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Postal #3
by John G. [Featured Reviewer] Date Added: 07/11/2015 11:59:37

Postal #3 is a solid chapter that is better if you have read the first two issues. Even so, the book flows well and will suck you in, regardless.

Eden is the sheltered community of Postal. It is a town that is created by the bad guys, for the bad guys wishing to escape their former lives and associated troubles. People mind their business. Transactions are in cash. And the FBI has its watchful eye on the place.

In the midst of it all is the mayor, who comes across kind but rules with a loaded shotgun. The only law is discretion. The only town goal is to stay off the radar of the outside world. The mayor's son is the town Postmaster, and he is the focus of this series. He falls somewhere on the autistic spectrum, but it is clear that he is routinely underestimated and disregarded. It's clear that this perception will allow some big changes to take place as his life experience expands.

The writing is smart, and the dialogue stays true to sharply developed characters. There are interesting people here, and it's clear from how they act that they all have different stories. And writer Matt Hawkins continues to make us question reality, religion, and where morals are properly placed.

The artwork is made better by some excellent coloring by Betsy Gonia, who does a solid job of relaying the mood while keeping the linework clean. You can read the book without words and know what the feel of the scene is supposed to be.

The book is worth grabbing, either to complete the mini-series run or as part of the complete trade paperback when released.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Postal #3
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Madame Mirage #1
by Grant S. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 03/13/2015 12:56:26

Good art. Good story. Sort of an updated "Shadow"-type character, with some high-tech twists. I would be interested in reading more Madame Mirage from this taste.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Madame Mirage #1
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Aphrodite IX #0
by Wilfred D. T. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 02/06/2015 18:09:25

Interesting start for this cheesecake character.

The art is amazing done by several Top Cow legendary artists. But you can't deny its really meant to heighten the young male blood with its "voyuerism tendency" when the wind blows under her skirt thing.

What is interesting though is....yes, she is started as an eye candy but the later take on her character improved and gave her more substance not only in character but also her presence at the Top Cow Universe.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Aphrodite IX #0
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Witchblade Rebirth Volume 2
by Nate K. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 12/12/2014 12:23:14

Solid entry in the series that continues to play with the Witchblade mythos.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Witchblade Rebirth Volume 2
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Aphrodite IX/Cyber Force #1
by John G. [Featured Reviewer] Date Added: 10/30/2014 09:42:51

If you are excited about the IXth Generation coming next month (and you should be), then you should grab this important chapter in the Top Cow Universe story.

Yes, this takes place hundreds of years in the future. Yes, there are Artifacts, and lots of them. Yes, one Artifact in particular has taken the upper hand . . . can you guess which one? And there are some interesting tips and reveals that will satisfy fans of the TCU, especially CyberForce.

We get some more of the Pantheon, the special group of IX generation creations, all named after the gods. For delicious effect, it is the female gods who are clearly in charge and closely tied with the whims of "Mother," who descends from the Cyber Data Chairwoman herself.

The art is terrific, carried through in the "new" style of Stjepan Sejic - this is not his painted work; this is classic sequential art with the style and beauty that Stjepan brings to the table.

And you'll ask yourself . . . how can some of these people survive so many hundreds of years?!?

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Aphrodite IX/Cyber Force #1
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Velocity #1
by Everard M. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 10/03/2014 11:37:07

I enjoyed this quite a bit. I can only describe the artwork as "raw". The sketchiness gives an active feel to the panels which works well with the character and her abilities. It's energetic and kept me running along with the character. Really good job on the presentation.

I felt though that not enough was shared about the character's origin. We found out a lot about the doctor, but we really don't know much about Velocity. If that was intentional, then it was successful. But I wasn't given enough to become invested in the character. I know she has something to do, and a little bit of time to do it, but I don't know the compelling reason. I'm interested in what happens next for sure, but I think more could have been done to make me a little more interested.

Overall a really good showing. Keep it up.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Velocity #1
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Madame Mirage #1
by Pent G. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 06/24/2014 10:10:47

Good art, good story. I'm willing to stick with this, could be an excellent series if the quality is kept up.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Madame Mirage #1
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Cyberforce #0
by Pent G. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 06/24/2014 10:05:11

Awesome art, how can you not love this book?!? Silvestri is amazing, story not so much but who buys these for the stories?!? Love Cyber Force.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Cyberforce #0
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Twilight Guardian #3
by Nate K. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 06/16/2014 08:58:57

I'm not sure how I feel about this issue. On the one hand, the writing continued to be stellar--amusing without being over-the-top, poignant without being heavy-handed. On the other hand, the problems established in the first issue continue to remain unaddressed--her ex-boyfriend is still missing with no leads, the Dusk Devil is still out there, etc. And I'm conflicted about that. Do I want the story to progress? Because that sounds stressful, and one of the things I like about this comic is how it's so relaxing. Nothing bad can really happen.

I don't know. I'm torn. Read it and figure out how you feel about it for yourself. I liked it a lot.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Twilight Guardian #3
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Tales of Honor #1
by Nate K. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 06/16/2014 08:53:28

A solid adaptation of my favorite military sci-fi series. Can't wait to see how the comic progresses. Although I am a little surprised that they made Nimitz so large--he looks too big to hang out on Honor's shoulders. But the visual style is great, and the writing is solid and well-aced.

Oh, and the mobile game, despite being free-to-play, isn't completely terrible. That was a pleasant surprise.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Tales of Honor #1
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Madame Mirage #1
by M.Eugene T. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 05/23/2014 12:36:35

I Loved this Series- They Should Write MORE Adventures. I'd also love to see a Madame Mirage/Ghost Team-up. Paul Dini was as usual Spectacular in his writing and Pacing. The back story is engaging and leads towards a prequel or two. The Love of the two sisters and the unlife as a hologram reminds me of another favorite Character- Roya of CrossGen Comics' Sigil.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Madame Mirage #1
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Tales of Honor #1
by John G. [Featured Reviewer] Date Added: 05/14/2014 09:53:36

This book is my first taste of the "Honorverse," and it definitely grabbed my interest. The world created around Honor Harrington is rich and well established in this book. There is much, much more to learn in future issues.

While there is a mix of flashback to tell the tale, it is not crafted in a confusing way. You don't wonder about the time travel or sequence of events, you are just sharing memory as a way to learn the story.

Artwork is a painted style, and is well executed. It's exciting because it's clearly a skilled but relatively new artist that will only get better as the issues progress. The art reminds me of the earliest Witchblade issues drawn by Stjepan Sejic. It was fun to watch his skills evolve, and I expect similar progression with Jung-Guen Yoon.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Tales of Honor #1
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A Voice in the Dark #3
by Shaun C. [Featured Reviewer] Date Added: 03/11/2014 20:53:26

Still one of the best books on the market right now. Wonderful dialogue, fascinating story, and beautiful art. Don't miss this!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
A Voice in the Dark #3
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Madame Mirage #1
by Keith M. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 03/06/2014 03:22:52

Nice art, backstory had some flaws, but the main story is nice and stylish.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Madame Mirage #1
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The Magdalena V1 #1
by Keith M. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 03/05/2014 05:46:30

The artwork is good, the story is cheesy with a cheesecake heroine working for the Vatican and fighting evil vampires, but if you don't have a problem with that the story is fine.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
The Magdalena V1 #1
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