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D20 Go
by Matthew B. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 07/16/2023 02:16:20

The Good: It's extremely well-priced for what you get. Combat is deliberately fast and simplified. Resolution is pretty simple and fast as well. Injuries are quite lethal, which seems to be a design choice. Traits are a good idea.

The Bad: The book regularly digresses from the core mechanics. There are balance issues revolving around how Heroics are resolved and Traits are assigned.

This has heart, but it also suffers from heartbreaker syndrome, including an extensive spell list and equipment designed to appeal to D&D players instead of appealing to the system's strength of simplicity. The Z20 supplement seems like a better use of the core mechanic, even though it too suffers from balance issues. Good effort, but I simply wouldn't play this over another rules-lite system. It looks promising, though, for hacking or getting an additional edition.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
D20 Go
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D20 Go
by Michael Y. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 11/14/2020 16:54:53

I signed up for a playtest run by the author, and had a great experience. To be honest, at first I couldn't wrap my head around the absence of the turn by turn tactical combat that I was used to in other systems. But on the other hand, not dedicating lots of time to battle allows for so much more story and roleplay- you know, what is right there in the term RPG! The system even encourages extra RP in the fights anyway, giving players the agency to narrate their actions and describe the outcome. On the GM side, I was encouraged to try being one for the first time in part because I didn't have to worry about as many stats for NPC's and monsters. The spells are inventive and the included campaign world setting has a large variety of elements to explore and inspire. The playful illustrations are delightful icing. Overall, a great choice for your TT or PBP games.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
D20 Go Quick Start Adventure
by Michael J. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 11/05/2020 20:12:00

Very like my own system. No major math involved, just roll 3 die 20's plus or minus one aspect against a foe rating. DM tells the outcome, and you descibe how it happens. All major equipment is atuomatically yours. Better stuff via treasure finding. Just one roll for a whole combat. Unlimited character classes with no requirements.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
D20 Go Quick Start Adventure
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D20 Go Quick Start Adventure
by Casey H. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 10/31/2020 15:11:47

A great solution for groups who cannot get together consistently to play (especially right now)! Check it out!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
D20 Go
by Jonathan L. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 10/18/2020 13:13:17

This is a great response to the unique conditions that arise from play by post and running games when not everybody is around at the same time. The world is familiar enough drawing on real world and fantasy inspirations but it comes together nicely and feels like a world spawning plenty of adventure opportunities. Really pleased with my purchase

[5 of 5 Stars!]
D20 Go
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