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I usually pick up several products at a time and when I bought this it was the first I dug into. And I wasn't disappointed. This product uses a number of tables to generate the titles for b-movies. Many seem weird and might require some imagination to make work. But many spark the imagination.
For a product that is creating a single background detail (what's on the movie marquee / what's playing at the theater), this product goes above and beyond.
I would add too, that I put the tables into an excel spread sheet and I use it to quickly and easily roll up the titles. It works well and it is easy to add to it.
my only (admittedly minor) complaint is that I would have liked to see some sci-fi elements separated.
I love pulling this out and showing non-gamers. It makes everyone smile.
Trek to Mars!
Queen of the Dragonflies
The Amazons of the Necromancer
It's a somewhat useful list of planets and their makeups. Unfortunately, unless you are very good at chemistry / biology, you may not know whether the air composition is poisonous or not. A little blurb about each planet and pictures would have made this a 5 star product.
Originally posted here: https://theotherside.timsbrannan.com/2022/08/100-days-of-halloween-witches-brews.html
Witches' Brews & Potions
PDF. 9 pages. 1 cover, 1 title/contents page. Interestingly enough, no OGL.
The is largely a set of tables and various notes on brewing various items including potions, but nothing game-specific.
Given the randomness of the tables they work, but produce all sorts of strange results. Now sometimes this is great, but for a game like Pathfinder or d20 D&D there are very specific ingredients used. It would be good for an OSR-style game.
Since the material here is not really game-specific it would work for any sort of game really.
I could use this as a GM tool to get me started, but I tend to make potions that have very specific ingredients related to their effects.
The best use for me would be to use it to determine what any one particular witch has in her cupboards. Now that idea makes this product much more useful to me!
PDF. 5 pages. $1.25. 1 page for cover, 1 page for Preface/Table of Contents, 1 page for the OGL. 2 pages of content.
This file has seven witch feats presented in the traditional manner for the Pathfinder 1st Edition RPG. There are some interesting ones here too. The Stable Spell gives the witch more control over the damage she can do while Unstable Spell adds some randomness. Aura of Menace should be taken by all witches I think!
Certainly some fun ideas here.
The breadth of topics covered in these 100 tables is impressive but most of the actual entries are essentially meaningless, words thrown together with little consideration of whether the combination makes sense. Might help to spark a creative process by providing a bank of parts in need of re-assembly but as a quick reference for naming things on-the-fly it's disappointing.
These aren't inept items, but they are fantastic,
This generator is a handy little resource for adding fluff (or making quick decisions that you can fill out more later) about any sort of tribal society in your games. The tables are fairly genre-neutral, with one that includes fantasy races for D&D-type settings, but I nabbed it for a scifi/post-apocalyptic setting, and it worked quite well for that. I can heartily recommend it!
Also, the author was very responsive and considerate when I asked if a print-friendly version was available, because they went out of their way to edit one up from the file.
A thoroughly positive experience!
For the past few days, I have been testing out Chaotic Spells, a system-neutral set of tables for generating random, or
chaotic spells. (DriveThruRPG, two pages). I used Dragonbones (same place, 2 pages) as my RPG system. I created five characters and I soloed this with The FlexTale Adventuring Toolkit (612 pages). This RPG system does speed up combat which gives you more time to explore and loot. Oh, and I did want an interesting dungeon, so I used Castle Oldskull- Oldskull Dungeon Generator (same place, 83 pages).
So, the characters picked up their quest in the town and were at the dungeon a few hours later. Josair the chaos wizard wanted to cast spells during the first day of adventuring, but the other four characters would not let him to do so. They had heard some horrible stories about chaos magic. When they were wounded and out of spells, they headed back to town, but ran into a zombie soldier (which they killed). The spent the night at the inn and headed back to the dungeon. During the second day they discovered a magic wardrobe. It gave Josair an extra spell slot for that day. He went ahead (without permission) and cast a spell at a bat swarm. It ended up being the spell inspiration. He then grabbed some of his sand (a spell component) and started throwing it around. The bats did not like that, so the bats exited the dungeon. Later, they found a firepit which made a noise when they got close to it. They all gained some experience. Well, that has never happened to me before. When Verena the thief (see the attached image – artist Verena Biskup) checked out a locked treasure chest, she messed up and it started shrieking. After they found a bunch of heavy books, they packed them up and headed back to town. When they got there it was dark, but it was Market Day and everything was still open. They bought a small house. They went to it and asked Josair to cast a cleaning spell on it. He cast his spell and they all got a “bubbly” sensation. They were happy and did not care about the dirty surroundings. They celebrated and fell asleep. For the third day, they spend the entire day cleaning their new but used home. So, go adventuring and be sensible. Make wise investments. And try to keep your chaos wizards under control , , ,
Creator Reply: |
Thanks very much for the review. Always interesting to see how people use these PDFs "in the wild!" |
I've had this product for many years and have used this a number of times with my solo and regular GM style games to get interesting ideas. You can either roll, or just pick what seems interesting and relevant for your game and setting. I recently took a core idea and then used this supplement and others in the line to flesh out the rest of what I needed!
I've had this product for many years and have used this a number of times with my solo and regular GM style games to get interesting ideas. You can either roll, or just pick what seems interesting and relevant for your game and setting.
Recently I used a product by a different vendor to get a hook with a brief description of a tavern frequented by and catering to apprentice wizards. It fit nicely as my town had a wizard academy. But I needed a name!
As a previous reviewer said, I like the information about how the name of the tavern would be reflected in the pictoral sign outside due to people being illiterate. I rolled up a few combinations and came up with The Crying Harpy! I love it! With the idea of what the sign might look like, I think it'd be very interesting!
Anything Pay what you want should be given 5 stars by default. However to stick with the quality, it is good but it relies on evocative words and whatever it triggers to the GM. Expect things like "Planet - Paradise" or "Speed - Slowed" but nothing else than just that word. Accomplishes its task though.
In essence, it's a fill-in-the-blanks adventure summary, which is much like the log line of a movie or novel. To me, calling it an "outline maker" suggests a hierarchical set of lists (outline format), but that's not what this is. You get one or a few sentences that summarize an adventure situation.
It gives you seven templates: one that uses all the d100 tables, and others that use only certain tables. You might find individual tables useful outside of the adventure generator as well: Personality and Profession tables, Action and Target tables for a mission, Locations, Complications, Help/Opposition, and Rewards.
Here's one example of the full template, in which bracketed text comes from d100 tables: A [Joyful] [Prospector] wants you to [Repel] a [Government Building] that is located in [Deep Underground]. Along the way, the party runs into [Riddles] and are aided or hindered by [opposition - Pilot]. Their reward for success is [Map].
Creative interpretation is often required. What does it mean to repel a building? Maybe you have to ward off or resist the agency housed in this building, or you have to keep the guards away from the prospector. Or you reroll an element or choose from the table yourself. Or maybe you toss out one element and make up your own answer.
Fleshing out the adventure is up to you, whether you plan in advance or improvise during play. This adventure generator just gives you the situation. What does the prospector want? Why this building? Why you? What does the pilot have to do with this? The adventure generator leaves those questions to you.
It's system-neutral, which means of course that system-specific game mechanics are all up to you.
You'll find Adventure Outline Maker helpful if an adventure summary is the inspiration you need.
49 Beautiful pages of fast-paced table-based creature creation. With short descriptions and explanation of each of the features, you get to build well-detailed lifeform. The level of detail can be fine grained from size, age and intelligence level, down to temperature tolerance, senses, smell and favored terrain.
This is a gem, even more for this price. 114 Pages. It not only helps with vocabulary and techy babble of starships, it also exhaustively covers most areas of one of them, including government, and normal operations, down to equipment and propulsion systems.
It is based off random tables, yet this is not meant for being used in real time I think. To me it fits much better when preparing a game ahead of time. The results of the tables have about one paragraph of explanation, and it has a clear index and a print version. 5 Stars.
This is a solid tool for helping you create pre-industrial fortifications in a fantasy setting. You could use these tables for non-fantasy settings if you're willing to skip over the fantasy elements when they arise. There's a Visual Style table that names various historical and fantasy styles (without describing them), but several of the tables use medieval European castle terminology in particular.
The document helps you spec out the fortification, but it's not a map generator and there are no maps or diagrams included. You wind up with a list of elements and descriptions, but if you want to map it out, roughly or on a map grid, that's all on you.
If you're creating a fortification from scratch, you could use most or all of the tables to generate the fortification randomly, using your judgment along the way to decide what's worth rolling up and how it all fits together. You'd use most tables once each, and some tables more than once. Rolling it all up from scratch and forming your mental image of the place could take a little while, so you wouldn't do that in the middle of a session. If you have an existing fortification or decisions you've already made, you can roll on only the tables you want. They're modular that way. You could use some of them for ad hoc rolls during play to answer specific questions, such as the current status of the place.
There are a couple of tables that refer generally to the area around the fortification (purpose and general location), but there's nothing about generating the fortification's support systems, such as surrounding villages, fields, and other resources. If you want to model the fortification's economy, you'll need other tools. There's also no distinction between the features that would appear in a fortification that's embedded in a city, for example, versus a lone wilderness outpost.
The document is system-neutral, so there are no prices, statistics, or modifiers. Converting this to your RPG's stats is on you. Similarly, there are no exact size or population numbers. You get abstract size and population units that give you an idea of relative size or population, but turning them into specifics is left to you (if you want the specifics).
Many of the tables include descriptions of the entries. If you don't know what machicolation is, for example, there's a brief paragraph that explains it.
The document provides a method for determining how many military and civilian "population units" (PU) are present. The PU is a relative term, not an exact population count. If you have 3 military PU and 2 civilian PU, it's up to you to decide what those might mean in terms of numbers or subgroup roles.