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Pan-Mexico Campaign Setting
by Bowden [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 10/17/2023 16:24:00

3 stars if only for the concept. Issues: Not enough Spanish by far. Not acknowledging one of El DF's biggest issues - water. Also, unless there are major global climate changes, desert won't be near Mexico City - should be mountains. Earthquakes I can believe, hurricanes I cannot. Also, shouldn't the artists get credit for their pieces in the book? Generic dystopian cyberpunk city.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Pan-Mexico Campaign Setting
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Creator Reply:
Thank you for an honest review. Since the book is published in English, I went a bit back and forth about how much I would use Spanish as opposed to English. I guess I feared some would find it hard if there was too much Spanish. Clearly I should have placed more emphasis on this. Will make sure to do so in my planned future writings that explore some of the city districts to much greater detail. The world is expected to have experienced significant global warming yes. But the surrounding areas are also mountainous, described as quite arid mountains. But it is mostly described in the last part of the book, in one of the stories as well as the latter parts of the suggested campaign arc. As for the water issue, I agree that this wasn't touched enough upon. Will make it an issue and possible story or mission in one of the first district books. Again, thank you for your feedback!
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