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Solarpunk 2050 - Quickstart "The world destroying machine"
by Andrew [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 06/14/2024 00:17:53

This is a fun addition to a growing body of stories in this kind of setting. The story is slim, but that's typical for these starter adventures. The NPCs are fun. They're my favorite part. I think there's a ton of opportunity for silliness in how people interact in the setting that this story helps demonstrate.

Overall, I'd like to see more. And as it's free, you can't beat the price.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Solarpunk 2050 - Quickstart "The world destroying machine"
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Solarpunk 2050
by Bowden [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 10/16/2023 15:39:20

Not bad, I'm not sure it's worth 15 bucks though. No art save the cover. Lots of white space. And it reads like a WIP - the sections on law are incomplete - they all repeat investigation, jurisdiction and punishment without any details. The three factions are fun and seem to fit with what I know about Solarpunk. The sample adventures are good and fit with the idea.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Solarpunk 2050
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