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Something Wicked
by Bob V. G. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 04/20/2023 04:00:13

ICRPG, Index Card RPG (154 pages, at DriveThruRPG) is a fantasy RPG. It can also be used for sci fi. I created six characters and put them through one full day of adventuring. For their first adventure, I used Something Wicked (14 pages, free/pay what you want for Fifth Edition). I used Betrayal at Baldur’s Gate as the solo engine. I did create two oracle charts to go with it. The adventure started with a four hour journey down a road. This journey was uneventful. The PCs reached the village of Stillwater and entered the inn – The Sleeping Lion. The PCs talked to two NPCs and decided to go on the quest to save the book.

They arrived at the antique shop and found two bandits looting the place. The bandits were killed but some damage was taken. The PCs did find six potions and the book. They took the book back to Milindera at the inn. They talked to another NPC and decided to go on the quest for helpful items. They searched the home and did find a secret door down in the cellar. It led to an undercroft beneath a church. They found gems, a wine cellar, and two zombies. They killed the zombies but now a total of three PCs had taken damage. They found a locked gate down there but no key (their search rolls were terrible). So, they went back to the village and got healed.

The next quest was to take out the crazy fire witch (Selena). They knew the front entrance of the stone church was magically trapped (villagers had taken damage). Their solution was to get out their rope and hook. This got them up to the second level and they then broke a stained glass window. They went through it and found themselves on a ledge with the main sanctum down below. When they saw Selena, Rock tried to cast Aazul’s Conjuration but failed. The PC Kayla, the ice witch, went into a magic duel with Selena and Kayla won. The PCs climbed down, checked out the body, and found another zombie. They killed it and now two of the PCs were damaged. They finished searching the church and grabbed the grimoire. They went back to the inn and gave Bayard the evil grimoire. He said that he would destroy it for them. Next, the PCs got their reward, sold the gems, and now had a total of 510 gold pieces. They had been offered a free stay at the inn and they did accept. Party time!

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Something Wicked
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