This author gives some solid advice, with practical techniques for hand drawing maps. One tip, is to draw large, then reduce on a photocopier/scanner: this shrinks your errors, improving the look considerably! He shows you how to draw map elements, as well, showing/demonstating what you can do to create decent looking maps, without software.
It will take you hours to draw out your maps -- it is not automated software, it is all hand drawing. If you follow his advice, you can produce great maps. It is still plenty of work. Cheers!
Always look forward to the Draken games catalogue, especially love the mini game, always a fun and quick game that brings a smile to my face. I am a big fan of PnP games as the cost is low and the fun is high.
Keep up the good work, and keep doing the fun mini games!!!
Creator Reply: |
Thanks Don! It's really good to know you like the mini-games. I don't get all that much feedback so it is great to know they are being played. The latest one was a bit of a departure from the usual for me, so I'm really pleased you like it! |
I can't recommend this little e-book too highly. For once it does exactly what it says on the cover. This book will get you making great-looking maps using only the usual office supplies that you already have lying around. I've seen many a baffled novice mapmaker grow in confidence after trying their hand at the step-by-step lessons in the guide. 5 stars.
Creator Reply: |
I'm really glade you liked it and are putting it to good use! :-) |
An amazing resource for planet building incredibly detailed and informative a great resource for any space adventure
Creator Reply: |
Glad you liked it, Chris! |
I grew up on "World Builder's Handbook" and "Dungeon Builder's Handbook" by Wizards of the Coast and they served their purpose well, but for less than five dollars, this little beauty handles planet creation a little bit better than the "World Builder's Guidebook", especially with mapping polar coordinate systems, a topic left untouched by Wizard's of the Coast.
Creator Reply: |
I'm really pleased you liked the Handbook and found it useful! |
I wish I had put something this nice and concise together. Worth it if you love to put a little real-science feel in your SF games.
I am a big fan of this sort of guide. It isn't a polished professional product. It is a source of inspiration and ideas. This is a step by step guide showing how anyone can draw a good map. My kids both read it, followed the directions and produced their own maps that looked pretty good. Now we can build new maps anytime.
In fact, I have followed these directions to produce my own maps that I have published myself.
It is simple instructions from a hobbiest, sharing what they have learned. There should be more like this.
Excellent reference if like me (and the author) you lack any real drawing skills yet would like to generate map in the style of J.R.R Tolkien ...
Out of 175 pages, 168 are the contents.
It's a 2d6 plus modifiers system (similar to the Decipher game's: Lord of the Rings & Star Trek RPGs, and probably a few others).
The currency is pennies, farthings, shillings, Guineas, crowns, and halfpennies (Ye Olde money).
The one thing I don't like is the 7 weapon skills (sword/club, axe/mace, pole weapon, unarmed, sling, bow, crossbow).
It could just be Melee, Ranged, Unarmed (would make it simpler - to me, anyway).
A fairly good range of skills ranged amongst these abilities (Combat, Agility, Perception, Craft, Knowledge).
Attributes are: Str, Dex, Con, Wil, Int (3d6 for reach).
The PDF has quite a lot in it: Bestiary, Races, Brief history, maps, gazetteer, Linguistics & pronunciation.
It also has a beginners guide, guidance on being a GM, Argor lite & solo adventure, an adventure for the main rules, blank character sheet and pre-generated characters, pre-generated NPCs, a city resource (Caradelm), plot hooks, technical manual, reference tables, and using Argor rules (or the world) in your own games.
There is quite a lot squeezed into the 168 pages.
At £5.13 ($8-$9?), it's worth pretty much a look.
I picked this up because I was curious as to what method the author was going to use to teach this technique. I was pleasantly surprised that it was indeed good old-fashioned pencil (and pen) and paper.
This is a great resource for anyone that thinks they cannot draw. I, myself, can draw pretty well, but even I learned a thing or two (the highlighter techniques come to mind here). The author teaches in plain simple English and the results are great.
If you're looking for one of those "use this tool" how-to docs, then this is not for you. However, if you are just an average gamer who would love to make some cool maps without 4 years of Art school and thousand dollar computer programs, then this is just what the doctor ordered!
For a buck and a half you can change your skillset. Not many things today can deliver on that!
Buy it...and start mapping!
Excellent booklet, well worth the price if you want to draw your own maps from scatch, don't have an advanced drawing program and are not an accomplished artist. I am not an artist but need some custom maps for my new campaign. I had drawn a few crude ideas, this booklet will help me start all over again and get a much better product. The detail on materials and methods is simple and clear.
I started a Savage Worlds space campaign pretty much off the cuff one weekend without having done any work ahead of time to build a cohesive game world. As I wasn't expecting to go beyond a single session, the fact that my group really liked the adventure caught me pretty much completely off guard. I grabbed Distant Vistas between sessions and based a lot of my game world on the material therein. The information presented in it is detailed enough to offer a GM a good foundation. However, there's a lot left open as well which gives me a certain sense of freedom to flex and bend things as I see fit. Overall, I think most people who purchase this will find it isn't a professional-grade product, but enjoy and be able to make good use of it nonetheless. Don't expect to have a 100% complete campaign world, but anticipate a solid foundation upon which to build. Also, it doesn't contain any GM-only secrets so the players can browse the individual articles to get a feel for the overall flavor without finding any spoilers.
If you’re running a sci-fi RPG that involves interplanetary travel and you, like me, don’t know all that much about the details of planetary physics, then you owe this resource to yourself and your players. You’ll need to track along with some science and math, but author Mark Wightman keep it simple, always with an eye on helping the GM create interesting yet basically realistic planets. Aspiring sci-fi writers would benefit from this book, too.
This is a well-written paragraph-based solo adventure. The difficulty feels right, and the consequences to your actions feel logical. As with most books of this type, once you complete the adventure there isn't much replay value, although I did feel compelled to try again with different character choices. I only wish that they had used hyperlinks in the PDF for those that play it on a computer instead of printing the book.
Creator Reply: |
Thanks for the feedback comments, Ricardo. During our recent re-brand we took the opportunity to make some improvements, and \'Last Stand at Kirrinbahr\' is now supplied as a bookmarked PDF to make on-screen navigation much easier. |
Excellent book, it is short and to the point !
This is not a set of tables to randomly generate worlds, we have this in many sf games anyways.
This guide explains you how do planet "work", what is the physic and the logic in their features, climates, etc. It is not too technical and it is very easy to read.
Once you have read this book you won't be looking at rpg planets the same way anymore. A MUST READ before going into planet design.