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by Tyler C. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 01/10/2023 14:10:21

This fits some many idea, and gives so much more. A great alternative "low power" street level supers system dressed up in Cyberpunk that Old Magic.....

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A Savage Guide to Dinosaurs
by Todd C. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 12/28/2022 17:46:15

Good quality with clear thought put into each dinosaur. My players hate the unhittable Compys and fear the spineosaurs that can swim like very large maneating fish. We're having an awesome time with it.

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A Savage Guide to Dinosaurs
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Eldritch Weapons (SWADE version)
by óscar g. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 12/21/2022 01:55:29

Nice, cool and simple tool. I was just toying with it, just to see how it works....i´ve "lost" and hour on it.... Creating these relics also work as prompts.

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Eldritch Weapons (SWADE version)
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Fantasy Add-Ons Pack [BUNDLE]
by Kevin R. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 12/07/2022 23:31:54

This bundle is chock full of good ideas that I've been learning to better my games with. Very satisfied because I had been doing everything guessing at what worked and what didn't. Now I see what works for other GMs and how I can use that as a template!

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Fantasy Add-Ons Pack [BUNDLE]
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Creator Reply:
Thank you very much Kevin. If you happen to come by the Savage Worlds Discord, I'll be more than happy to get some feedback on how you game went (what you used with success, what you didn't like much). Note that the products are (slowly) being updated to work with the PEG SWADE Fantasy Companion (I'll add the FC-compatible version, and leave the non-FC version in case some people don't want to use the Fantasy Companion). First on the line to be updated is Tomes & Prayers.
Deadlands: the Weird West: Showdown at Sundown
by Michael P. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 11/25/2022 19:30:14

This is a fun adventure to run. I ran this for my home group. Just a fair warning, your players might be hesitant to actually participate in the gunslinging competition and found dueling for as a recreational sport with live ammo as profoundly stupid. Even our gunslinger refused to actually participate. It's the equivalent of taking turns shooting each other with body armor.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Deadlands: the Weird West: Showdown at Sundown
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Deadlands: the Weird West
by Michael P. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 11/25/2022 19:26:03

Played a campaign with this setting, been playing deadlands since The Flood with deluxe. Overall good quality artwork throughout the book, and game mechanics are solid, with alot of material you can poach for other settings as well.

The Good: The layout and art are pretty good and consistent throughout. It's very legible and easy to navigate. The game mechanics updates bring the game in line with SWADE, so if you are running swade the book is worth the purchase for that. Also this is probably one of the best versions of the enlightened kung fu mechanics. Lift that for a Wuxia game and youre off to a good start. Also the new focus on a single campaign county as opposed to constantly travelling is a good shift

The Bad: Personally, I didn't like the SWADE changes to arcane backgrounds. Hucksters lost alot of emphasis on dealin' with the devil, a mechanic that used to allow them to cast spells at a gamble of a poker hand instead of paying power points which recovered much slower for them. Now it's something to cast a spell they havn't taken a power for, making it a more situational gamble. Consequences for backlash have been diminished in all arcane backgrounds and now only function on a critical failure. Blessed and weird science are just other casters now, losing their unique mechanics. The mad scientist probably powers are now entirely trappings and function no different than a huckster mechanically.

The Ugly: As mentioned above the mad scientist is probably the worst thing in the book, but what maes this part especially ugly is the removal of the CSA as a faction. Previously the civil war never actually ended and the country was locked in a stalemate due to the arrival of ghostrock, magic and super weapons. It really sold the alternate history aspect and allowed us a fresh setting on a familiar map. It got alot more bland after that, it feels alot less "alternate history" and more "heres the wild west with magic"

Overall, if you prefer swade mechanics, its worth getting. You may want to consider revamping the mad scientist and adding back in the csa or using the lore from the previous editions.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Deadlands: the Weird West
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Savage Worlds Adventure Edition: Moon at the Edge of Oblivion
by Sergio P. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 11/24/2022 20:31:34

A classic "team goes to investigate adrift ship and encounters bad things" with some interesting twists. This is not going to be the best one-shot ever to be published but it doesnt try to. For less than 3 bucks you will get one decent adventure, enough to keep your group entertained for a session or two. While its spaced based, it can be easily adapted for a modern adventure in high seas or even a more cthulhesque theme in the roaring 20's. There are some typos that should be corrected by the author.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Savage Worlds Adventure Edition: Moon at the Edge of Oblivion
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SWADE Super Powers Companion
by Eric P. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 11/20/2022 13:20:40

OK, this is going to be a simple review. Savaage Worlds Supers hits that sweet spot between full narrative games like Masks and more complex games like Champions/Mutants and Masterminds. While there are some areas where this game can get complex (creating heroes who are higher than Novice), I do find the system easy to use. It takes the core of SWADE and uses the FAST! FURIOUS! FUN! system on a whole new plane of existence.

The powers are broad enough that you should be able to create a superhero of your choice. You have base powers and then you apply trappings to them based on what you want to do. For example, you can have a ranged attack that is anything from fire, cold, or a swarm of bees. It's all the ranged attack power but described in different ways.

They have a large group of villains in the book. I believe this is good because if you are loking for inspiration or want to create a world, you can pick and choose what villains you want to use.

Basically, if you already enjoy Savage Worlds but realized the core rules are not going to support superpowered adventuring, this is the book for you. I do quibble that it is not hugely different from the Deluxe version. However, if you are a completist like me, you end up getting it anyway.

Overall, I enjoyed it immensely. IF you are a fan of the level of crunch in SWADE, it is worth it.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
SWADE Super Powers Companion
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Beastfolk Menagerie
by Sergio P. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 11/09/2022 14:59:43

Interesting book with tons of new racial options. For a PWYW product, I'd say its worth its price. The Dino chapter is a plus that can lead to pretty wacky adventures. Highly recommended if you or your players dabble in the furry territory.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Beastfolk Menagerie
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Deadlands: the Weird West: The Crater Lake Chronicles (Solo Adventure)
by Péter A. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 11/08/2022 02:22:40

Savage Worlds is my favorite system and Deadlands is one of my favorite settings for it - it is just amazing. However, this book is a disappointment for me. It is not outright bad but it is not good either.

My main problem is that this adventure would be incredibly short if it weren't for all the combat... There is also too much emphasis on dice rolls, and there are no real meaningful choices in the story. The fate of every character is dependent on dice rolls, not choices that you make during the adventure. In the 1st chapter you basically go from one fight to the next until you kill everything. The 2nd chapter is either a boss fight or a chase and a boss fight. The 3rd chapter is my favorite one, but the bossfight is way easier than the fights in the 1st chapter and even easier than the boss fight in the 2nd one. To be fair, there is some exploration and social encounters, but an irrelevant amount compared to all the combat.

Some positive things: I really like the background story and the feeling of the adventure. It was cool to see that they included many of the hindrances, it felt awesome when one of mine came into play (although it was disappointing that it just led to yet another combat).

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Deadlands: the Weird West: The Crater Lake Chronicles (Solo Adventure)
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Rifts® for Savage Worlds: Atlantis and the Demon Seas Sourcebook
by Jeremy W. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 11/05/2022 15:16:40

The colors in this book are different from all the others, and they are super hard to read when printed out. Don't buy this PDF expecting to be able to print and read it :(

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Rifts® for Savage Worlds: Atlantis and the Demon Seas Sourcebook
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Quick Grids
by Guillermo P. L. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 11/05/2022 12:22:56

An excellent addition to Savage Worlds. In my case I had a group of marines who were in an alien nest looking for an objective and Quick Grids replaced a boring tunnel walkthrough with something rather more immersive.

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Quick Grids
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Pathfinder® for Savage Worlds Bestiary
by Viet T. T. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 11/04/2022 09:02:15

Even if you not play Pathfinder SW, it still provide you with lot of monsters you can use in your other generic fantasy game.

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Pathfinder® for Savage Worlds Bestiary
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Pathfinder® for Savage Worlds Core Rules
by Viet T. T. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 11/04/2022 08:57:11

If you want to play something like Dungeons & Dragons with Savage Worlds system, this is the closed thing you could get. Come with all the rules and ready to play.

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Pathfinder® for Savage Worlds Core Rules
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Intermission - Downtime and Projects
by Viet T. T. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 11/04/2022 08:37:39

Have no idea of what to do in downtime? Fear not, for Intermission is here to save us all from idea block.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Intermission - Downtime and Projects
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