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A Summer on Tell Tale Island
by Bob V. G. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 07/06/2022 18:30:06

A Summer on Tell Tale Island (free/pay what you want at DriveThruRPG) is a 15 page modern day RPG and adventure. I wanted more of an adventure, so I also used Adventurer’s Lexicon to create a dungeon (also at DriveThruRPG, 48 pages). To solo this, I used BX Advanced along with a yes/no/maybe oracle. I did make some changes like this advertisement – “Do you have a teenager who screwed up his school year? Do you want to get rid of him or her for the summer and the following school year? You will not need to see them again until the following summer. Send them to Togwarts Magical School for Juvenile Delinquents. Don’t worry about our fifty page Release of Liability. Our attorney says that it is no big deal. Don’t worry about the cemetery that connects to our backyard, that is simply there for our convenience. Call our toll free number now!”.

I created five PC teenagers: Arnie the arsonist, Shana the shoplifter, Morris the car thief, Jackson the nonconformist, and Simon the practical joker. The adventure started with them meeting the headmaster. Next, they met Magic Scout Leader Rick (he is a master wizard) who sends them to a parallel dimension consisting of a vast island in the middle of nowhere. The island is everchanging and all manner of strange things occur there.

The PCs start their adventure with a chemistry set, a torch, a large black cloth bag, candy bars, a steel key, and a hand mirror. They check out the Trailer Park (it has seen better days), the Wild West Bank (Come back when you have money!), Woolworth (it has a dungeoneering section and a Luncheonette), the Tiki Bar Hut (Candace works here and hands out badges if they are earned), and the Dungeon of Death (the sign – Chills! Thrills!). The PCs adventure for three days. This gives them enough time to earn two badges total and sell stuff to get an upgrade to four spears, one short sword, and one shield. They do all survive. Give this a try!

Note – There are no classes or skills, only six attributes and hit points.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
A Summer on Tell Tale Island
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