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by Juan [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 04/29/2024 15:35:59

Muy útil para consultar a la hora de iniciar las partidas con mis amigos. Hoy un imprescindible en nuestra mesa.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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by Courtney H. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 08/02/2023 11:56:18

Review of the print on demand softcover for OSRIC 2nd Edition: First, the shipping speed was great. The item arrived sooner than expected in great condition. I was pleased with how it was tightly packaged in cardboard. The print quality is fantastic. However, only one minor complaint. The font-size is tiny! This is probably the smallest font I've seen in a rule book ever. It's understandable considering how compact the book is. I was expecting small type. Though honestly not as small as this. In short, hope your vision is good. So, I can't recommend this print on demand for people who may have less than perfect eye sight. Other than that this is a 10/10.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
by Edward C. O. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 05/10/2021 16:45:51

a HIGHLY clear and comprehensive book on 1E!

my player's love using this in conjuntion with the offical rules is SUPER helpful in understanding 1e and helps run games as well!

highly recommend it!

i got the POD, paper cover, good POD.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
by Frank W. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 06/12/2020 18:17:13

Wow, this is so much better than the original. I can remember being extremely intimidated moving from BX to 1e as a teen. I think that trauma has stuck with me for a lot of years and I purposefully skipped most of 1e and 2e when I returned to gaming because of it. I really enjoyed 3e and spent most of my time there, but you’ve given me encouragement to return to my roots and give a 1e clone a try. Kudos on the streamlined content, tables, and updated formatting. I appreciate the explanatory notes, intro, and really dig the gems tucked away in the afterward, too. Super thorough table of contents, spell, and monster lists. The compiled tables in the back will really help keep me from flipping all over during play, too. I may want to supplement with some stuff from the original line’s supplementary books someday, but for now, you’ve helped me overcome a teenage trepidation and I’m thankful for that! Game on! You rock man!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
by Rich F. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 07/07/2019 14:52:05

This a review of a printed copy of the book. The content is GREAT. Repeat: the CONTENT of the book is great.

However, the execution of the printing is horrible. ALL of the pages are crooked, and many of the pages have the prining running into the spine, render the beginning of countless lines unreadable. Do they not do any quality checking at the printer drivethru uses?

Again no problem with the content: the authors and editors have done an incredible job, but the physical printed book is horrible.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
The Shadowed Keep (PDF)
by Giles R. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 05/29/2019 00:57:43

A good adventure. Well organised for running at the table. The first encounter area, the abandoned village is superb. The remaing 3 encounter areas, graveyard, dragon's lair and fortress, don't have quite the same quality but are still good. It's part 3 of the Bone Hilt Sword campaign but could easily be run as a stand alone by giving players a different motive to raid the fortress.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
The Shadowed Keep (PDF)
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Bone Hilt Sword Campaign [BUNDLE]
by A customer [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 08/26/2018 18:25:25

Compently constructed, more or less, but frightfully dull.

Kobolds are threatening a town or something from a hundred miles away. You must kill their leader for 500 gold per first level adventurer (this kind of money from a village?)

There are many maps that convey very little. You get to see the layout of the huge peninsula and its position in the wider world. Nowhere is the dungeon your party must travel to marked. It hardly matters though because on the way there almost nothing will happen.

The party will notice 65 kobolds encamped. No information about what they are up to really, nor what they're doing encamped. If I ran this I would probably give the party a chance to realize they shouldn't be on the roads and then have them see huge parties of kobods moving on them in the distance, but here we get a little map with slopes and streams and so on. Fighting them would be instant total party kill. Capturing a scout makes sense but the GM is given no information to go on.

There's a set of cavern full of random kobolds and orcs, and a conversation to run into that the party probably won't be able to understand with the hook to drive the adventure onwards. So as written the party will likely have no idea how the adventure will progress from here.

In short, like many adventures it would take more time to make this playable than to create my own from the start.

The weird part is how much effort was clearly put into it. THere's many pages about the region and the history that barely matter and won't come up. Photos of real world places have been added to provide color to the locations being described that the players won't visit. New magic items are kind of neat and some have backstory the players will never know.

This feels more bad 3rd edition materiel than OSRIC, to me.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Bone Hilt Sword Campaign [BUNDLE]
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by Will H. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 06/18/2017 23:27:11

SIMPLY REMARKABLE! Very well organized layout, and a near perfect "retro-clone."

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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by Thomas S. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 08/03/2016 16:01:09

I already have OSRIC in the large format, but I needed a small copy for my phone. This has all the information, with a clean, easy to read typesetting.

OSRIC is a great retro-clone of D&D, all the info in a tight, well organized document.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Gems of Fire
by Mark B. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 08/26/2015 17:58:46

Pieces liberated from "Dark Tower". Get that in the original version for an AD&D classic module. Honest in its text - written by a 13 year old - and not in a good way. Don't waste your time unless you want to point and laugh at it.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
Gems of Fire
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Keep on the Borderlands: The Expansion
by Ralph G. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 12/18/2014 13:12:03

Most of the text was in a cursive font, not real cursive. The maps are pretty much what I remembered from the "good old days." Personally, I would have done the text in the "A2like" font and used Print Shop images, so it would look like it was put together on an Apple //E in an attempt to make it seem more "professional" using the technology of the day.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Keep on the Borderlands: The Expansion
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A5 Player Character Reference Sheets
by Raul D. L. G. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 11/18/2014 08:40:52

An excellent set of character sheet plus class summary tables sure to speed up your character generation. I would have given it a full five stars but for the loss of functionality for Linux users such as myself using Document Viewer for PDF reading.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
A5 Player Character Reference Sheets
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Keep on the Borderlands: The Expansion
by Patrick V. R. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 08/29/2014 22:33:44

Good thing that this is for free, because it's not worth any amount of money, however small. Its only virtue is a little bit of nostaglia for old school gamers. With this--and the makers' other similar products--all you get are, literally, handwritten notes in ink and scanned from a notebook--including sentences with lines running through crossing out errors. The amateur maps are as crude as the kind old school gamers like myself used to draw--kids' maps.

I understand that's the point and style of these modules. But I've been playing since 1981 and so I remember those days. Had we kids then had access to today's tech, you'd probably never would've seen old school notes and maps for I doubt that little of them would've existed--if any at all. The reason? I'd say most Dungeon Masters prefer neat and organized over sloppy and crudely rendered.

I never want to go back to the days of scribbled notes and maps. Give me choices of type fonts; let me have maps colored and glossy; grant me beautifully-rendered table top terrain,upon which tread the metal and plastic feet of monsters and heroes.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
Keep on the Borderlands: The Expansion
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Creator Reply:
Referring to the marketing copy on the product page, it should have been clear that all the HAMS products are reproduced and posted out of a sense of nostalgia for the young gamers we all were at the time of AD&D\'s heyday in the late 70\'s and early 80\'s period (but perhaps I should emphasize that point more strongly in the product description?). In particular, they are reflecting on how we as young teenagers fancied ourselves \'game designers\'. These HAMS (High-Adventure from Middle-School) games are unedited, undeveloped, and reproduced when possible, exactly as we created them \"back in the day.\" They are not meant to be taken as serious adventure writing. What they are meant to be is just reminiscent of our youthful gaming days. And I feel they achieve just exactly that. Here is hoping that someday you might take a second look at Usherwood Publishing\'s more \'serious\' adventuring options like the Bone-Hilt Sword Campaign, Arachnophobia!, The Rebel Faction, etc. Kramer
The Rebel Faction
by Richard K. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 02/18/2014 20:45:21

Looks to be a re-write of D123. Or at least the hex maps and certain features of the wandering monster tables reminded me of that series. The module is a huge campaign of over 50 pages and looks like it will need a group of gamers that can meet regularly for several sessions to finish. It has some of the best adventure maps in full color I have ever seen, particularly the outdoor ones. It has 2 detractors though that need fixing in a future update. The boxed text (monster stats) is way too small and what little art there is - is mostly wasted on images of pregenerated characters.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
The Rebel Faction
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Pyramid of Gorsh
by Richard K. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 02/18/2014 20:09:13

Killer dungeon with too much treasure. Entertaining read and original presentation, but I would only recommend DMing this if you want to punish your friends for making you DM again :P

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Pyramid of Gorsh
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