It's one page - essentially an extended chase scene - but boy is it fun. There's more pulp in this little adventure than in a gallon of orange juice.
As someone who was unfamiliar with the ORE I am new to this game play. I have to say while there is a learning curve for both the player and the GM I do enjoy this system. The flexibility in the rolls, where you can adjust how your roll works to either help your defense or all out attack, is one of the beautiful and elegant things about this system. I am also a huge fan of books with Chapters with both Advanced Combat and Fluid Combat. This game is wonderful and if I had one critique, and this is just a personal preference of mine, it would be nice to see a smaller character sheet (3 pages is a lot for players and GMs to keep track of... ). This is a solid rpg and I do hope several people will give it a chance as a replacement for the other games with tired d20 mechanics. If you have this book and Wild Talents you can play any setting. Wonderful work and I cannot wait to see what comes next in this series.
I've long been a fan of both HP Lovecraft's horror stories and of Golden Age superhero comics, so here's a combination of both -- Ken Hite's Adventures Into Darkness: H.P. Lovecraft's Superheroic Horror!
The book is meant for both Hero Games and Mutants & Masterminds, and presents itself as being from an alternate reality where Lovecraft survives his 1937 illness and, to cover the bills and with some encouragement from real-life HPL associates/friends Robert H. Barlow and Julius Schwartz, starts writing comic book adaptations of his novels and then writing directly for the Nedor superhero lines. Including adapting both Randolph 'the Dream Master' Carter and Nodens along with several of the villains and monsters from his print stories into superhero comic form.
Normally this would just consist of some game write-ups for various HPL monsters and characters, but Mister Hite goes the extra mile by presenting a fake bibliography focusing on Lovecraft's post-1937 fiction career, including the films he made out of 'Charles Dexter Ward' and 'Shadow over Innsmouth' after moving to Hollywood and working with Val Lewton, Orson Welles, and Jacques Tourneur. He even has a price list from the Comic Buyer's Guide covering HPL's work for Dream Master Comics and Adventures Into Darkness, the latter a real-life Nedor horror anthology comic.
The listed characters are mainly Nedor comic heroes like Doc Strange and Mystico and more, though with all of them given a Lovecraftian twist. He also has write-ups for a dozen villains, two of them original Nedor characters and the rest adapted Lovecraft villains. My favorite is probably the Devilfish, a crime boss from Innsmouth who is basically a Deep One hybrid as a Dick Tracy villain.
It's also got some brief essays in the back on how to combine both HPL's 'cosmic indifferentism' and his more light-hearted 'Dunsanian' works with Golden Age superheroics. It's definitely an odd little book and not for everyone but if you like the Golden Age of comics as much as Lovecraft's stories I think you'll enjoy this.
I could have done with a lot less random tables and more actually useful information about the setting.
When I think of the good old neighbor to west of Finland I can't say action, excitement and adventure would the first to cross my mind but The Lion in Fimbulwinter manages to sell me consept of Sweden as setting for pulp adventures.
Hite has crafted this mini-setting with great depth, or at least feeling of such. There is atmosphere of impending doom, uncertainty and back to wall desperation in the post-serpentfall Sweden that main setting of devasted America I think lacks. This does not look like a post-apocalyptic western setting for plucky pioneer types that will repuild a nation and kick snakemonsters and KKK-klowns in the behind. It is still fun over the top setting like main The Day After Ragnarok and there is even a silly Pippi Longstocking joke in the mix.
I would really want to read more of material that Hite has published in Fenix magazine.
I was enormously disappointed with this book. I thought there'd be some articles and explanations but there's virtually none of that in this book. The font was difficult and sometimes impossible to read. I had to scan through a lot of blank pages to get to anything. I don't mind the humor. In fact, I wanted some humor but, well, I was left wanting!
I expected more because of the reviews. I didn't get what I expected...!
I can't praise this product highly enough! It's just awesome.
It needs a bit of explanation as it is not a "standard" supplement for superhero games. It takes as its premise an alternate to our eath, where H P Lovecraft spent a lot of his career writing for the comics industry, and in particular for Nedor comics. Nedor characters are out of copyright, and not especially well-known, which makes them perfect for this product.
The first part of the book deals with the fictional history of Lovecraft's career as a comic book writer, and there is a helpful afterrword and (actual) bibliography, but the bulk of the book is imaginative write-ups of all the major (and a few minor) Nedor characters, as well as some Lovecraft character using T&J rules, but all with a distinctive Lovecraftian Twist.
For example The Dream Master is Randolph Carter, clearly taken form Lovecraft's tales, but turned into a superhero, with magical powers and the ability to enter the dreams of villains (as well as the Dream lands). The Liberator, who gains his superpowers from the ancient Egyptian serum/formula Lamesis, later discocers it is the blood of a monstrous and inhuman "living mummy" trapped beneath "the Red Pyramid of Abyssinia"!
Many of the villains are taken form Lovecraft's stories - Azenath the Body-Snatcher; Baron von Junzt, the Black Scholar; Dagon; Keziah the Witch and so on. They are all lovingly described and illustrated.
Finally there is a helpful section on how the write comics "the Nedor-Lovecraft way", and rules for sanity (or the loss of it!) with abilities such as Unearthly, and Super-Unearthly.
Its really well put together and highly imaginative, and for those wanting to run a campaign of this particular type, it is indispensable. The group I game with ran the whole of the epic Masks of Nyarlathotep campaign with the characters as superheroes - and it was great. I recommend this product wholeheartedly.
“Submachine guns and sorcery”
The Day After Ragnarok by Kenneth Hite does not disappoint. From its zany concept (What would have happened if the Nazi’s unleashed the world serpent from Viking folk-lore?) to its alternate history (What would happen if the USA was Thor and “Thor” was killed during Ragnarok?) The Day After Ragnarok delivers a punch to your Savage Worlds game.
I have played in The Day After Ragnarok campaign placed in Iowa. We were part of the army and trying to stabilize the Mississippi River and surrounding regions. This game was a ton of fun to play. The rules include new arcane backgrounds, new edges, some new (or tweaked) skills. Basically everything you have come to expect from Savage Settings.
Something our GM raved about was the adventure generator. Throughout the campaign our GM used the adventure generator to come up with the next wacky conflict we had to resolve. He said it was perfect for The Day After Ragnarok. Myself, I’ve actually used the adventure generator from this setting in other games, even in other systems. It’s awesome!
All in all, The Day After Ragnarok is a fantastic setting and perfect to run along with the Savage Worlds Core Rules. Nothing else is needed.
This little book with a huge font is great for a light romp through some dark territory. Not too bad, its references are a little dated, but still fun to read.
I admit I randomly bought this as part of a 'five star game Russian Roulette' for the GM's Day sale. This was a real shining star out of my selection. I don't own the setting, but I love Fate and it's a really nice premise which I plan on adapting to a custom setting. I'll probably have to check out the campaign setting, just in case it's of this calibre.
So I saw The Day After Ragnarok way back when it was being offered for the up-and-coming 6th edition of Hero system. At the time, my group was using 5th ed. Hero for all our games and I was intrigued by the idea. But alas, I had decided not to jump on the 6th edition train, giving that I had invested so much into the earlier version and it worked perfectly fine for any genre we wanted to play in.
Skip ahead a year or so, and I had grown out of trying to use Hero Designer to make every vehicle, NPC, weapon, and so on. I began searching for a less crunchy rules system that fit my GMing style of coming up with stuff on the fly during gaming. I picked up several books using the Fate system, including the excellent Fate Core and Strands of Fate, and was amazed at the flexibility and levels of simplicity in the system. Now that I've played several games (both running and playing) in various genres, I can say that it is the system I was waiting for.
Now, once again I see The Day After Ragnarok, this time offered for FATE and may I say, it is as interesting and engrossing a setting as I imagined. Post apocalyptic has always been one of my favorite genres to play in, and combined with the technology and history of a post-WW II world, and you get a very unique setting. I would say that if you are using FATE now, then pick up this book if for nothing else then the various creature descriptions and the entertaining sidebars. If you are looking for a post-apoc setting with something a little different then your run of the mill, then this fits the bill. And if FATE isn't your cup of tea, TDAR is still offered for Savage Worlds and Hero 6th ed.
In a delightful example of making a bad situation worse, this is a neat side adventure to spring on the characters any time the party decides to make a journey in an aircraft preferably somewhere quite wild and untamed... oh, and in winter.
Without giving too much away, the scenario involves a plane crash and the subsequent struggle to survive and - maybe - get airborne again. Challenge upon challenge should keep the characters busy, and they need to be resourceful to make it out in one piece.
Perfect for when the party sounds complacent, so full of what they are going to do when they reach their destination that they haven't noticed that the journey is part of the adventure too!
Best Savage Worlds setting I have come across, because this just oozes style and substance. Writing shows real understanding what makes old pulp stories cool and worth emulating on roleplaying games. Rules on creating adventures and campaigns are very handy and get the show on the road real quick,
Pretty good one sheet adventure. I can see using the stats and information for the plane in future adventures.
Good quality PDF with very nice content; I enjoyed this product very much and am looking forward to using it. I am thinking of getting the hard copy as well as there are a number of parts that it would be nice to be able to pass around my gaming group for their reference, particularly the large number of character templates for character generation.
Fascinating mix of Pulp, Post-Apocalyptic, and Fantasy which is perfect for using the Hero System. I am reviewing only the Hero System version and not the Savage Worlds rule based version. I was particularly happy with the quality of the Hero System stats and write ups as they felt like an integral part of the writing instead of a quick, tacked-on conversion.
I hope that they make a Hero Designer Pack available at some point for character templates, equipment, vehicles, etc.