I normally just stick messages in the Discussions section.
Today I thought a review was required.
This digest sized hardcover may well be the DM's and even solo gamers best ever dungeon product ever purchased. And I say that with the knowledge I've seen it all since 1975.
Not just a few charts and a few tables, this product takes the task and completely renders the competition for this task moot. This is the dungeon design aid of your dreams.
Sound a bit over the top? Nope. I could write quite a few other glowing comments.
In any list, something has to be #1. This is an example of a 1.
Got bit by the wolves at campsite, how much dmg do they do? Asking for a friend
Creator Reply: |
Hi! Thanks for the question. You roll on the combat action from your command list when attacked by wolves (7+ challenge rating), and a failed roll will tell you the outcome and damage via the command list action consequences. Hope this helps! =) |
Excellent system to set up plot points for a continuing story. The plot points are brief, but there is enough variety in the cards for replay value.
I love the creativity of this game! Each scene is randomly generated by using a deck of cards and then rolling dice on a word bank to fill in the blanks in the paragraph. It's pretty mechanical which suits me perfectly because I don't have much of an imagination and it does a lot of the work for me! Great game!
Very creative and awesome. Cool art. Highly recommend.
I liked this template, it is very interesting, I recommend it.
It has all of the building blocks you need to flavor your biome with some color, flavor, and challenges to keep travel interesting and not a drab affair.
It also has great little nuggets of GM wisdom to share that are universally applicable.
A great succinct little package!
Just a handy little tool in a nice, short, printable booklet.
For what it is, this is great... It's not going to build a world for you but it is a simple way to get some framework together; I can't speak to the story hooks aspects but a half hour with a deck of cards and some dice and a page of grid paper got me a wonderful intricate Corner-Of-A-World map. On that, something that added some realism to the map was: Working on a gridded page and with a coastline already defined: Upon drawing a card for an area, roll to call how many additional areas share that landscape. Then roll a d8 that many times, placing the landscape according to the compass directions called by the d8 (1=NE, 6=W, 4=S...). This way, there come to be larger areas with interesting shapes which later suggest the geology beneath and more. I got a great long gorge running from the mountains out to the coast.
Gratitude to the creator for his work! Though unless I'm mistaken, I think I paid a lot more than $4 for the kickstarter reward... but I probably got a bunch of other stuff too... Anyway, this is a great little helping tool and laughably definitely worth $4!
Creator Reply: |
Thank you so much for your review and support! Your ideas on using a defined coastline and a D8 for the compass are awesome! On the Kickstarter, this was a stretch goal in addition to the larger books |
This is a great product and very imaginative. I would give it five stars if it had a proper index with hyperlinks to each section. It is rather cumbersome to navigate. Otherwise it exactly what I was looking for.
The idea in general is good and the system is fun and easy to understand. BUT (and that is a big one for me): the format is really bad, so all cards back and front - if you print them yourself - are shifted, which not only makes the cards look bad but also makes some of them unusable. And we are not only talking about 0.5 mm or so but rather 5 to 6 mm for each single item.
Additionally the print marks are set the wrong way, which makes it impossible to cut them to the same size unless you add your own additional marks.
I also wanted to integrate the images of the cards as a custom deck in my VTT (Foundry VTT) and the download images are available but somehow cannot be read as images.
So it get's 5 stars for the idea and system and 1 star for the execution of the files which results in 3 in total.
I would wish that the authors update the files to come up with solutions to the aforementioned problems.
Creator Reply: |
Hi Philipp. Thank you for your feedback. Here are some tips for printing the cards that may also help others:
The cards are designed within a template in InDesign and exactly the same on every side within a given file layout wise. You can see this by looking through the PDF. Crop marks need to be outside the actual card, so they won't end up on the card face once cut down. Try not cutting to the edge of the paper, but just over the crop-marks. Or, alternatively, you could take the file to a local print shop.
The fact that both sides aren't lining up when you print them can be an issue with the print process itself. Desktop printers won't print exact on either side as the page has movement, you may need to 'nudge' the artwork to match it up. Try printing a test sheet and holding it up to the light to see how far off your printer's duplex is.
For the VTT files, they are contained within a ZIP file and are individual PNGs. I have checked the files by downloading them on two laptops and they seem to be working. Another DriveThruRPG user has used them to create this: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2552114083&searchtext=
Apologies that you're finding the files difficult. I hope these tips help with your printing etc.
Many thanks! |
The idea is good, but I find the font too small and difficult to read to be really useful. The combination of dyslexia and old age has forced me to put this tool aside.
Creator Reply: |
Hi! Apologies that you find the text too small, I completely understand.
A tip that might help: The PDF friendly print files text and design is in vector format, so you can print those larger at your local printers if you wish and they won't lose image quality.
I hope this helps! Thank you! |
I loved this design. It can be used in any system. I am using a d6 based system and slides right in.