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Cyberforce/Hunter-Killer #1
by Keith M. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 02/21/2014 05:08:58

Good art, nice set-up to the story although it's more like the origin for the Hunter Killer group with Cyberforce as the special guest stars.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Cyberforce/Hunter-Killer #1
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Madame Mirage #1
by Synthean N. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 02/20/2014 01:54:53

I “read” comics for the artwork; but I feel that what is most lacking in popular entertainment is good writing. Because the themes of melodrama are ageless; a good story needs to surprise us with a creative re-telling of the familiar. I enjoy the topical premise of “Madam Mirage” #1: when they outlaw megatech, only criminals will have megatech. M. Mirage uses a pistol to battle supervillains. The NRA would approve.

Dini's dime-novel dialogue gives the title character a retro persona to match her wardrobe. The old avenger-vs.-crime-syndicate genre could do worse than to borrow from film noire.

Still, it’s the action and design of Rocafort's artwork that holds my attention. I’m not a critic, at heart, so suffice it to say that I'd rather be reading the next issue of “Madame Mirage” than writing this review. So, I'll cut it short.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Madame Mirage #1
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Madame Mirage #2
by Nate K. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 01/17/2014 14:42:23

A fun story, albeit with a few flaws. The artist seemed to have trouble (at least in this issue) with demonstrating movement using a series of still images. This made some of the action sequences difficult to comprehend. I could see the positions of the heroine and her enemies in the first panel, then I'd move to the next panel and everyone would be in a completely different position (or a completely different location), without any clear transition to help guide me through how everyone got from Point A to Point B.

But that may have just been me. I still enjoyed the issue, and look forward to seeing how the story develops.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Madame Mirage #2
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Aphrodite IX V2 #7
by John G. [Featured Reviewer] Date Added: 01/14/2014 08:06:02

History is a matter of perspective. Have you wondered about a post-apocolyptic world? In Aphrodite IX, we follow a woman with cybornetic enhancements face an earth hundreds of years after her time.

The Aphrodite IX is on her own, freed from the warring factions of an enhanced religious tribe against an advanced technological tribe. Now, she learns that she is in a time that is a full 6 Aphrodite generations into the future.

Stjepan Sejic has adjusted his art style for this book, and it's fantastic. His characters are expressive, and you can almost read the book once through without dialogue simply to enjoy the art. If you aren't a fan of his painted work, give this a try. He has the same storytelling and framework, but with a style that is more alive to a comic art fan.

One thing is for sure - you get your money's worth with the Aphrodite IX series. No "two-minute reads" to be found in the series!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Aphrodite IX V2 #7
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Impaler Volume 2 Trade
by Temo T. d. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 01/10/2014 23:01:13

Picking up from where the first volume left off, Vlad II and Victor, the Detective who finds himself partnered with the vampire slayer from the past are set on the path to try and do... anything... to prevent humanity's darkest hour. Vlad's best lain plan so far has been foiled. As has that of the US Government, whose ultimate solution near the end of the first volume mirrors that of Tepes' own mentality oddly enough, on a greater scale with even less success.

This time the story focuses on a few newer characters, whose own motivations are brought to light as they make their own way free from the impending doom hot at their heels, be it the few soldiers who escaped an overrun of a large blockade deployment or a wife with children warned by one of them to grab what she could and flee as fast and as far as she can, faced with a far worse foe than the nightmares at their heels... other desperate human beings...

...all while Tepes binds Victor to him whether he likes it or not. Yet... is there still another player in the middle of the man versus vampire struggle? Remember: When things look about as bad as they can get... It can ALWAYS get worse.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Impaler Volume 2 Trade
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Impaler Volume 1 Trade
by Temo T. d. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 01/10/2014 22:48:12

This could easily have been some kind of mere schlock horror over the top garbage with flashy super powers and one liners with the name Vlad Tepes II thrown on just to sell a comic, with run of the mill 'big two' monthly superhero style artwork.

Fortunately it is not. The art really supports the story with it's eye for light and the absence of such, not just for light itself, but the nod to the human condition. Can evil be fought with evil? This seems to be the crux for the series, and yet Impaler is really the story of a detective a few days from retirement when all Hell breaks loose... How he is trying to come to terms with a personal loss that has left him empty, how creatures of darkness thought to be mere cautionary tales to keep children in line turn out to be both very real and super deadly... taking the world over like the modern day zombie apocalypse at a much faster almost irresistible pace.

As for the character for whom the title comes, he is ruthless, merciless, and perhaps more horrible than that which he seeks to destroy... Does he count as an Anti-Hero? Or is he just a villain who happens to have the best interests of the whole of humanity over that of the few? Can his means to an end really be justified? Should they be?

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Impaler Volume 1 Trade
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Artifacts #33
by John G. [Featured Reviewer] Date Added: 01/07/2014 15:02:23

Tom Judge fans be glad! This is a one-and-done Tom Judge/Tilly Grimes story, written by the first team of Top Cow Talent Hunt winners. Kenny Porter and -Rom- were selected from the submission contest that took place at the end of 2012.

The story makes good use of the powers of the Rapture, although Tilly acts as sidekick muscle without any of her numeromancer skills coming into play. The serial-killing villain is twisted and evil, connected with hell itself, which makes the Rapture the proper Artifact to handle the job of bringing him down.

The story has a clever and neat ending. This comes with a reminder that there can be some good in our efforts, even if we can't achieve the perfect happy ending.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Artifacts #33
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Madame Mirage #1
by Nate K. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 12/27/2013 18:35:57

The cover image offended my feminist sensibilities, but I've liked other things that this publisher has to offer, so I bit the bullet and tried this free issue. GOOD DECISION. The story packs in plenty of action and intrigue as well as some strong female characters. I'll definitely be reading more about Madame Mirage and her quest to end corruption.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Madame Mirage #1
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Cyberforce #0
by Nate K. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 12/27/2013 18:33:24

This free issue has me highly intrigued. I look forward to diving further into this intriguing world to see what else it has to offer.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Cyberforce #0
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Twilight Guardian #1
by Nate K. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 12/27/2013 18:26:23

I enjoyed this slow-paced, thoughtful, and down-to-Earth pilot of what could be an extremely interesting day-in-the-life hero story.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Twilight Guardian #1
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Darkness #115
by John G. [Featured Reviewer] Date Added: 12/20/2013 19:16:07

It's all coming to a head in the Top Cow Universe. Jackie Estacado's "reborn" world is fractured and nothing like he imagined it could be. In the issues leading up to #115, we see Jackie rendered broken and weak. Even though he has been down before, we have never seen him so helpless, so dominated.

By this issue, we have become familiar with the twisted storytelling of David Hine. Now, Jeremy Haun's artwork truly shines, taking the characterizations of Hine's storyline and giving them life. You could read this book without reading the dialogue and still get close to the intent of the story.

This is a solid example of struggle with supernatural forces, with some intrigue and even zombie-action thrown in!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Darkness #115
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Cyberforce Rebirth Volume 1
by Shaun C. [Featured Reviewer] Date Added: 12/14/2013 02:24:02

If you were a fan of the old-school Cyberforce, then you'll feel right at home. New readers might be a bit lost or overwhelmed, but only briefly. This is a fun, intense, smart book that takes no prisoners. If you've never read Cyberforce, bear with it. It's well worth it.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Cyberforce Rebirth Volume 1
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A Voice in the Dark #1
by Shaun C. [Featured Reviewer] Date Added: 12/08/2013 18:18:54

Beautiful art, a unique, fascinating story, and fantastic dialogue. This is easily one of the best books I've read in years, and should be a part of every comic reader's collection. If you're sick of the same old super hero story and want something refreshing and different and incredibly compelling, pick up A Voice in the Dark. Be sure to read the authors notes/letters page at the end, Gray Matter, to find out a little more about the inspiration and characters of the story, and the inspirational story of the author himself, Larime Taylor, who writes, draws, letters, and plots the book, all without the use of his limbs. He does everything with his mouth on a digital tablet, and that makes the quality of this book all the more impressive. Believe me, you don't want to pass over this book.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
A Voice in the Dark #1
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The Iron Saint #0
by David C. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 12/06/2013 22:10:26

Really awesome art and a great story. I would get future issues of this comic

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Iron Saint #0
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Aphrodite IX #0
by William L. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 10/18/2013 12:45:24

I've read the whole TPB of this run of Aphrodite, so I feel I can comment with some knowledge. The art, as MattB below (above?) states, is stunning. The story, however, really lets it down. A lot. It's an utterly pedestrian, archetypal story arc that we've seen done dozens of times before, with barely any variation. You'll figure out what's going on, as Matt says, early in the arc, and spend your time from then-on hoping it develops something new. It doesn't.

So, admire the art, read the story if you want, then go back and look at the pictures again...

There's a new arc underway, currently, that looks more promising. Fingers crossed...

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Aphrodite IX #0
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