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DecKarnage! Quickstart
by Bob V. G. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 02/14/2023 14:27:13

For the last few days, I have soloed my way through DecKarnage! Quickstart (32 pages). The campaign location is the space that someone calls Skrap, a meeting point between dream lands, fairytales, stories, ideas and everything human imagination can generate. I changed four lines in True 20 Revised Edition to make my solo engine. For the adventure, I used DMDave’s Mimic Museum. I created five first level characters. So, the adventure started with the PCs enjoying their day off. They avoided the damaged areas of the city and went to the Natural History Museum. Outside of it, they ran into Abarat the director of the museum and an angry mob. Abarat offered them a cash reward if they could fix the problems the museum was having. The PCs managed to calm the crowd, but the PC John did take a punch to the face.

In the library, the PCs had Abarat unlock a glass case/bookshelf. John did find the first mimic and dodged its first attack. The PCs killed it, but they all did take damage. The PC, Doman the healer, healed John. In the ancient skeletons room, they encountered a minotaur skeleton mimic. The PC, Holly the witch, put it asleep. Each PC packed up some of the minotaur bones to take with them. In the historical armory, Abarat would not assist with the locked glass case and left the building. The PC Peter, the thief, had a bad roll and damaged the glass case. This would not be the last time. The PCs continued to poke objects with a staff. In Copperware Hall, they encountered another mimic. Yes, they took more damage. The PC Molly failed with her psychic blast attack. Yes, they killed it. They completely explored all of the rooms in the museum on the first and second floor.

It was in the basement that they discovered a thief with a sack. Peter recognized the guy right away. It was the most famous thief in the region. They went back upstairs. Peter used the computer system to lock up the building before they exited. He was trying to lock the other thief in the building, but somehow this guy escaped. The PCs then got their reward. The last thing that they did was to bury the minotaur bones in several locations in and around the city. Give this RPG a try!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
DecKarnage! Quickstart
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Thank you Bob!
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