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Thirst For Adventure
by Sean [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 01/14/2024 07:52:20

There is nothing quite as fun as a party member descending a rope into a giant beer keg to scoop up some booze, unable to see the bottom due to a large veil of foam, only for them in question to be knocked from the rope by a jet of beer from a beer elemental lurking beneath the surface and proceeding to fall into an ocean of beer, drowning while getting progressively more drunk, leaving the party up above wondering what on earth happened as all they heard through the murkiness of the foam was the flowing of water followed by a sudden splash, scurrying to mount a rescue operation into the intoxicating depths.

And that was just one part of the shenanigans that happened while trying to steal the best booze to ever be distilled in the realm! Containing exploration, social encounters with a wizard very proud of her creations, some minor combat along the way, and a large overarching puzzle, this is a very fun heist adventure that doesn't overstay its welcome. Which befits its comedic and silly nature! It took us about two sessions to complete this quest, one session of preparation and the beginning of the infiltration and another to properly explore the place and solve the puzzle.

Perfect to run as either a oneshot or as a short and silly intermezzo in a longer and more grounded campaign. Definitely recommended!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Thirst For Adventure
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The Case of the Misguided Lover (City Guard Chronicles)
by Niels E. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 01/02/2024 04:27:35

This is a well-written supplement with a good structure that makes it easy to run. If you ever wanted to run a fantasy law enforcement campaign in a big city setting, this is the perfect series.

Personally, I've used the series as the start of a Curse of the Crimson Throne campaign (Savage Pathfinder). It adapts easily to Korvosa and gives a much better framework around that plot point campaign than the standard CotCT hook. Warmly recommended! :D

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Case of the Misguided Lover (City Guard Chronicles)
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The Case of the Siren's Song (City Guard Chronicles)
by Cornelius [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 12/07/2023 16:40:59

The Case of the Siren's Song is bit shorter than the first two cases and saves the action parts for the big finale, but I don't think it's too short for an adventure or has boring parts. As I already got used to when it comes to the City Guard Chronicles, all the clues and connections are rather well depicted, making this really easy to understand and run. The case itself is a great one, too – not too complicated, but surprising enough without seeming artificial. The authors apparently don't get tired coming up with new pre-gens, either. The ones coming with this case are a bit more unusual than the previous ones, emphasizing the fact that the guard really employs everyo- I mean, recruits members from all walks of life. All in all, another great adventure in the CGC series!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Case of the Siren's Song (City Guard Chronicles)
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The Case of the Misguided Lover (City Guard Chronicles)
by Robert [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 11/30/2023 18:51:38

After a recent stint of binge watching police procedural shows I had a thought: “What if there was a police procedural in a fantasy city?” Well, needless to say that I immediately started thinking of ideas for such a game. Eventually I settled on Savage Worlds as a rule set that I thought could be used to tell such stories: It’s robust, yet relatively easy mechanics being just the right tool for stories that mix heavy drama, high action, and a bit of investigative meandering. Eventually I thought about possibly using this as an excuse to flex some muscles and get some ideas down on paper. After all, there is no way that anyone else would be interested in something like this other than myself, right?

I am so very glad that I couldn’t have been more wrong on that! As The City Guard Chronicles blew every idea that I had out of the water and did it in a more dynamic and elegant way! All the lavish wonder and splendor is presented in clear yet only partially defined ways, allowing room for boundless creativity of the game master and the players to define the individual elements and districts. The level of polish and detail for the setting elements is nothing short of wonderful. The written material holds strong and fast to its important core themes making it easy for enterprising Game Masters and Players to play within the bounds and concepts presented, without it feeling like something is shoehorned in, or oddly out of place.

Coming across the City Guard Chronicles, and the Case of the Misguided Lover was an amazing amalgamation of luck and joyful surprise that this hobby can bring. I can’t wait to see more of the City Guard Chronicles! And I don’t think you will be disappointed either. If you want a fun, sprawling maze of classic Police Procedural action in a crime laden fantasy city you can’t do better than this! I can’t wait to try and get a proper game going and bring this to the table of fellow interested players.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Case of the Misguided Lover (City Guard Chronicles)
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Sharp Knives & Dark Streets (SWADE micro-setting and solo rules)
by Brian [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 11/30/2023 18:45:25

Woolcock makes some of the best third-party Savage Worlds stuff out there, always has. Sharp Knives & Dark Streets is a micro-setting and toolkit for running urban fantasy adventures, the kind that deals with thieves' guilds and nefarious back-alley plots in a dark fantasy milieu. It's like a cross between Lankhmar and the Blades in the Dark roleplaying game, and packs a lot of good stuff in a small package.

It starts with three new Setting Rules that help capture the flavor of the setting, including one for utilizing flashbacks during a heist and another for retroactively declaring one brought a needed tool along for the job — reminiscent of similar innovative mechanics from Blades in the Dark, and that really improve these kinds of stories.

There's a section that talks about simplified NPCs, which reduces the need for separate stat blocks for every random person the heroes might encounter. Nice.

Finally on this page is a "roll 3d6" mission generator that is similar to the kind used in Lasers & Feelings. It can generate tons of quick & dirty adventures in a pinch. The next page expands on the options from this table.

From here we get a condensed micro-setting: Stormgate, City of Serpents. This is an ancient, corrupt, walled port city, the kind you might find in a typical fantasy world. Twenty distinct locations are summarized in brief, and a full-color map follows.

The last section is a primer on doing some solo gaming in this setting (or any setting, really). Without rambling or overly-complicating things, it tells you how to frame adventures as a series of questions — yes/no, scaled, or complex, each with tips on how to use dice to derive an answer. It talks about scene progression, then ends with a full page of random tables for things like events, people, and places.

Sharp Knives and Dark Streets ends with six pregens, presented in both Novice and Seasoned form.

You'll need Savage Worlds to use this to full effect (especially when dealing with the pregens) but a lot of the stuff here isn't necessarily system-dependent and could be used with other roleplaying games.

Personally, I'd like to see Stormgate expanded into a larger setting at some point. Then again, I'm always a sucker for dark, urban fantasy settings. If you already have Pinnacle's Fantasy Companion this makes a nice supplement, as it doesn't attempt to cover any of the same ground. But the Fantasy Companion isn't required at all. Overall, a great product!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Sharp Knives & Dark Streets (SWADE micro-setting and solo rules)
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SWADE Fantasy Companion
by Eric [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 11/27/2023 17:31:40

I find this a wonderful companion book if you are not interested in running Pathfinder.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
SWADE Fantasy Companion
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Furious Magic
by Nox [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 11/20/2023 06:45:21

Used this and made a custom AB for a space opera game that was a "Not Jedi™". It worked exceptionally well for that!

Geberally this entire alternate npp ruleset ia very solid.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Furious Magic
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Rebels of Havenwood
by Tyler [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 11/13/2023 22:09:36

A fantastic example of low fantasy goodness. Just don't take the anthropomorphic out of it. A lot of good work went into making it seamless and fun, so don't skip it. I can easily use this for any sort of fantasy adventure that I can come up with. I may have to use it for Savage Dolmenwood (a nifty OSR Old School Essentials campaign setting). Great takes on ABs. Great integration with the recent Companions. Just a rock solid book all around.

But you know, if I could make this a basis for a Spelljammer campaign, that would be awesome

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Rebels of Havenwood
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Fighters & Warlords (Fantasy Add-On)
by Elizabeth/Barb [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 11/09/2023 15:53:05

i love it, cept for one tiny tiny issue. some parts of the pdf are sticky, and i have a hard time using it, as it either goes slow like molasses, or it zooms several pages down in a heartbeat

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Fighters & Warlords (Fantasy Add-On)
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Savage Worlds Adventure Edition
by Jonas [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 11/07/2023 15:29:12

Savage Worlds was my first roleplay system and i still love it.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Savage Worlds Adventure Edition
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Intuitive GM Journal sheets
by Jonathan [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 10/19/2023 08:49:51

The sheet is a great format to record information from the session and to remember what to plan for next. My only criticism is that it isn't form fillable.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Intuitive GM Journal sheets
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Necessary Evil: Invasion (Revised)
by Yann [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 10/12/2023 12:04:23

So, I'm a bit disapointed by this product.

To be honest, I am running the Necessary Evil Campaign with the Supers! Revised Edition rules and not Savage Worlds and I already own the Explorer Edition (both PDF and print). I didn't really need the updated version but I still bought it out of curiosity and to see if there was new stuff.

The good : art is very good, I like the random encounter mission complications also.

The bad : well, apparently there is at least one statblock which is incorrect. The Shocklord. His template isn't even an update but a totally different character a lot like the v'sori scientist statblock.

Another issue to me : in Explorer, everything you need for the setting is included like gear for instance. In Revised, the special v'sori in the SWADE Super Powers Companion (I own it so I checked).

And about that. The v'sori shocklord on the Swade spc has the same issue

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Necessary Evil: Invasion (Revised)
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Pathfinder® for Savage Worlds Action Deck
by Pedro [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 10/10/2023 13:52:39

Numbers and icons are crooked and misaligned, There are no spaces between the letters for cutting,borderless...Bad product!

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Pathfinder® for Savage Worlds Action Deck
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Deadlands: Night Train - Nosferatu Creature Feature
by Michael H. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 10/05/2023 16:44:38

Blood drinkers stalk the railways of Deadlands! This is an excellent snippet of material that can easily be used in any Deadlands (or Savage Worlds) game. Am I excited for Night Train? Even more so now!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Deadlands: Night Train - Nosferatu Creature Feature
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Savage Worlds Adventure Edition
by Paul [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 10/04/2023 04:33:30

I am a little late getting on the SW train, but glad I finally did. This is a great system. Definitely worth getting.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Savage Worlds Adventure Edition
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