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Designing Hex Towns
by Andrea M. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 07/28/2024 15:57:52

This is a little jewel! Let me explain why I think so. First you need to know that by now I am 38 years into TTRPGs and going stronger than ever before. So yes, I have read, played and seen much and not only in English as I also collect in French an German. All in all you get 16 pages in v1.1. I page Cover, 13 pages conent, 2 pages example. Now, if you are reading this, you know how to use tables. And you get your fill on tables. Interesting approach on how to concentrate on the services that PCs will most likely look out for when they visit a settlement. My approach till now was more what would the settlements inhabitants need first and only then, especially when it isn't anylonger a hamlet but a town, what it could offert to "outsiders" - most also the reason while the settlement has grown into a town and isn't a simple hamplet anylonger. And exactly THIS questions get answered in a neat, short way so you can put a town up in a very short time and even know how many inhabitants there are and which quarter (Hex Zone) has which Landmark for the PCs to orient themselves. Good or good? Common buildings? - Check Uncommon buildings? - Check Dynamic Events? - Check To only name a few of the tables included. Only one litte sad point in the latest update, the example maps on page 16 are somehow cut and deserve their own page(s). But I am sure Loki will remedy this as soon as he gets aware of it and the file will be updated accordingly. For sure you can get into more details and there are enough publications who cover this all. But when you need to wipe something up in say 20 to 30 minutes - this gets you started. More details you can always add later.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Designing Hex Towns
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Designing Hex Towns
by Richard [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 03/16/2024 03:37:12

I enjoyed this title. It isn't too long - a simple generator. But sometimes I buy a product just for the tables. With a little adaptation, I was able to create a map for a distributed city (the city proper, and the 'suburbs' surrounding it) by adding a d4 roll to see how far away they'd be, and a d4 for how many districts the 'burbs would have.

You can see what I created here: I'm not claiming to be a mapping god, but the outcome is very game-able, which is something as a DM I'm always looking for.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Designing Hex Towns
by Andy [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 03/08/2024 08:32:43

The thing I struggle most with most as a DM is putting "normal" things into the environment to make it "real", but I don't want a dozen tables to roll on that still make me improvise everything anyway. I just want a list of solid random encounters, so this was perfect. Thank you so much!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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