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EQO9 Komarag's Grotto - One Page One-Shot
by Gary [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 06/15/2024 10:56:16

An eight room generic dungeon drawn up with the free version of Dungeonscrawl. The map has numbers in the rooms, so you’ll have to edit it to use it for a player map. There’s no mystery to solve, no puzzles to figure out, no beings to roleplay with, and no reasons given for who Komarag is or why the location is referred to as a grotto. There is a backstory, but no way given for the players to discover it. The whole thing simply feels like a cleaned up, randomly generated dungeon, that has almost nothing to engage the players with in rooms connected by nothing beyond location.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
EQO9 Komarag's Grotto - One Page One-Shot
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D100 Forest Encounters & Events
by Bob V. G. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 07/11/2022 04:34:37

A few days ago I soloed my way through Up North (12 pages at DriveThruRPG, free/pay what you want). This dice pool system is described as a game about monster kids and what they do during the summer months. Camp is an escape from the stress of daily life for the orcs, goblins, and trolls that inhabit the dark spots on the map. For the adventure, I used Hexroll (google "Hexroll roll a sandbox"). I used D100 Forest Encounters & Events (DriveThruRPG) along with a yes/no/maybe oracle as the solo engine. Here are the highlights.

So, I started with six characters : two orcs, two goblins, and two trolls. They were sent on a quest to get a special ingredient for a stew. Instead of going straight there, they decided to take the long way, hoping for an adventure. On the first day they killed a total of six bandits. This kingdom has 50,106 residents minus the six dead bandits. (By the way, the ruler of this kingdom is a necromancer). At dinner time, they found a cave with an underground lake. They tried to catch fish for dinner, but that did not work out. In the morning, they backtracked to the bridge and river. Once again, they did not catch any fish, but three Locathah did find them. There was a battle, the fishmen died, and my six campers ate them (adventuring can make a monster kid hungry). A bit later, they actually found a dungeon (I was quite surprised). In the first room they killed two white apes, but Osho and Igaram took damage. They did not like that. A few more days back at the summer camp was sounding better and better. They headed back in the direction of the camp but ran into a talkative brass dragon. It would not shut up. They were smart enough to let it do what it wanted, so, they fell asleep listening to it talk. The next morning it was gone. They did find a lost camper soon after this.

A bit later, they were back at camp. They got a decent meal and were healed. They got to tell their new story to the campers. They showed off their awesome treasure : 6 amulets, 6 leather armors, 9 longswords, white ape teeth, and dragon bone fragments (for magic defense). Give this D100 encounter chart a try!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
D100 Forest Encounters & Events
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D100 Forest Encounters & Events
by Daniela Z. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 07/10/2022 22:47:25

I appreciate your work!! I look forward to seeing more of your adventures here. <333

[5 of 5 Stars!]
EQ1 The Cursed Ring
by Bob V. G. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 05/05/2022 17:41:58

Recently, I soloed my way through EQ1 The Cursed Ring (8 pages, free at DriveThruRPG). The RPG system that I used to play it was Fifth Edition D&D. I used The Solo Adventurer’s Toolbox to make the adventure longer and as the solo engine. I used my six barghest characters which are level three. Their friend who owns the Manticore’s Maw (an inn) asked them to do this quest.

The entered the Ringed Fortress and did not have any major problems until they encountered their first lever. They took a vote and decided not to pull it and they continued to explore the fortress. Later they discovered an area they could not get to because of two gates. So, they went back and pulled the lever. This did raise one gate and they did have another monster to kill. So now they were having trouble finding the second lever. They decided to go back to the room of sand even though they had problems in there before. Sure enough, Gad the Berserker was pulled down under the sand even though he had a rope connecting to the others. They had to cut the rope to save themselves. Gad was never heard from again. The new plan was to do a thorough search for secret doors. They did find one which led them to the necromancer. Elkan attacked him but he went down. The other P.C.s took the necromancer out. They searched this new room and found some gold pieces and the lever. This lever did raise the second gate. So, they found the cursed ring, solved a puzzle, fought another monster, and took the ring out of the fortress. So, the next thing that they need to figure out is how to destroy the ring. It is nothing but trouble. Give this exciting adventure a try.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
EQ1 The Cursed Ring
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Creator Reply:
Thank you for playing! Glad to hear you had fun and so cool of you to play this solo! Keep an eye out for the upcoming free adventures in the EQ series :)
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