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Venture Class Frontier Courier
by John G. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 11/01/2008 04:22:05

DB Game Design have produced a concise, clearly laid out and useful ship book. The deckplans are easy to read and the (now typo free!) text is straightforward to read and works well with the deckplans. The ship itself is a nice adventurer class/type ship, ideal for small groups of Traveller players to use for jumping from system to system. The actual shape of the ship is distinctive and original (without being bland or outlandish) and fits in well amongst the other classic Traveller ship designs. The addition of 1" deckplans (for those that want/need them) is an excellent idea, especially for those who use minis in their games. An excellent, well designed book!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Venture Class Frontier Courier
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Venture Class Frontier Courier
by Sean O. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 09/25/2008 07:13:24

Very, very well done and well-thought out. I did find a couple of minor typos, but the deckplans, background info and detailed descriptions of the Venture-class ship make it a perfect vehicle (pun intended) for my Traveller game. I'm looking forward to the next offering from DB Game Design. Cheers!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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