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Task Force Raven
by Derek [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 03/10/2024 21:39:29

Absolutely love this. Read through it right after purchase and I can't wait to start the game. Savage is the perfect rule system for this kind of game.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Task Force Raven
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Neon Blood - Cyberpunk Roleplaying
by David [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 12/08/2023 08:22:32

One of the best modern cyberpunk games one can get. A true spiritual successor to Cyberpunk 2020.

It's definitely a bring-your-own-setting game but everything else is here.

A solid use of the d20 system everyone knows with a couple of minor changes that make a massive difference and fit it very well to the genre.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Neon Blood - Cyberpunk Roleplaying
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Neon Blood - Cyberpunk Roleplaying
by Robert S. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 10/04/2023 08:57:02

A serviceable system with some interesting design choices marred by bad editing and a completely ludicrous setting. Neon Blood falls into the same trap as so many other cyberpunk TTRPGs: it puts a great deal of thought into the technical aspects of the world, especially as they pertain to the activities of the PCs, but seemingly almost none into the political, economic, and social forces that drive the conflicts in which the PCs participate. The result is a kind of silly caricature of a near-future dystopia that just seems to exist to provide a minimum scaffolding for technologically-superempowered violence and skullduggery. Which is fine if that's all one is looking for, but then I have to wonder why the authors bothered with a premade setting at all, when a chapter discussing genre themes and tropes and providing advice for how to implement them in worldbuilding would have made the game more versatile for GMs.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
OS&R: Oubliettes, Sorcery, & Reavers
by Michael I. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 09/01/2023 12:58:27

It's fine but nothing here you haven't seen before. There are plenty of better options out there

[3 of 5 Stars!]
OS&R: Oubliettes, Sorcery, & Reavers
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Neon Blood - Cyberpunk Roleplaying
by Jonathan M. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 01/21/2023 20:17:44

Let's admit it, it's expensive. But it's really good. Quickly bring your fantasy D&D group over to some gritty cyberpunk without having to teach anyone a new system. The setting is RAD and the production quality is fantastic. Lots of good advice in the book in how to get started running a cyberpunk campaign. Good old fashioned game table examples like we remember from the Basic books. I'm one of those people that learns best by example, so this really helped the game "click" for me.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Neon Blood - Cyberpunk Roleplaying
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OS&R: Oubliettes, Sorcery, & Reavers
by Bob V. G. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 06/30/2022 18:23:37

Recently, I soloed my way through the fun adventure Delusions of Grandeur OSE (free/pay what you want at DriveThruRPG, 16 pages). There is also a Fifth Edition version. This OSE version is a fantasy adventure for Old-School Essentials, but I used OS&R: Oubliettes, Sorcery, & Reavers (132 pages at DriveThruRPG). For the solo engine, I used Castle Oldskull Dungeon Generator (same place) along with a yes/no/maybe oracle. I created five characters: a ranger with a cave lion pet, a war mage, a dwarf, an elf, and a halfling. The PCs heard about a village in trouble. When they get there, they explore three locations. The village leader offers them a reward if they solve the problem. They grab a map and off the go. They travel for three days and manage to avoid combat. When they reach the mine, they attack the goblins who really do not want to fight. They don’t put up much of a defense and they run from the lion. The PCs loot the place as they slowly chase the goblins. The defenders that do fight to the death are the kobolds who are protecting their eggs. They die and the lion eats the eggs. My war mage saw the goblin wizard escape down a chute. He mentions it to the others and slides down it. As soon as the mage sees the wizard he starts a wizard duel. Another victory for the PCs. On this level they manage to rescue a human fighter, rescue an archaeologist, kill a monster, and kill the goblin king and his guards. They do find some nice loot. The way back to the village is quiet (a deity is involved). They claim the reward even though seven goblins did escape. They keep that secret to themselves. Give this a try!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
OS&R: Oubliettes, Sorcery, & Reavers
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Neon Blood - Cyberpunk Roleplaying
by Yagosh K. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 09/18/2021 04:13:09

This is one of the slickest and absolutely fast and furious Cyberpunk systems I came across. I still need to test it on my table ( and hopefully manage to convince my group to switch to it ) but from reading the book it looks like high adrenaline action all the way. The rules are super slick, streamlined, but in same time offering wide variety of tactical choices. I will definetly pick this one over anything else if you want high adrenaline Cyberpunk game.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Neon Blood - Cyberpunk Roleplaying
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OS&R: Oubliettes, Sorcery, & Reavers
by John S. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 12/17/2018 19:45:08

Upfront, I haven't had the chance to play this game yet so my review is strictly based on reading through the PDF and working with a few friends to create some characters.

This is a new take on the d20 system. It's much leaner and meaner than other games (D&D) using a d20 mechanic. There are fewer character classes (leaner) but that really doesn't feel like a problem here because the classes you do have are well thought out and make you want to play them. For instance, the Mage encompasses ALL spell casting characters in this game. It's what kind of magic you use that defines what your caster is all about. These choices also have consequences for the caster since the darker arts can come at a price (meaner). In general, all magic comes from darker places in the world...and this adds to the cool factor for OS&R. There are many other nuances that single out OS&R from other d20's and they all have me looking forward to playing this system.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
OS&R: Oubliettes, Sorcery, & Reavers
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