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Shadow Hunters #1
by Flames R. [Featured Reviewer] Date Added: 04/08/2014 20:26:17

The story in this issue is fun and action-packed, from its jokes to its great pacing. There was not a single moment where I was not happy to be reading this book. There were a few moments where I did find the dialogue to be a little off, but it did not take away from the overall joy of reading this issue. The artwork is BOO-btastic!

Haha, I just made myself laugh.

No in all seriousness this issue does feature some top-heavy women, who look great in most panels. At times the angles seem to not be their friends, but it does not distract from the overall look of the issue. Great colors and a great use of effects add depth to the scenes that you don’t find in most comics. I also can’t forget to talk about the awesome design on the monsters. Overall I liked and I want some more of it right now.

I think that Shadow Hunters #1 is a great first issue in what seems to be a fun action title.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Shadow Hunters #1
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Legends of Katainia #0
by Volkamenia V. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 01/18/2013 07:49:04

I bought this to help support the aspiring manga community... And while I'm glad I did, I have to say it's not really worth the price. At the time I bought it, it was $3, down from an apparent $5-- which is actually pretty steep for as little story as you get in this. There's no way I would have bought this for $5.

Speaking of the story itself, it's easy to follow, but flat and riddled with cliches. I know this is just a primer/introduction thing, but it was cringe worthy. I hope it bridges away from the predictable, overused elements as it goes on.

The art was the weakest point. It was inconsistent and the pages which weren't rife with anatomical problems looked heavily referenced (I did appreciate the one panel which seemed like a homage to DBZ though. Big fan~). I suggest to study up on figure drawing. Real people, not just animu characters. Oh, and the colouring. It seems entirely traditional, which I appreciate. So much work would have gone into that. But the colours aren't leveled at all, and (I'll guess they're done with copics or something) aren't blended properly. As a result, they clash everywhere. Try and unify the chosen colours, or level them in photoshop or something after scanning.

I do commend the lettering work though. The sound effects and text boxes are placed very well. And that's not an easy thing to do~.

TL;DR - Needs a lot of work but I see potential if the artists works hard on the art and breaks away from a cliche storyline.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Legends of Katainia #0
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