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The Mask
by Christopher [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 02/19/2024 23:21:23

There is no adventure PDF. This is incomplete. Two of us posted about it.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
The Mask
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Creator Reply:
An update to this (and in a previous comment) the pdf was missing the adventure as this review stated. It has since been added back to the adventure packet.
Volume 1: Green with Envy
by Kevin M. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 06/16/2022 21:55:37

I havent had a chance to play through the second and third books but the first was great!

Each of the notable NPCs have a short exerp on their looks, their goals, and their oddities. Giving the GM a quick peek into who this NPC is without too much fluff.

There are a huge amount of maps included AND they are in a separate file, so you don't have to do a sloppy cropping job out of a book.

All of the enemies are right in the back of the book making it easy to run an encounter without having to have 3 books open to figure out their attacks and defense.

I'm a big fan and looking forward to the others!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Volume 1: Green with Envy
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