TOP TIER!!! Muy fácil de entender y sencillo de jugar, pero manteniendo la complejidad y el terror de Cthulhu!!
hay que destacar, además de contener una aventura interesante, e intensa, se detalla suficientmente a ambientacion y el fondo histórico como para que el guardián de un intenso sabor victoriano a las tres o cuatro sesiones que probablemente os lleve jugarla.
Estupendo y coherente diseño gráfico y maquetación vistosa, pero elegante.
Como digo, una estupenda aventura presentada en módulo muy bien rematado.
Que encima lo regalen, es un regalo.
Es muy difícil hablar de esta partida sin destripar nada de lo que ocurre en ella. Sin embargo lo que puedo decir que jugarla es una experiencia genial, sin embargo no la recomendaria para jugadores con poca experienca en juegos de rol.
El módulo tiene todo lo necesario para jugar, incluido los personajes pregenerados y sobre todo contiene tanta información que es muy fácil adaptarlo a cualquier juego en el caso de que Cthulhu D100 no sea tu sistema favorito. Nosotros lo jugamos con el sistema de Ratas en las paredes.
Gran juego y una alternativa inmejorable a las versiones más comerciales del juego. Recomiendo jugar con el nuevo mecanismo de cordura.
A fun little adventure, good for a one-shot. nicely self contained, with only a few NPCs and locations.
PDF is corrupt and will not open correctly. I downloaded a second time to confirm it was not just an error in the original transfer.
Creator Reply: |
Hello Michael,
There was an issue when the site was updated, but the title has been fixed since, and an up-to-date correct copy has been mailed to all buyers, just in case.
Apologies for the inconvenience.
314> |
Threw this into an ongoing D&D adventure and it worked very well.
My download did not contain depicted product, instead containing a blank white page with the following written on it:
Wkuhh#I r xuwhhq#Jdphv
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Creator Reply: |
Hey Benjamin, so sorry to hear! I guess you either got an incomplete download or tried to use a non-compatible viewer. Please contact us directly and we will mail you the file.
314> |
Hello Benjamin,
There was an issue when the site was updated, but the title has been fixed since, and an up-to-date correct copy has been mailed to all buyers, just in case.
Apologies for the inconvenience.
314> |
What a great product. Very comprehensive and I've even used it in a Noir fantasy setting. It shines in modern though. Incredibly comprehensive, you can use as much or as little as you like to give clues to your players. I was amazed by how much material there was (and human physiology is my RL profession). The format is gritty and typewriter style so feels 80s but appropriate for current gritty horror.
A loss-of-memory scenario, presented without any system rules, and using descriptive terms to make it easy to adapt to whatever RPG system you prefer.
The PCs awake the morning after fulfilling a promise to a stranger, but can't recall the events of the previous night, or how they ended up where they are. The story influenced by personal mystery films such as Memento and Identity, and would be an excellent evening's RPG session with the right sort of players.
The entire doc has a very professional look to it, and the handouts are excellent (though not of much use to anyone without a color printer). The appendix includes tips for running the scenario in the 1920s/30s, and making it fit in the Call of Cthulhu mythos.
It's a very well-produced package, and I will definitely look into other releases by this publisher, based on the quality of this one.
Awakened |
by NB N. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 12/14/2010 20:29:48 |
This is an interesting little adventure if you are looking for a straightforward investigation game. It's written to be system neutral and has hints for translating it to multiple RPGs. Overall, it's a fun premise, but doesn't quite have the supernatural implications that I imagined. I expected much more of a twist at the end. However, if you go into it looking for a real world mystery where your players are seeking the truth behind their incomprehensible actions the night before, you'll be happy. I'm considering using the cold open as the start of a one shot where it does go crazy supernatural though. The clues and locations will still be applicable. It's just a matter of modifying the ending and filling in the gaps.
This is another weird one from 314 Games. It purports to depict a "typical" country house from the period 1850 to the present. However it looks like no country house I've ever seen or heard of. It has bedrooms for 18, but their arrangement is odd, with some sleeping in the cellar and a very few on the first floor (with more floor space to each bedroom than some HOUSES have) and the rest up on the second floor. Note that they chose to use European floor numbering, so the ground floor is the one on the ground. The cellar, if one ignores the bedrooms (which can sleep eight) is laid out like an RPG'ers' dream with a large conference table in a room surrounded by chairs and another large table in large open area. The ground floor is mostly functional, though again, overly spacious, including, oddly enough, what appears to be a ballroom, and the first floor is similarly odd, including an enormous bathroom that contains two stand-alone tubs and a couple of sinks (no idea how the plumbing connects on this thing!) in what appears to be about half an acre of space (you could literally put 20 tubs in the space and rent the floor out as a bath-house) and what appears to be another ballroom! Guess this family loved to dance -- and with 18 people had plenty of partners! Maybe that explains the "bath" room; all that dancing will sure work up a sweat. This one is a good deal more useful than some of the other floor plans 314 has produced, and manages to avoid some of the glaring anachronisms in other products as well, but at well over 13,000 square feet, it seems more like some rich eccentric's country MANSION than it does a house, and frankly, even the huge mansions of yesteryear were more divided up into usable spaces than this thing is. Not a great effort, though, at 67 cents I don't feel like I got ripped off.
314 brings us a fairly simple motel layout -- a classic cheap dive sort at that. Its billed as suitable for any time period from 1918 to the 1960's or '70's, however given the TVs and the modern looking washing machines and dryers in the laundry room, I'd say their intent was more 1950's to '70's. Obviously you can disregard them, but the lack of use of the layering capabilities for Adobe means you can't really delete them, and no blank layouts are provided. Another problem is the truly weird choice of perspective for the first page, and while rotating the view in Adobe fixes that one, it screws up all the other perspective shots in the booklet. At four pages, and given the problems with the layout, even at 67 cents this one was kind of a waste of money.
SPOILERS - This beautiful 32-page adventure focuses less on traditional investigation than roleplaying the theatrical mood of a mythos story. Even if your players aren't up for that sort of scenario, the adventure can be easily adapted into a boarding house "home base" where your players eat and sleep while conducting another adventure. For this reason itself, I highly recommend it.
This is a good solid product as a gamer's/GM's aide. The floor plans are a little strange to my south-western eyes, but I suppose they might make sense in the context of a major city where space is at a premium like New York or Chicago.
Floor plans are provided in a top-down "bird's eye" view as well as an orthogonal projection (sort of 3D-ish) to provide some perspective on heights of objects and so on. Scales are not provided, but are internally consistent, so you can easily determine what's human sized and so on. There is some scaling info (total size of the building or whatever), so again, it's not impossible to figure out.
Most of the floor plans have at least one, and several have multiple, plot hooks provided with them -- an excellent addition to this particular floor plan set. Additionally, there are blank square grid and hexagonal grid sheets included in the back of the .pdf.
The reproduction by DriveThru met their usual impeccable standards. I rate this one a "4," if for no other reason than because it is merely a play-aid and not a fleshed-out product per se. Still, if you need some stock locations in a hurry, this one works pretty well.