gets stuck at the first steps. If you are like that, too, then this will be perfect for you. It is vague enough to work with just about any setting at all. There are 14 pages and they are packed with tables of information. You roll a die for each table and put together the results to have your barebones plot. Working it into something meaningful that fits your world is up to you. I love it - for me, that is the fun part.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Adventure Outline Maker
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Adventure Outline Maker - SciFi Edition
by Rachel B. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 01/02/2017 08:46:41

Simple concept, lovely design, well worth the price of entry. I can see myself using the tables many times in the future. The book is 16 pages long, and each is packed with tables to get your ideas flowing. If you're like me and you need a gentle nudge in the right direction before your ideas will start flowing, it's just perfect for that.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Adventure Outline Maker - SciFi Edition
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Adventure Outline Maker
by A customer [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 11/13/2016 22:36:02

For $1.75, it is what it is. I'm just begging the question as to whether it was really worth looking at. Just from a quick scan of the tables I can immediately see that there are ways that the logic of the entire generation process can just immediately break down or is just really unclear.

I can't rescue magical. That doesn't make sense. I was kind of hoping that a fair amount of the options being provided would also be a little more flavorful than just 1 word. You know- the kind of things that jog your imagination by giving you a concise but detailed description of what is to take place and leaves you to fill in the gaps.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Adventure Outline Maker
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Creator Reply:
Hi there, sorry you was disappointed with your purchase. I kept things vague for this publication on purpose, as putting in all the options and expansion was way beyond what I wanted for this, a simple outline maker. For your example - "Rescue Magical", that could be translated into anything with a magical aspect,such as item, magically powered being or anything that has magic. Again, sorry you didn't enjoy it, I will keep your suggestions in mind for future products - Chris
Campaign Chunk - Volume 11 - Locations
by Ben S. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 10/01/2016 11:57:43

A concise collection of real world places with legends associated with them. This suppliment describes them each in detail adding adventure hook ideas. If you're running a game set on Earth that involves travel to exotic locales, this is a great little pdf to own.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Campaign Chunk - Volume 11 - Locations
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Encounters & Events - SciFi Volume 1 - Space Derelicts
by Jay K. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 08/06/2016 19:53:32

Great tool for quickly devising one-off scenarios for an evening's gaming. Easy to fit into an existing campaign. With sufficient imagination on the part of the referree, most can be expanded into multi-adventure campaign threads if desired.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Encounters & Events - SciFi Volume 1 - Space Derelicts
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100 Dwarven Names - Male
by A customer [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 06/17/2016 16:15:24

When you positively, absolutely need an original Dwarven name. Two thumbs up!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
100 Dwarven Names - Male
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