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SWADE Science Fiction Companion
by Joshua [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 09/23/2024 09:35:59

The Savage Worlds system is excellent at being adapted to any genre you can imagine. These companions assist in doing this for specific genres and add significant value to your Savage Worlds toolbox.

The Sci-Fi companion adds a lot of details and options to make your Sci-Fi game, regardless of the type of sci-fi, something your players will talk about well after it is over.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
SWADE Science Fiction Companion
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The Case of the Misguided Lover (City Guard Chronicles)
by Benjamin [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 09/22/2024 04:25:14

A well-written adventure that's easy for a Game Master to get to grips with, not least because it's straight to the point, can be integrated into our worlds and is coherent in its own right. It's a very good idea to transpose the world of modern investigations into fantasy (and, by the way, that's what Savage Worlds is all about), and the authors have played creatively with the rules. It's probably a little short (because the exposition of the universe, even if short, takes up a lot of space), but the following adventures should more than make up for that.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
The Case of the Misguided Lover (City Guard Chronicles)
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Savage Worlds Fantasy Companion
by Matthew [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 09/14/2024 20:43:49

Great game. This is the best rpg system out there.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Savage Worlds Fantasy Companion
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Intermission - Downtime and Projects
by John [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 08/31/2024 21:54:09

Textbook example of a great supplement. Useful, clearly explained new rules. Plentiful examples. Explanations of how to adapt existing Edges and Hindrances to the new mechanics. Professional layout. I’m absolutely looking forward to more of this designers work.

As someone who’s been playing Savage Worlds for 20 years, can’t recommend this strongly enough.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Intermission - Downtime and Projects
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Small Cases - The Bank Negotiations One Sheet (City Guard Chronicles)
by Cornelius [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 07/21/2024 12:08:12

A great small adventure for the CGC setting. I could run it easily after reading through it once quickly and it contains enough helpful tips and suggestions about the mechanics that you can actually finish it in one short evening without rushing or cutting too much.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Small Cases - The Bank Negotiations One Sheet (City Guard Chronicles)
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Savage Worlds Adventure Edition
by Charlie [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 07/15/2024 18:54:39

Such a great system. Simple to use and understand. Crunchy enough to give characters solid detail but not so much to make the system cumbersome. A lot of baseline things such as cards for initiative just make so much sense once you see them in play.

The only system that can handle RIFTs and do it right. I'm not sure if I can give more praise than that.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Savage Worlds Adventure Edition
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Pathfinder® for Savage Worlds Bestiary
by Matt [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 07/14/2024 20:51:34

I love this bestiary and I'm not even using it in a fantasy setting. I'm using this to create stats for paranormal animals in a Savage Shadowrun setting. There are so many unique combinations of powers and abilities that it makes each creature feel unique and dangerous in different ways and I'm very pleased with wide variety of different creatures to use.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Pathfinder® for Savage Worlds Bestiary
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Small Cases - The Runaway Bard One Sheet (City Guard Chronicles)
by Niels E. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 07/12/2024 03:13:32

We ran this as part of our City Guard Chronicles / Curse of the Crimson Throne SWADE Pathfinder campaign. It was easy to adapt to fit seamlessly into our campaign, and gave me a great opportunity to write some protest song lyrics featuring the by now very famous City Guard Investigator PCs - giving them a good reason to get this bard off the streets and down to the Citadel where the Grey Maidens and the Queen couldn't get to her.

Having the Queen send a Huntsman demon after the infuriating, protest-singing bard also felt like a natural extension of the plot line.

The new mechanics took a few minutes to explain up front, but once that was done, it all turned into a fun, fast, and furious chase through the streets of Korvosa, with plenty of action and exciting moves.

This Small Case gave us a very memorable session. I believe it to be easy to fit into any fantasy-based city guard-themed campaign (or anyone else requiring some good chase rules).

I absolutely recommend it! :D

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Small Cases - The Runaway Bard One Sheet (City Guard Chronicles)
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With Friends Like These
by Lee [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 07/09/2024 19:45:07

Greatly expands on the Styles from Sewer Samurai, and adds a bunch of fun NPCs. I dream of the day that I make a NPC as fun as Coughs

[5 of 5 Stars!]
With Friends Like These
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Rifts® for Savage Worlds Archetype Dossiers Set 1
by A customer [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 06/15/2024 06:20:20

A good set of characters but some of issues knock off a couple of stars. 1) There are errors / omissions for some entries, haven't checked them all but as an example tattooed warrior & combat cyborg don't have the Upgradeable edge listed. 2) Strain isn't listed for any of the characters - would have been useful to have that. 3) The background layer is really obtrusive, and when removed, a graphic moves to the foreground obscuring some text - the graphic can't be removed.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Rifts® for Savage Worlds Archetype Dossiers Set 1
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Deadlands: the Weird West: Showdown at Sundown
by Zachary [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 06/11/2024 12:41:52

Great little adventure. The town is written very well. The story takes place over 2-3 days, so you won't get too many interactions while the story is taking place. The starting chase was pretty cool. The adventure is pretty well written and very enjoyable!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Deadlands: the Weird West: Showdown at Sundown
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MagusRogue's Guide to the Sprawls - Chromed Edition, a revised and expanded Sprawlrunners supplement
by Mathew [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 06/04/2024 23:40:10

This is awesome! The 16 pages of Savage Worlds stats for critter and metahuman threats (covering everything from barghests to insect spirits to blood mages) alone is worth the $7 price to me. There are also new character races including gnomes, pixies, and ogres and more, info for playing technomancers, new magic specialties, and additional gear options. This is an excellent resource for Savage Shadowrun.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
MagusRogue's Guide to the Sprawls - Chromed Edition, a revised and expanded Sprawlrunners supplement
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Super Character Generator
by John [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 05/24/2024 15:23:44

This has the potential to be a good product, but it seems to be unfinished. The book starts off by telling you how it will aid you in developing a character and is divided into four sections.

Section I helps you decide on a background for your character. The author presents 10 archetypes on which to base a character, such as the investigator, the tough guy, or the scientist. Each entry is given some brief advice on how it might be customized (and this part could be expanded) and provides a fully-fleshed out basic character minus Hindrances and Super-Powers.

Section II introduced 10 Power Sets, collections of powers that work well together. The author promises a brief discussion of each set, but there are only two that are covered (which is why I say it looks unfinished). Each power set is given a selection of powers appropriate to the character type (Blaster, for example) at all five levels of play (I-V). This is the most fleshed-out section of the book and does a lot of the heavy lifting for you, which is very handy.

Section III is the Hindrance packages, divided into groupings like Clown, Family, or Strange Visitor. Each package provides four points worth of Hindrances appropriate to the type. Also provided is a list of Villainous complications to aid harried gamemasters.

Finally is the Appendixes, which includes "additional powersets, skills and complications that are not quite as generic, or would be more complicated to use. You will also find commentary and a couple of random character generators here as well." The problem here is, it contains only a short list of sets with no explanation or details whatsoever.

As I said, this has the potential to be a good, even great, product, but in its current state, I can't give it more than two stars. If finished and fully fleshed out, and perhaps professionally formatted, I would love to give a new review. You will find it useful for the power sets, but everything else falls flat.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Super Character Generator
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SWADE Super Powers Companion
by Nicholas [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 05/10/2024 14:11:24

This is better then Deluxe version. I loved it and waiting to be translated in brazilian portuguese.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
SWADE Super Powers Companion
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by Patrick [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 05/08/2024 07:44:43

This is an extremely well written set of rules! For any Cyberpunk genre setting for Savage Worlds, this has to be the best bang for the buck! It had almost no setting fluff, so you are free to use whatever you like. This makes playing a davage version of Shadowrun or Cyberpunk 2020/Red/2077, or any home brew.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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