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Silvervine Games Paper Mini Maker
by Mark F. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 01/05/2018 12:30:35

This simple template is easy to use and is perfect for building a quick horde of nasties. Recommended for anyone using paper minis and wanting a little customization or a ton of minions to dump onto their players.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Silvervine Games Paper Mini Maker
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Silvervine Games Paper Mini Maker
by Patrick G. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 11/09/2017 11:52:09

Great resource for those who want to make their own paper stand-up minis themselves quick and easy. I've made several sheets of minis for various games I've run recently. I would give it 5 stars except it only works with Adobe Acrobat running on windows. It does not work with foxit or other PDF programs and it does not work on the Android OS. If these limitations could be overcome (at the least, allowing it to run on differing OS, even if you still have to use Adobe), I would gladly give it 5 stars.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Silvervine Games Paper Mini Maker
by Kyle S. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 09/24/2017 15:38:51

A good concept, but useless if you are not an Adobe user. Since Acrobat Reader is an awful, bloated piece of garbage, I have long ago switched to Foxit Reader. The function of this PDF is not compatible with Foxit.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Silvervine Games Paper Mini Maker
by William Y. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 06/20/2017 11:52:50

Super easy to use. Super handy. Colour printer prints colour.

Great free resource, recommend to any and all who don't want to invest hundres/thousands of dollars in miniatures, but still want that imersive feel.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Silvervine Games Paper Mini Maker
by Robert M. J. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 05/07/2017 12:55:54

Fill-able areas for the pictures won't work with Windows PDF reader of Fox-it Reader.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
Silvervine Games Cyrus NPC Pack 1
by Robert M. J. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 05/07/2017 12:55:31

Fill-able areas for the pictures won't work with Windows PDF reader of Fox-it Reader.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
Silvervine Games Cyrus NPC Pack 1
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Silvervine Games Paper Mini Maker
by robert h. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 09/27/2013 22:14:56

This is absolutely exactly what I hoped it would be. I had a game session coming up and we were going to be playing away from our usual location. I needed good mini's for a combat that I knew was going to occupy a major part of this particular session. I was able to grab images of the PC's off our obsidian portal page and I had instant mini's. The group loved them.

The program itself is as easy as you could possibly ask for. A front image. or a front and back image and you're good to go. I spent a few minutes making up simple numbered jpegs for the back image for monsters. Now I have all the orcs/goblins/zombies/Mechs/Robots/soldiers that I could ever want.

The bases slot together and therefore easily fold flat for storage.

I worried about one of the players exhaling too exuberantly during the battle and blowing the paper all over the place. But I solved that before it ever had a chance to be a problem by taping a penny to the base of each mini.

I recommend to anyone who uses Minis for their games to give these a try.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Silvervine Games Paper Mini Maker
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Silvervine Games Core Rulebook and Cyrus Worldbook
by Anthony P. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 03/18/2013 10:29:42

I was first introduced to Silvervine only a few weeks ago, I had been informed they were going to be attending our local gaming Convention and figured I should go look up what they were about. I found the idea behind what they were doing to be interesting, unique, and ambitious (three of my favorite qualities in a game).

Come COSCON 2013, I've signed up to do their character creation but I hadn't seen many other folks do the same, so I told my wife she should go check out the game (her scheduled game had fallen through). When I came to check up on her, my wife excitedly told me "I made a My Little Pony Character who can throw daggers with her Unicorn Magic! You need to play this!"

So come the next day I sat down with the guys there and a few other folk, I was pleasantly surprised to see that their boast of "create anything" was not only valid but exciting to engage in. There are plenty of games that tout a similar claim but ultimately the process is long and tedious if not downright horrible (Yeah, I'm looking at you GURPS and Hero). Silvervine just didn't have that feel, even if I ignore the energy that comes from a convention setting there is a palatable sense of fun in figuring out how to make any character I can dream up without sacrificing ease of play in the process.

By the time I was done I'd created Connor Stryde: Gentleman Thief Teleporter based off the abilities from the movie "Jumper" (don't hate, I love that movie) and felt confident in his ability to successfully teleport through most of the game (I might have been a little overbearing on the GM because of that power, Ryan has my extreme apologies for that and my deepest respect for keeping a great attitude even when I was being a tool).

Gameplay itself was wonderfully smooth, though I have a gripe about stats that have literally no bearing on my character as built (Mana and Tech) I can see why they made the choice to include them for all characters regardless of concept. The D10 System they've employed is like and unlike all the other dice pool systems out there which gives it both a familiarity and unique feeling at the same time, something I appreciate as a long time -but easily underwhelmed- gamer. The crunch of the system did not seem to diminish the cinematic quality of player narrative control when it was handed over to us. Though this can sometimes put a player on the spot (I saw it happen at least once) overall it's an absolutely under appreciated type of gaming and I was thrilled to see it so seamlessly incorporated into the game design and game masters tools.

The world of Cyrus stood out while we played through our demo, its anime/steampunk/fantasy tropes were so familiar to us yet still put together in a fun way that players really felt able to understand and visualize the surroundings as the GM described scenes to us. While I was unable to read through the core book at COSCON, my purchase of the hard copy on Drivethru came with a PDF and I've since poured through a bit of it. Put together in a way that shows years of gaming experience (and just a tad too much time spent on JRPG's) the world feels "right" without feeling like it was tailored for gamers to like.

If there was any one criticism I could give this book it would be the artwork, not that it doesn't lend itself to the daring and indy feel of the book but its sometimes sloppy style stands out as the weakest link. If the boys at Silvervine ever decide on a second edition I would be remiss if I didn't suggest they find artists of a different caliber. However, that all being said: the book is still wonderful and there has been very little negative to say otherwise.

Overall this game was well worth trying out and eventually purchasing, my gaming group was thrilled to discover I'd gone ahead and ordered a print copy and I am sure we will be using Silvervine often in the coming months/years

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Silvervine Games Core Rulebook and Cyrus Worldbook
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Silvervine Games Core Rulebook and Cyrus Worldbook
by Robert M. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 01/20/2013 11:20:44

Silvervine Games Core Rulebook & Cyrus Worldbook is a Universal/Multi-genre rules system and bundled fantasy steampunk world setting rules book published by the eponymous Silvervine games. The Silvervine system provides players with a simple core mechanic and unlimited, semi free-form character creation coupled with a fortune in the middle resolution system. The focus of the resolution system is to put the power in the players hands to explain the look and feel of their actions in the fiction, along with an emphasis on shared narration, allowing players to ‘pass the GM Hat’, and narrate the results of actions in the game, and the reactions of NPCs and elements within the fiction. Coupled with this expressive, free-wheeling system is a whimsical, slightly gonzo fantasy steampunk setting that mixes all sorts of furry character types and talking animals, Humans, elves, dwarves, ogres, automauta and others together in a JRPG, manga aesthetic world.


The Silvervine Games Core Rulebook and Cyrus Worldbook, or Cyrus Rules for short, comes as a 322 page PDF. It features Anime/Manga style artwork of varying qualities. There a lot of Furry creature races presented in the artwork, as they exist in the Cyrus campaign setting. The artwork is in full color, with some black and white sketches, and is of good quality for most part. Like some of the better stuff you might see on Deviant Art. Though there are some very amateurish scribbles here and there. The pages are laid out as a two column black & white text with a fancy border design and faded background design. It is a bit busy, but easy enough to read.

The rules themselves are written in conversational style filled with an infectious lets play energy by the authors.. (I want to play a game with these guys!) Running comic Geeba’s in Paradise adds some humor and breaks up otherwise dry sections of the rules. Overall it is a well done document.


The Silvervine System uses a Dice pool of D10s. To resolve a roll, you combine the 2 most relevant attributes to get your dice pool. THe base target # is 8, to count as a success. The attributes are Strength, Reflexes, Perception, Knowledge, Spirit, Toughness, Presence. A rating of 2 or 3 is average for most attributes.. SKills range in levels of 1-5, with 3 being high professional skill. Skills reduce the base target number needed for a success. So a skill of 1, would give you a base target # of 7 on your dice. This core mechanic is used through the rules.


One of the more interesting game concepts and one that distinguishes the Cyrus Rules from other universal system is the central concepts of CInematics, Thematics and Shared Narrative. Thematics refers to the fact the base mechanics are effects based, a characters abilities are only defined in game terms. The specific look is defined by the character, this fits the freewheeling anime feel of game, where small, ostensibly weak characters can be super tough, etc. The Cinematics concept establishes the ‘'Fortune In The Middle’ function of the rules. The numbers just give the bare mechanical results, the ballpark. The player gets to explain the narration of results and how it looks within the fiction of the game world. Finally, the concept of Shared Narrative emphasises that each player have the chance to effect more of the fiction, including narrating the resolution of actions, the actions of NPCs where appropriate, etc. The idea is that the GM hat can be passed to allow each player to make contributions that lead to the most fun and memorable game results, by being able to narrate results in the fiction beyond just their character, as agreed on by the other players. Cool method.

These ideas and the free-wheeling energetic feel of the game is also brought across by SilverVines ‘10 commandments‘ which are included in the base game system chapter.

1.) At your table, its your game. (Rule 0)

2.) Thematics and Cinematics are there to advance the game so use them.

3.) Take Shared Narrative as far as you want to go.

4.) Players bring your special skills and powers into play.

5.) If it makes sense, let it happen!

6.) If it makes the game more fun, let it happen

7.) If you want to make a situation challenging, make it challenging

8.) Combat should be as balanced as you want it to be

9.) Rule 0

10.) Roleplaying is about fun for the whole group.


Character creation in the Cyrus Rules is similar to Tri-Stat/BESM’s freeform abilities. You pay xp cost for various semi-freeform abilities, beyond your attributes and skills. Characters are put into broad experience tiers based on thei point values, Novice, Journeyman, Adventurer, Hero, Epic, Legendary. Similar to Savage WOrlds rookie, veteran, hero. Which puts a cap on max skill level and Hit points.

The character creation process includes 8 steps.

1.) Determine Birth sign/ Archai blessing (5 element), which ties into Cyrus world background.

2.) Choose Archetype, broad outline of character of the form descriptor descriptor title, Warrior-Poet raised by Ogres, frex. as a guide to character creation

  1. Choose Race, there are many many races in Cyrus background, Human Animalia (anthropomorphic animals/furries), Animos – talking animals, Elves (Dragon, Green, Oaken, Sun), Dwarves, Feychildren, Ogres, Mechanist Automata, also Orcs and Goblins. the game has a Very JRPG feel with a touch of whimsy.

4.) Choose Free Focus Profession/Field of Study. Your characters basic broad skills/abilities.

5.) Spend initial experience points. Here you can buy skills, weapon skills and weapons, Focuses, Magic and Spells, extra Attributes levels, and Extra Hit points. This feels very much like character creation in Tri-stat, beyond all the attributes.

6.) Determine Combat Ratings, Initiative Mod, Manna, Tech Points, Defensive Ratings

7.) Starting Languages

8.) Equipment.

It is a fairly standard character creation system, with BESM and Savage Worlds being closest in feel of how it works. One point, I Don’t particularly care for the faux tribal line design of character sheet, YMMV


Combat is a straightforward implementation of the core mechanic, functional and workmanlike.. Actions and initiative are a traditional action system implementation. You roll 1d10 plus bonuses for initiatives. On your initiative you may take on full action, or half actions, etc.

Attack rolls are made against a R# (Resistance # – the number of successes needed) based on targets attributes. Hitting with an attack requires, meeting an opponents defensive Rating, by rolling that # of success or more. A hits deals one level of the weaps dmg rating plus characters relevant weapon skill, with each extra success adding another multiple of that damage.

Armor is handled as a soak roll, with each success of TGH+armor dice absorbing the absorption rating of the armor for each success, up to the armor’s absorption cap. Similar to the damage roll. Overall it is a competent system with moderate detail, along the lines of Savage Worlds or similar system. Though a fair amount of rolling.

There is another chapter with rules for the typical hazards, falling damage, explosions, poisons etc. Which are simple implementations of the core mechanics. Again, at first glance they appear to serviceable competent rules.


The magic system is handled as an effects based setup, with access to various powered spells dependent on a casting ability. So you're character would buy Magic Casting Ability Level 1 for 35xp, and be able to purchase and cast 1st level spells. Much like Magery in GURPS. There are seven magic paths in the Cyrus campaign setting. Animancy, Arcanist, Archai Ritualist, Clavian Cultivation, Mancer, Maingthian Corruption, and finally Summoning.

With Animancy the character learns magic from spirits, celestials, or elementals). Arcanists are master magic users and theorists, who can purchase and cast spells above their level with chance of feedback. Archai Ritulaization is used by divine casters who learn magic through dedication to Taeos and the Archai. Clavian Cultivation lets the character cultivates his own spirit to access the power of magic. For a Mancer, the character is born with elemental power in their blood, gaining bonuses to cast spells of that element. Those who practice Maingthian Corruption, have the character learn magic through sacrificial dedication ot the Bone God, or a fell celestial. The character gains extra Manna for his sacrifices. Summoning practitioners can use and create summon tokens, objects with contain avatars of various spirits, celestials or creatures, think Final Fantasy summons.


Done as a Gazette/travel guide style. Interesting Steampunk style setting with lots of furry races. I Don't normally like furry, but the style and feel of them in this world I find appealing. The sheer number adds to interest, along with the nature of the world.

The Travel guide is done in epistolary form as a letter between two brothers, interspersed with faux documents from the game worlds, as well as articles from the travel guide. I found it to be a rather interesting world, with some major metaphysical setting elements, such as the floating islands, and the endless sea surrounding the continents of the game setting. With its Steampunk elements, vast array of races, and touch of gonzo whimsy, it’s a pretty interesting and fun looking setting.


Overall, I like the Silvervine Games Core Rule Book and Cyrus Worldbook (Long title is long). The designers mention playing the game at several cons, and that let’s play energy shows throughout the writing of the book. The competent base mechanics combined with the ‘Fortune In The Middle’ resolution system and shared narrative thrust of play provides a stand-out design in the crowded field of universal systems. The free-form character creation combined with the JRPG fantasy steampunk sensibilities of the Cyrus setting makes for a pretty fun game to play. I’d play!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Silvervine Games Paper Mini Maker
by Ana L. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 01/08/2013 10:43:40

I have to say that this little program saved my day. I was looking for good paper minis for my game and there weren't any I liked. I had already some nice pictures I always liked but didn't have time to take it to Photoshop and make the whole set of minis. Worked perfect for me. THANK YOU A LOT.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Silvervine Games Paper Mini Maker
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Silvervine Games Paper Mini Maker
by William W. [Featured Reviewer] Date Added: 02/17/2012 09:21:19

A handy tool for anyone who uses a lot of paper miniatures. Works great, and let me turn any image into a paper mini.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Silvervine Games Quick Character Creation Guide Cyrus
by seth b. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 12/10/2011 16:39:59

Sivervine Games If you have ever wanted complete control over what you will be in a game, this is the game for you. The default setting is an Anime/Steampunk/Fantasy hybrid that allows anything you can think of. The system is very simple and allows for unlimited customization.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Silvervine Games Quick Character Creation Guide Cyrus
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Silvervine Games - Kings of Earth Penny Dreadful 1
by Joshua L. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 07/29/2011 11:04:19

This surprised me how well-written and entertaining it was. There are only a few minor hiccups in the prose, but they're easily overlooked, and I'm certainly not any better, not even close.

The story is an incredible way to introduce the world of Cyrus, allowing the reader to slowly be drawn into it at the same time as the protagonist. A 30-40min read at the most, but entertaining and well worth the time.

Simply put, I'd highly recommend anyone wanting to play a Silvervine game to give this short read a go first. Not to mention, I've been following the development of the book, and have loved playing and GMing the game as much as I can.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Silvervine Games - Kings of Earth Penny Dreadful 1
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Silvervine Games Quick Character Creation Guide Cyrus
by Joshua L. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 07/29/2011 10:57:56

Very simple to follow character creation guide. The best part of this is the scrap/cheat sheet you can use to take your creation notes and keep track of spent XP. A piece of notebook paper works well for this, like we all do normally, but the chart and such provided makes it more intuitive. The guide is really only useful for newer players, but I'll use the scrap sheet for every character regardless.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Silvervine Games Quick Character Creation Guide Cyrus
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Silvervine Games Paper Mini Maker
by Jason D. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 01/19/2011 19:44:37

I had no problem using this product, I thought it was easy to upload photos as well.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Silvervine Games Paper Mini Maker
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