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Deadlands Noir Map: Hexaco
by Phil [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 10/01/2023 10:57:17

Zip file comes with both a PDF and JPG copy of the map so this is nicely set up for VTT use or easy editing in GIMP if you want to add some coffee cup stains or create a torn fragment to use as a handout.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Deadlands Noir Map: Hexaco
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SWADE Horror Companion
by Nox [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 09/26/2023 16:47:49

Like ALL Savage Worlds products.....

It's just AWESOME!!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
SWADE Horror Companion
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Solo Game Guide for Savage Worlds
by Scott H. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 09/22/2023 11:11:08

TLDR: A good value and useful tool, buy it!

Peter Rudin-Burgess is the prolific creator of many solo add-ons for a wide variety of role playing games. He has a talent for crafting a set of solo tools for each system that blend seamlessly with the rest of the game's mechanics. His Savage Worlds guide continues by providing everything one needs to start playing Savage Worlds without a GM.

In contrast to Mythic GM Emulator, this system is easier to learn. It provides an extenion to the rules set rather than an entirely separte meta-system for running your game. This also makes this guide an excellent choice for those new to solo game play.

The strength and weakness of this product is that, like Savage Worlds itself, it can be used for any genre. This means that one must use a bit more effort in interpreting open oracle results for their current game setting. On the plus side, you have a single product meaning no additional book/system to purchase and learn for each setting. On the minus, you have less genre specific flavor. These elements cancel each other out in my opinion.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Solo Game Guide for Savage Worlds
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The Case of the Missing Daughter (City Guard Chronicles)
by Cornelius W. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 09/19/2023 05:38:32

The second adventure in the City Guard Chronicles series keeps the quality level of the first one: The layout is a pleasure to look at and works rather well, important clues are clearly labeled and the linked overview of the whole case makes a return.

The structure of the case is well-made (not too strict and linear, but always with useful clues what to do next) and also includes a bunch of other cases that you can introduce in different ways, which is a neat idea. Also, it doesn’t just follow the same formula as the first adventure, which was a nice surprise as well. Important locations come with their own floor plans. I hope the authors can keep this up!

There’s an quick overview of the setting included which also covers new Edges, should you create your own player characters. If you don’t want that, there are also eight pre-generated characters inside, which are not only an interesting mixture but can also shine in the particular adventure.

If you like fantasy-noir detective adventures, you should pick this up!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Case of the Missing Daughter (City Guard Chronicles)
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The Blade Mage
by ROBERT T. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 09/11/2023 22:22:40

I do not really do reviews, but someone put 2 stars here and I think that was unfare. So here are some random comments I made on the PEG forum.

It is pretty good. Some aspects are a little OP like trademark weapon applying to any weapon you are holding. But nothing game breaking. Occult should be removed as a requirement.

Needs some limitations to prevent stacking things like Channeling and Master Blade Mage which could get carried away.

My only complaint is the file size is pretty big so reading even in a high end phone/tablet deals with buffering.

If I was one of those people able to fully articulate reviews, I would review it as 4 stars. Over all it really captures the feeling of things we love as Fantasy players.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
The Blade Mage
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Creator Reply:
Thank you for the kind words Robert. I wish whoever had left the 2 star review had posted what they didn't like about it. As such, I appreciate your comments and I will take it into account when I look at it for improvements and revisions. :)
The Case of the Misguided Lover (City Guard Chronicles)
by Don [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 09/05/2023 09:28:34

As a long time player of Savage Worlds and fan of Investigative games, The Case of the Misguided Lover scratched an itch that I didn't even knew I had! This review goes into glorious detail as to why it is so effective: Yes, buy it!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Case of the Misguided Lover (City Guard Chronicles)
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Savage Worlds Adventure Edition: Customizable GM's Screen Inserts
by Chase [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 08/31/2023 07:59:11

Really good, the update to 5th printing of SWADE also brought with it an easier to read font size at the cost of the not-often-used encumbrance table. I would prefer a "Fear" table, like in the Deadlands: The Weird West screen; maybe in place of the "Interludes" table. Over all, it works great. I use this more than the screen provided in the box set. I recommend using with the landscape version of "the world's greatest screen" from Hammerdog Games. You can fit every rules panel available on here in the screen and you can pick your favorite art provided in the PDF to put on the player facing side.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Savage Worlds Adventure Edition: Customizable GM's Screen Inserts
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The Case of the Missing Daughter (City Guard Chronicles)
by Ville K. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 08/23/2023 00:54:05

Premade adventures, mysteries in particular, are often hard to read and run as a GM. With the Case of the Missing daughter, the authors have done a spectacular job of making it easy for the GM to follow the important parts and who is who. I really like the writing and the plot, but the best part is the layout and design, which is something that adventure designers in general should try and leard from.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Case of the Missing Daughter (City Guard Chronicles)
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SWADE Fantasy Companion
by Rodger A. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 08/20/2023 02:15:31

Well worth updating from v.1 with lots of new stuff and even update for basic rules. The only drawback I have found is that the cover and blank page for printing is not named but seeing as the pdf was not locked this was not a problem and there is no back cover or spine ready for printing.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
SWADE Fantasy Companion
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The Last Parsec: Leviathan
by Murder [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 08/09/2023 11:59:43

Recently ran the PPC for this adventure and IMO it's spectacular. Great opening thread that leads the PC's off in a certain direction, only to turn the adventure on its head and leave the PC's wondering what the truth is. As a GM this adventure is well written and well structured. The twist is great as well as it lets the GM create spectactular creatures with great powers to challenge players. I loved it.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Last Parsec: Leviathan
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The Warrior Adept
by Jeffery c. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 08/09/2023 03:58:09

This is a fantastic product that adds a new arcane background to the game and provides some unique mechanics that allows some fun customization. If you are looking for a way to emulate a 3.5 D&D style "Soul Blade" in your games, this is the product for you. I've used it in a Savage Eberron game to great effect and the player had tons of fun with it. I am interested in seeing a version more on par with the new Fantasy Companion Arcane Backgrounds, but this is perfectly balanced as is and you should bring this to your table ASAP!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Warrior Adept
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Savage Worlds Deluxe
by William H. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 08/01/2023 20:18:48

I've owned a set of Savage Worlds since about 2007... I more recently got the Deluxe in some bundle...

I wonder now why I waited. There is a lot to like in the rules; that they're designed for both RPG play and for Tabletop Minis Wargame play means they're not super heavy. That said, they still allow for a good bit of tactical play.

Is it Fast? Moderately, but this is where it loses a little for me - the initiaitve does keep people tuned in, which is a nicety, but it's also got some handling time issues, especially for the first session.

Is it furious? Yeah. Fights don't drag on, especially when PCs have decent firearms... unless the Toughness is high. Then it can feel a bit whiffy... hits are easy, damage varies from easy to really hard...

Is it fun? For me? Sure is!

A month in, using Deluxe and Deadlands Reloaded (SWEX version), and it's easy to handle the NPCs if using figures or paper minis. (I"m using mini-meeples.) Combat is smooth, and while I've seen faster systems, they don't tend to hold the engagement as well.

Hopefully, it speeds up a bit with more experience. Of the multi-setting games I've tried, none felt right for pulp... and Savage Worlds does.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Savage Worlds Deluxe
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MagusRogue's Guide to the Sprawls - Chromed Edition, a revised and expanded Sprawlrunners supplement
by Steven L. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 07/20/2023 11:18:09

This is an essential supplelment to Sprawlrunners! The additional character options got my players pretty excited to build back up characters and we are using the rules provided to increase options for our current characters. I love the fact that it includes recommendations on incorporating the Fantasy and Horror Companions. As a GM my favorite part is the extensive list of Threats to use in my games. It's a great value for the price.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
MagusRogue's Guide to the Sprawls - Chromed Edition, a revised and expanded Sprawlrunners supplement
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Deadlands Classic: Law Dogs
by Robert Y. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 07/15/2023 05:44:09

It's a shame this edition has been "updated" to Revised Deadlands; reduces its usefulness for Original Deadlands. The cover is better than the original edition of Law Dogs. In the Weapons Tables, I'm assuming ROF 2 equates to Speed 1 and ROF 1 equates to Speed 2. The text does not mention that The Laughing Men are also detailed in The Quick & The Dead.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Deadlands Classic: Law Dogs
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Deadlands Reloaded: Devil's Night
by Robert Y. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 07/15/2023 05:41:30

My player liked this scenario and gave it a solid 8 out of 10. He didn't think that two red herrings were too much. It's a shame there were no stats for the Coachman, but they would have been for the wrong edition anyway. I just treated him as Harrowed. In Classic Deadlands I'm assuming that the crucifix gives its wearer 1 point of armour against sources of ee-vill.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Deadlands Reloaded: Devil's Night
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