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by Andrew W. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 04/13/2012 04:57:27

Sometimes a model is the sum of its parts. The real beauty of this set is the modular design. Every item from the buildings to the ramparts can be built as standalone models, kit-bashers will have great fun finding other uses and configurations for the many parts. The French language instructions are well laid out and have clear, detailed pictures for every step. The only real negative is the complexity of some parts. For example, on a similar American model, a simple box like building will have the doors and windows printed on and most, if not all, sides joined on at least one edge. GPMS, probably looking at the conversion potential, supply all the walls, roof and floor of the larger building as individual parts with the addition of internal supports. The doors are windows are also on separate pages and probably best glued in place before construction of that module. That aside, the completed model is very realistic and nicely detailed. The conversion potential, as I have said, is mind boggling. Whether you want to create a modern fort or a simple shanty town, this set is definitely worth the money and effort. Superb

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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by Andrew W. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 03/30/2012 12:54:09

This is an excellent model for both fantasy and historical gamers. Very well detailed, if a little tricky due to the complex arrangement of support beams and stairs. The French instructions are a little daunting, if you don't have a great command of French, but the pictures are clear and easy to follow. I would have preferred the instructions in PDF format and the final build pictures a little more defined. In some pictures it is difficult to see which parts have been whitened out, to indicate they have yet to be added. The edging on the base is a great benefit to those of us who struggle to cut foamboard neatly. All things considered, this model will make a great addition to a Dragonshire or Dave Graffam collection. Highly recommended.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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by jonathan g. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 03/29/2010 14:16:50

This is a very nice model, technicaly a bit more tricky than some but it has an authentic feel about it that many paper buildings lack, as well as a comprehensive photo guide to its construction. The multi-level final product coupled with the complementing textured base makes it well worth the effort and the price....

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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