Other comments left for this publisher: |
The setting and everything is great as is the layout and the organization of the material. If you have ever played a Savage Worlds based game, then picking this up will be very easy.
My one complaint is that Deadlands: Weird West doesn't include everything you need to play the setting in its core books. Instead, you have to purchase the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition book as well. While I can understand that people who are already aware of Savage Worlds will already know this and be prepared for it, new players will not. The material in the Savage World Adventure Edition book that would need to be duplicated in the Deadlands: Weird West book is pretty minimal when all things are considered. For me, I would have preferred to have a setting core book that has all the information I need for the setting rather than having to have a second book which contains information that will definitely not work with Deadlands: Weird West.
Great expansion to the already great Sprawlrunners
Exactly what I needed for my campaign. Lightweight but thorough addition covering hideouts from a mechanical point of view. Rules absolutely befitting the 3 big Fs of Savage Worlds and enough content to keep players happy without overwhelming them with too many similar options. And if your table wants something terribly specific that isn't covered in the supplement and can't be reproduced by reskinning existing content? Super easy to build one yourself, as the rules for rooms are always the same. They merely differ in where to apply them.
I absolutely love it and would happily have paid 3 bucks or more.
A brilliant way to create a base for your runner team. The supplement combines simplicity (no money or maintenance involved) with meaningful choices. Really good value for the low price.
This book provides excellent, near future, cyberpunk rules to augment your Savage Worlds game. Although Sprawlrunners mirrors Shadowrun in a lot of ways, the content of this book is just as flexible as you want it to be. Want Trolls and Elves? Sure. Straight tech no Tolkien? Still works great! Pink mohawks, mirror shades, black coats - whatever your flavor, it works, and it keeps it fast, furious, and fun! The author even put in two ways to run the net - Fast Lane and Slow Burn - to determine how detailed you want hacking to be (see also, how much game time do you really want to devote to the decker).
My favorite part is that the author makes the mind-blowingly bold choice to do away with "money makes you awesome." When I first encountered that in his thoughtful preface, I was like "nope - not going to work." But it does! Almost every cyberpunk/sci-fi game is rooted in "you have to make money to buy equipment/cyberware." That's antithetical to Savage Worlds (accounting is not fast, furious, or fun), and it's actually not in keeping with the themes of cyberpunk fiction - Nuyen/Credits/Eddies - they are straight up mcguffins as far as cyberpunk stories should go - that big score that never quite works out. Instead, he uses a really simple mechanic to handle general gear as well as using a similar mechanic (that relies on edges) to handle cyberware. You get an allotment of "stuff" to gear up as needed, but you don't have to be a CPA to track it. Want chrome? Take edges and get chipped, swapping it out as the job needs it. Just a brilliantly simple mechanic to handle that part of the story! That sort of gear mechanic is not unique to this game, but the author's version is done exceptionally well.
The bang for the buck is fantastic (and there's official VTT options out there). It's not a setting book per se - you won't get 100+ pages of fluff to bloat the size of the book, giving you a pseudo history of the next 60 years and the names of 2-dozen corporations. Instead, you get the framework to tell your stories of the sprawl.
If I have a criticism, it is that I want more! I would love some archetypes, more extras, a plot-point campaign, more gear, more cyber, etc. I would especially like to see more edges for two of the core runner types: hackers and jockeys (think decks and rigs). Reminder - this is a five star review, and I'm not saying the book is incomplete at all. All you need is the SWADE core rule book and this to run the shadows/sprawl. If you are interested in running a cyberpunk game with Savage Worlds, I highly recommend this book.
This is a fantastic resource with a wealth of ideas. It's very short and to the point, so if you judge a book's price based on how long it is you'll be really disapointed here. But if you judge a book on what it provides, it's well worth the money.
Two pages of schematics done by a ten year old is not worth $4.
Really enjoyed this title. I used it as an adventure for a Novice level party, which required some adaption of course, but it worked pretty well. One minor point on game mechanics, this retains some of the mechanics from the old Deadlands rules on Agents gaining rank with the Agency. Deadlands: The Weird West handles that differently. One of my players was running an Agent so we were confused at first, but eventually figure it out. It didn't affect game play, other than ignoring that contingency.
To me this gold standard of addons, clearly structured with an expansion on weapons, specializations and general combat edges. Even though I'm not interested in the more detailed weapons and have avoided the weapon specializations since it seems difficult to balance into existing systems - the combat edges alone have been worth the product for me. Each edge really helps bring out a classic trope and incentivize different playstyles.
Here's what I personally have used this book for in real play: I run a pirate campaign and have been reluctant to throw a new book of edges at my players - instead I've given these edges to enemies to make for more interesting encounters. I've also used them to design magic items as unique edge-granting items.
In a deadlands game my DM has allowed me to use the leadership edges in this book, which makes them much more interesting for games that don't have allied extras, they allow interesting team-support without modifier-creep. As you can tell neither of these are classic fantasy, which should only speak well of Fighters & Warlords flexibility.
Artificer's Codex is a small supplement that laser focuses on the most critical elements of magic item creation. Rules and explanations are articulate and expertly condensed, yet still find room for some alluring flavor that gets the creative cogs turning, especially in the "Alternative Power Point Sources" and example item creation sections.
Magic item creation in tabletop games often falls into a deep pit of complexity, but this supplement (which expands upon the SWADE Artificer edge) keeps it FFF!
At the time of this review I had a few questions regarding the pricing of magic items which were quickly clarified by Kristian on the discussion board. I hope these clarifications make it to a future edition of the rules! But even without the clarifications, the rules laid out by this supplement easily allow for GMs to make sensible rulings regarding the questions I had.
Savage Worlds is my new RPG system of choice! I have been playing RPGs for many years and reached a point in which I am honestly tired of learning new systems. I do think the diversity of rule systems out there is amazing, however, as a GM I want to invest my time in preping a really nice story for my players instead of learning the basics of an RPG. SWADE let's me learn one set of rules and visit many different scenarios! That is fantastic and it is why I chose Savage Worlds as the RPG I will be GMing for a while now (hopefully for many years!). The only drawback of this product is that I recommend it for people that have already some experience with RPGs.
Good brain food for a GM who is thinking about houserulings for a particular game theme or table group. There is good range of rules in here, with clear explainations to why they might be used and what the consequences are. Some affect character creation, others advancments, a few seem niche but are explained to give a different emphasise for how characters are built. I found it amusing that I had already implemented one of the suggested rules (Slow and Steady) because of how I had interpreted the core rulings.
This is not a essential document, but I think it's good for the price as example material for what a GM could come up with.
Very much enjoy the simple but fun edges provided here, they seem to be easy to understand but could add so much to players looking into Martial archetypes of any setting. I would recommend this to newer GMs to encourage players to consider all the combat abilites at their disposal.
My favourites are Fast Hands (pull out a heavily concealed firearm or grab that forgotten item you need in the blink of an eye), Hustler (dart around the foe quickly and effectively), Sunder Fighting (hit those full plate knights where they hurt and break their shields to boot), Improved Marksman (now allies in the way or foes sneaking up on your sniping position are a smaller nuisance) and Defensive Expertise (makes the Defense action stronger and more flexible).
There are only a few edges that are particular overpowered, IMO of course. I will add my opinions to those in the discussion posts.
As a note those who got this years SWAGtember bundle, These edges are by no means overshadowed by the Warriors and Warlords Fantasy add-on. To me, there are plenty of unique edges and prefered improvments to exisiting edges between both. Martial Options is probably the best of the two for it's ease to implement, and how it chooses make more fun combat over balanced but more complex changes.
As with the other products in this line, this book has some good ideas. The Arcane Backgrounds in the core book are very much the same. There is no difference between Magic, Miracles, and Psionics other than the name and the casting skill. That is boring. The assumption is that you will get some flavor from your setting (that is the general idea of the core book -- it gives the basics and you build upon it). This helps to give you some ideas on how to make something interesting and gives good mechanical guidelines on how to accomplish it. I have used some of the aracane backgrounds in this book and come up with a few of my own, and it has greatly added to our games.
I don't think I can give a product more praise than the fact that I use it frequently. Converting a setting to Savage Worlds means custom arcane backgrounds and this is a smart way to go about it. Often, I'll be wondering how to make an AB and find out that something very similar is already in the book as a sample. Primarily this is a GM facing book. Players can and should get use out of it, but that should be done with the GM involved. You can make all sorts of interesting arcane backgrounds, but that isn't helpful if it's not an appropriate fit for the setting the GM is running.
The book breaks down an Arcane Background to its constinuent parts. The arcane skill, the requirements, its trappings, power list, limitations, and unique features. Then you have 7 points to build the AB.
Of special note is that the features are meant to be priced the same as the Making Races rules in the core Savage Worlds book. This is excellent because it a) gives you a baseline to how potent something is, and b) if you want to go beyond the bounds of this book and add new features, maybe an Arcane Background inherently has you grow permanent claws, well that's 2 points according to Making Races, so that's 2 points worth of features!
While this doesn't cover every single situation that I've come up with, it has made the work easier for me 90% of the time. If you're making a custom arcane background, I can't recommend this enough.
I also want to point out that there is a great example of how mechanics do a specific thing and trappings make it truly unique. An example AB in the book is the Shaman. All powers are granted by spirits the shaman has bound themself to. If you lose the spirit, you lose the specific powers it grants. Well, mechanically, this is Weird Device. You're not a crazy supernatural craftsman who has invented a raygun, you're practicing a faith where you commune with spirits. But at the end of the day, your powers are dedicated to a specific something that only you can use, and that if you lose, you need to replace to use the powers. Erego, Weird Device has been appropriated from its Weird Science background to something far more mysterious and mystical.
This kind of out of the box thinking and application of mechanics towards non-obvious trappings shows a fundamental understanding of Savage Worlds that helps me really trust the design philosophy of this line of products.
Creator Reply: |
Thank you very very much, Ian.
SW does indeed split mechanics (edges, powers, ...) from narrative (trappings). This is powerful core of the system, a unique twist that makes Savage Worlds a wonderful system. |