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Character Classes: Witchwarper
by Malcolm R. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 08/09/2023 23:56:52

I think this is a good adaptation of the Witchwarper class, but I do have a few qualms, primarily with some finer editing details. A number of feats (Disrupt Lethality and Illuminating Light, to name a couple) lack set durations, a good chunk of the focus spells lack their actions costs (though it can be inferred from their components), and the Enduring Worlds warp spell is incredibly confusingly worded. Additionally, I think that Prevent Wounds could be simplified a bit. I also think that Magic Deletion specifically requires finer tuning. 12+level damage resist for spells as a reaction, infinite uses per day? And as a level ten feat? That feels busted. I enjoy the class, I just think it might benefit from another once over though.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Character Classes: Witchwarper
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Eldritch Ancestries: Buzzklin
by Matthew L. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 05/04/2023 18:12:31

I was super excited to see this ancestry from EOG, and a little disappointed when I opened the file. It feels slapped together quickly, and a little lower on the quality side compare to other EOG products I've purchased.

A few notes:

I love the buzzklin movement ability. Since the stinger is a little weak it feels like it nicely rounds out the ancestry features, though I don't see traits listed for the ancestry. Maybe humanoid and beast? I don't know. The lore and flavor are spot on, though.

A couple of the heritages are troubling. The Royal Buzzklin gives training in a skill already granted by the Buzzklin Movement feature. The Scout Buzzklin heritage's ability is probably way too early; there is a similar archetype feat for the Horizon Walker at level 6 and the Catfolk at level 9. Maybe to give the Scout Dedication with the heritage (more in line with the ancient elf) and switch the heritage ability with the Scout's Manner feat at level 9 might be better? Anywho, just a suggestion since that stood out a bit; I personally wouldn't have a problem with it running as-is at my table. And the Nursing Buzzklin gives training in Medicine; it probably should be Nature since it gives the Natural Medicine skill feat. I'd love to see these issues fixed and update my review. I love your products!

Edit: "The You Like Music?" feat probably should lose the action icon as well. Also, 2/3 of the level 13-17 feats have to do with flying (in one form or another). Maybe a little more variety?

Edit again: Forgot to say that the art is fantastic.

Edit again again: Felt like 3 stars was too harsh.. it's a great ancestry. =) Still hope to see an update.

Late Edit (May 04, 2023): Went to create a Buzzklin and realized just how "slapped together" this ancestry really was. Does not even have a speed statistic? Sorry guys, gotta downgrade this one. I am happy to update this review later when the ancestry is updated.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Eldritch Ancestries: Buzzklin
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Creator Reply:
Hello! I'm James Beck, the author of this ancestry. I wanted to thank you for your notes and added another 17th level feat. It might go through one or more updates to make sure we tweaked it to the point of perfection but I just wanted to thank you for bringing this to my attention. I hope you enjoy the new Buzz Away level 17 ancestry feat!
Eldritch Ancestries: Boggoblin [PF2e]
by Matthew L. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 01/06/2023 20:43:16

This product is amazing! I feel like the lore to insert themselves into the other societies is great, taking advantage of their stubbornness and will to be treated like more recent goblin-folk.

The mechanics are also spot on. And I love the flavor of fear woven into their ancestry feats: from Spook (an interesting alternative to Demoralize), to Fear Eater, to Fearmonger, to Terrible Excitement. Very creative, and some of my favorite feats ever that deal with the frightened mechanic. The tie between mechanics and lore could not be more perfect.

I'd still like to see some more higher level feats, but this is still 5 stars, hands down.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Eldritch Ancestries: Boggoblin [PF2e]
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Creator Reply:
Hi again (Shawn) here and thank you again for the reviews! Bugbear was my first published ancestry for PF2e and I'm incredibly happy to hear it holds up after the updates it received some months ago! similar to the Felsine, a bit of an expansion is on my list!
Eldritch Ancestries: Felsine [PF2e]
by Matthew L. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 01/06/2023 20:27:45

Excellent product! Beautiful artwork, wonderful lore, great balance in mechanics. The only thing holding this back from 5 stars is the small number of higher level ancestry feats (2x level 9, 2x level 13, and 1x level 17).

I love these guys so much I don't use normal catfolk in my games - they have been replaced. Would love to see some more feats to round them out!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Eldritch Ancestries: Felsine [PF2e]
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Creator Reply:
Hi there, author of the Felsine (Shawn) here, thank you so much for the review! I'll revisit Felsine at some point to add a little more, they were among my earliest work for pf2e and have had some feats added (they originally predate only had up to 13th, similar to other ancestries in the CRB). I can't promise a timeframe, especially with all the stuff going on in the community right now, but it is on my list!
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