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The map is high-quality! The actual PDF has three parts. There is an overview of the entire map in colour. The map is also broken up into several high-resolution parts that can be printed. These come in colour as well as B&W. All in all, this is a good product if one is looking for a temple map.
With five substantial buildings, apparently designed for permanence, this looks more like a “settlement” than an “encampment” to me. Two buildings seem to be sleeping quarters; one seems to be a kitchen; two (without doors) are apparently for storage. Paths lead off the map in at least four different directions (maybe five, if that snow-covered path leads somewhere). The map is large and brimming with story possibilities. You could easily stage several different encounters on this map, giving you good replay value. At some point, it could even become a home base (albeit a sparse one) for the PCs. Although labeled for use with the Illfrost campaign setting, there’s nothing here that’s unique to that setting; any visit to a snowy clime will create an opportunity to use this map.
There’s a lot going on in this map by Jonathan Roberts, created for the Illfrost setting but suitable for any fantasy RPG. It’s an interior/underground map, so it’s not even confined to chilly climes like Robert’s exterior maps for Illfrost. The complex includes barracks for guards or soldiers, more private quarters for officers, cages for prisoners, and a twisty cavern/tunnel system whose function leaves me guessing. The map is well done, like all of Roberts’s maps. However, this one would really benefit from a brief key with suggestions about how to use the various encounter areas. This usually isn’t needed on Roberts’s maps, especially the exterior ones, but this one is so “busy” that a key would help.
This large (40" x 26", if I counted correctly) map depicts a small inlet on a frozen coast, with stairs leading up to an ancient temple. (For the temple itself, get Fantastic Maps — Illfrost: Ancient Temple.) This exterior map would make a great stage for an initial incursion into the temple (if the temple is defended) or for an attempted escape from the temple (if that escape is hindered by enemies). You don’t need the Illfrost setting to use the map; you just need an ancient temple in a snowbound or tundra-type setting.
This large map done in Jonathan Robert’s signature hand-drawn style turns out to be one of those printable maps that would benefit a lot from a key or a page of explanatory text. The temple, designed by Don Pritchett for his Illfrost setting, has several features that I don’t quite understand. I know nothing about the Illfrost setting that I haven’t gathered from Roberts’s maps, but apparently real estate is pretty cheap there, for the architecture of this temple seems rather inefficient, with lots of unused space. I don’t really understand the furnishings of the entry hall. What are those crates, barrels, and bundles doing in that space? What are those long rectangular things? From the interior shadows, they appear to be troughs, but if so, why are they there? Is that a fire burning in the middle of the entry hall? And why are there nine small (wooden?) poles standing upright in one corner? A map product that suggests interesting story elements usually excites me; unfortunately, this one confuses. The spiral staircase leading to another level—not included in this product—annoys me a little. Still, this map pack is a worthwhile purchase if you’re adventuring in Illfrost, or any setting where you want a small dungeon complex with ritual overtones. Like all of the Illfrost map packs, the artwork fills the entire sheet of paper, and the pages are tiled with a small amount of overlap. You don’t need a full-bleed printer to use this product, though you may run into slight difficulties if you have an older inkjet printer that leaves a 1/4"–1/2" white margin on each side.
This is by far one of the best modules you can buy on this site, everying from the art to new creatures and items are top-notch. I love low magic worlds like this, very challenging and rewarding for you and your players. They will be blown away when this campaign starts rolling, nice change of pace from the typical generic DnD.
In my opinion this is a must buy for DMs, I have never heard of Illusionary press before but if they keep making quality products like this than I will buy everything they publish. There is even a free starter guide for your players and maps that look very professional for cheap! No complaints and I cant wait for the next module.
This installment of Jonathan Robert's Fantastic Maps-line is 55 pages long, 1 page front cover, 1 page how-to-use.
As has become the tradition in the Fantastic Maps series, the pdf kicks off with a one-page version of the full-color map with grids.
After that, we get 26 pages each for the blown-up versions of the map for use with miniatures. It should be noted that the pdfs come in both letterpack and A4-formats and that we get maptool-files for this map as well. Apart from that, the only additional piece we get is a high-res version of the dungeon level, for that's what this essentially is - 4 rooms and some connecting corridors.
I like the map - Jonathan Roberts CAN draw and has quite a talent for depicting objects and enticing, well-made maps. However, I do have a gripe with this map - spoilt as I am by the series, this one just lacks the huge array of bonus items, versions of the map without grid, alternative maps etc. The temple is cool and looks fine and creepy, but on a whole, doesn't feature any particular room that made me go "This is a temple". As a dungeon map, it's fine, for usage with the Illfrost setting, it will definitely work. Apart from that, I'm not so sure. Thus, my final verdict will be 2.5 stars, rounded up to 3.
Endzeitgeist out.