I write this review not for the author of this pdf, but as a warning for other people that may stumble upon this by accident and decide to purchase it because of its low price, without additional research into its background. For the record, I got this along with a couple of other pdfs that contain "zero level" or "level zero" in their description, not because I get off on pastoral Euro-nationalism. Although, while we're at it, the picture on the front page of the module has nothing to do with the "adventure" itself.
This module is written for system MYFAROG. If you are unaware of this system, you shouldn't feel bad about it, you could say it's pretty... kvlt. For example, I have some familiarity with roleplaying games, and more than a passing familiarity with heavy metal music, but even I was unaware that one Varg Vikernes authored an RPG system. In case you did not grow up in early 00s surrounded by teenage edgelords from low-income families, you might want to google that name for a fun read about murder, mayhem, Mayhem, church burning, and somewhat underwhelming, albeit very influential, black metal. Today, Varg Vikernes is most known not as an RPG author, but as an outspoken white supremacist. That's not me being hyperbolic, the guy literally espoused Nazism during the 90s, and these days he talks to "white Europeans" who should return to "native European values". The mainstream media seems a bit ignorant of the nuances of his beliefs though, and tends to simply refer to him as 'Norwegian neo-Nazi', which seems apt enough, though unfair to Norway, since they really don't want anyting to do with him.
The reason why I'm mentioning this is not because I think the author of this "module" is a neo-Nazi himself. I do believe that, because I can't think of any other reason why anyone would want to associate with this rubbish, but I can't be bothered to research it, nor do I particularly care. I also don't do it because I think the pdf should be taken down. I'm big on freedom of expression, and I feel RPGs, especially indie RPGs, are a great medium to explore unpopular topics and beliefs, in a provocative and, why not, offensive way. I mention it because I think you should be aware of it before purchasing this. Have no doubt, both MYFAROG and this module provide a mythical nationalist setting which serves as a backdrop for some thinly-veiled Nazi ideology.
I also have a big problem with presentation of "The Dawning of Thule" on this website not only relating to its background, but content as well, so here's the outline of the contained "adventure", as recommended by the author:
- PCs are leading a group of 7 to 8 year old boys, on a night in which they perform a ritual to 'honor the dead';
- these boys paint themselves as corpses;
- then they go to the graveyard;
- then they get naked, and remain such for the remainder of the adventure;
- then they slay a cow on a burial mound;
- then they go into a bear's cave to try to sneak by him, or fight him, and get a thingy from its cave;
- if they survive, they... did well? they get a warm glass of milk at dawn? not really sure about the rationality of any of this, maybe because I'm not connected with my "white European" roots enough.
Considering there's only 4 pages in the pdf, the adventure description is not much more detailed than that but there are some useful bells and whistles, such as tips on how to replace your naked 7yo who might have been mangled to death and/or devoured by a bear with another. Handy.
As I said, I'm usually really into artsy stuff. Progressive or not. "The Dawning of Thule" is not artsy. It's not experimental nor ambitious nor provocative. Once you know what it's about, it's just an attempt at PG13 version of FATAL, and as such, kinda stale.