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Kids on Bikes: Core Rulebook | Roll20 VTT + PDF [BUNDLE]
by Sammie Date Added: 08/15/2024 16:55:27

I originally purchased this product because I thought it was the 2nd Edition of Kids on Bikes -- but when I went to download it, it's the first edition. Unfortunately that isn't made super clear, as the text in the bundle talks about 2nd edition, but doesn't specify it's 1st. Maybe that was my mistake in not checking first before purchasing, but it's disappointing to say the least.

Having the R20 conversion be bundled with the PDF is a great cost-saving measure, and its one of the reasons I originally purchased this bundle -- but I'd rather have the 2nd edition and just input everything into my VTT of choice manually.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Kids on Bikes: Core Rulebook | Roll20 VTT + PDF [BUNDLE]
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Kids on Bikes: Second Edition Core Rulebook
by Sven [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 08/06/2024 05:24:12

Use it in my RPG-Stream on and my Players love it. I started with the first Edition, but the second have additional passion in it!

5/5 Will recomment everyone to try it out.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Kids on Bikes: Second Edition Core Rulebook
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Alice Is Missing: A Silent Roleplaying Game
by Tom [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 06/16/2024 17:21:55

One of the very best gaming experiences I had within years. Every single time I start the timer and the music starts to play it is bathing me in emotions. Thank you for this wonderful gem!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Alice Is Missing: A Silent Roleplaying Game
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Gods of Metal: Ragnarock
by Skyler [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 04/07/2024 19:48:09

Straight up one of the worst TTRPGs I've ever read. A lot of the rules are missing, there's typos everywhere, the game's setting is an isekai (even though the back of the book contradicts that), and character creation is shallow. If you're looking for a heavy metal TTRPG, skip this one.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
Gods of Metal: Ragnarock
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Kids on Brooms: Core Rulebook
by Derrick [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 03/20/2024 21:26:19

It's a simplified system that is great for RPG beginners. It has rules for player safety and gives people who frequently have their voice silenced a chance to speak up by addressing this in the rules. Some people may object to this because they don't want to admit that marginalized groups exist but I guess if you don't want your 12 or 14 year old boys to learn that the world is a diverse place...I guess you don't play this system and move on.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Kids on Brooms: Core Rulebook
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Altered Carbon: The Role Playing Game - Core Rules
by David [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 12/08/2023 08:14:58

The system is just bad. It's broken at multiple levels and will leave you frustrated trying to get them to work. It needs to be pulled off the market and remade with a real system.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
Altered Carbon: The Role Playing Game - Core Rules
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Alice Is Missing: A Silent Roleplaying Game
by Megan [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 11/13/2023 10:08:34

I ran this in person as a ~spooky~ Halloween season game for friends--a group of experienced RPG players and people who had no idea what they were agreeing to. We played in person using cell phones, based on feedback/reactions, everyone had a great time!

Our group was really silly and funny, which wasn't the vibe I was expecting, but everyone got really into character. Because of the tone, I wouldn't say that we had the super emotional ending that others did, but the voicemails tied everything up nicely and brought some laughs and reflective moments.

Highlights: The game soundtrack/timer was great and added a lot to the experience.

I was not expecting my players to be into the idea of voicemails, but they did it and I thought it was a good way to wrap up the game. Great way for new players to get into role-playing--some of the people I thought wouldn't be into it really took the character creation and ran with it!

The character creation mechanics worked well and got everyone excited about their characters right away.

We did not end up using any X card mechanics, but I think the way the game designers suggest using them would have worked well and my players found it easy to understand.

Thoughts/suggestions: I was so confused by the time cards at first before I realized that there are three of each and you only use one. I do think it ends up being clear once you set up the game and re-read the rules, but I truly didn't understand some of the card mechanics until I was actually setting things up, even though I had read the rules.

The PDF is nice/good quality, I just wish I had gotten the hard copy because printing/cutting/organizing things took longer than I thought. That was my own fault, but definitely leave yourself some time if you are planning on print/play.

We had 6 people (1 last minute join), and two people just shared a character. I think it worked fine in a pinch, but I wouldn't plan on doing that unless both people are into it or know they will have a hard time keeping up/staying engaged so would appreciate having a buddy.

Our ending felt pretty rushed/kind of cheesy but I think this is because some of the clues got jammed up at the end and a lot of the pressure to tell the story ended up on one person. I don't know if this is typical, but something to perhaps monitor as the GM.

Overall, I would definitely recommend Alice is Missing. I think there's definite re-playability and it's a great way to introduce RP-ing to new players or integrate friend groups that don't know each other. Playing in person was super fun, but I think it would work just as well (maybe better in some ways) remotely.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Alice Is Missing: A Silent Roleplaying Game
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Altered Carbon: The Role Playing Game - Core Rules
by Edmund [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 09/30/2023 06:00:18

An explanation of the blue symbol is on p123 and like other reviews it's almost unplayable.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Altered Carbon: The Role Playing Game - Core Rules
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Altered Carbon: Osaka
by Groulien [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 07/06/2023 05:39:54

A Campaign Supplement with a premise too big for its 100 pages. It feels like there was an idea to explore Osaka much, much further, and a lot has ended up on the cutting room floor. As a result, the world building isn’t quite engaging enough to keep playing after the scenarios. Although the supplement is half-decent, it definitely needs additional editing, proofreading and play-testing (by those not part of the workflow).

Meta issues (2022-2023)

The original release (December 2022, to Kickstarter backer) had a lot of broken links and 'tbd' marker, which got fixed for 99% (December 2023)

  • The page size is 10.67" by 14.22", making it awkward to print.
  • The new history for Osaka touts serious changes, but provides no actual maps.
  • Very few (relevant) images
  • There is an Obedient/Cunning/Clever role system, but never explained properly. It just pops up as the story goes on.
  • No page numbers are provided when referencing NPCs internally, nor when referencing stat blocks from the core book.
  • There is world building for 13 locations, 8 factions, and 22 NPCs, crammed into a mere 25 pages.
  • NPCs don’t have stat blocks, which is a missed opportunity to highlight their qualities, and making them difficult to improvise should combat occur.
  • The McGuffin of the story has item details, but its use is never explained, leaving it unclear if the Skill Check uses a static difficulty or it is a contested roll (and if so, with which skill).
  • No pre-generated player character sheets were provided. This would’ve been appreciated as the core book is quite complicated/chaotic with its character creation and no published character sheets actually follow it thus far.

With roughly 22 NPCs spread across 8 factions. A diagram that groups these properly and shows internal relations would have made things a lot more comprehensible as well.


The scenario make up the bulk of the supplement (55 pages). The ideas for the scenarios are good, but the write-up leaves something to be desired. First of all, it has no summaries to preface them. GMs have to read the entire scenario before understanding the plot and intent. Some pieces feel out of order or incomplete upon arriving at the next scene. Scene descriptions are often pre-written, which is good considering there aren’t a lot of images in the book.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Altered Carbon: Osaka
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Kids on Bikes: Core Rulebook
by Jesus F. C. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 06/04/2023 04:01:16

Un système facile a prendre en main mais pas insipide. La méchanique des tokens d'adversité est vraiment bien pensé et s'intègre parfaitement sans casser le roleplay. Le système de questions de création de personnages avec les question vous fait déjà créer de la narration entre les pjs. Complètement fan depuis la découverrte de ce jeu il y a quelques années. Si il y à un thème de prédilection présenté, a base d'années 80 et de gamins a vélo qui nous rappelles des thèems a la stranger things, goonies et autre, il ne sagit pas d'un jeu a univers ou d'un jeu a secret, libre a chacun d'y mettre sa touche. Un jeu très freeform accés narration partagé et a un prix abordable.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Kids on Bikes: Core Rulebook
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Altered Carbon: The Role Playing Game - Core Rules
by Simon D. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 04/01/2023 04:14:27

I really wanted to like Altered Carbon, but this chaotic, cumbersome and incomplete mess is essentially unplayable. The rules are poorly explained, self-contradictory and often either shockingly clumsy or outright broken. Even simple things like tracking ammo and making purchases are made procedurally arduous for no gameplay advantage. Unnecessarily burdensome mechanics make the system an absolute drag to read through, let alone play. Worse still, the whole thing's so fundamentally limited. For a game based on a literally galaxy-spanning property where people live forever by swapping their old or damaged bodies for new or artificial ones, you're stuck in a single, poorly developed city getting constantly hit in the head with cumulative penalties for "resleeving" your character. Overall, this is the most poorly written and edited rulebook I've read in over 40 years of tabletop gaming, and the best advert for Eclipse Phase I've ever seen.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
Altered Carbon: The Role Playing Game - Core Rules
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Kids on Bikes - FREE RPG DAY Edition
by Daniele S. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 03/22/2022 11:42:03

Kids on Bikes - Recensione:

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Kids on Bikes - FREE RPG DAY Edition
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Kids on Bikes - House on Poplar Court
by Amy J. H. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 02/24/2022 14:53:28

I really liked this adventure. It filled in a few holes from the core book and gave a great direction others games can take. Looking forward to working this into my campaign!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Kids on Bikes - House on Poplar Court
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Kids on Brooms: Core Rulebook
by Oliver S. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 02/17/2022 15:05:00

I bought this for to play with my kids, i found the setting cool and the coverart appealing so i bought it.

But what kills this for me its is constant reminder in this game to have players think about ethnicity, sexuality, race and gender. Call me old fashioned but for my 12 to 14 year old boys I just want to enjoy a game of high school magic, not really have a discussion with them about their characters sexuality or ethnic systemic oppression.

But on the flipside, if those things are important for your game group you will find plenty there. Its just not for us.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Kids on Brooms: Core Rulebook
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Alice Is Missing: A Silent Roleplaying Game
by David R. T. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 10/11/2021 08:49:15

Just to clarify: My experience with this game is that of a player having played it on Roll20/Discord.

"Alice is Missing" takes the missing person scenario and puts a new spin on it--new for me, anyway. Its context is simple and down-to-earth yet still compelling. The game's strongest asset is it's emphasis on text-based communication. Prior to playing this game, I had gotten used to communicating with my fellow TTRPG players verbally. The change was a pleasant surprise yet very much welcome for someone that appreciates silence.

More importantly, the text mechanic also inspires a bit of creativity and even an emotional connection on the parts of players. There are things that feel more nuanced and personal when expressed through text compared to the spoken word. That was probably one of the creator's intentions all along.

At least two things prevent it from becoming a perfect 5/5 for me: one, there are certain character tropes that I would have wanted to have seen and selected from; two, the type of ending that players encounter relies more on a certain game mechanic than most other things. Depending on what pops up, the ending can range from extremely unsatisfying to cathartic. Then again, perhaps the true joy of the game lies in its 90-minute journey, not its destination.

Nevertheless, these are minor gripes given the value that Spenser Starke has provided through this game. Its ability to take a bunch of seemingly everyday characters and make them come alive in 90 minutes through player improv and text makes it a winner. I am now studying the material and thinking of running it for others someday.

All in all, "Alice is Missing" is a solid offering from Starke. I was told that an expansion for this game is planned. If that is true, then it's definitely something to look forward to.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Alice Is Missing: A Silent Roleplaying Game
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