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by Jeff M. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 10/25/2021 20:12:12

Excellent streamlined Open D6 variant, a lot of genre example to run almost every setting you can think of with a bit of work, it has also a lot of good ideas (for exemple how to run characte wealth).

It would be a perfect 5 out of 5 system, exept : it designed for GM who already knows the hobby, it s not new comers friendly (at least as a reading). So if you re a new player or GM, it would be a good pick exept you wont find any info about how to run your campaign

Otherwise that ?

I highly recommand it if you re looking for a system easy enough to initiate new players or if you need a ready to go tool box to adapt a show or a movie without much hassles.

(based on the French version, the English as a few error like the word OU in the rule cheat sheet instead of OR)

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Gallant & Bold
by JOHN M. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 05/14/2021 08:28:26

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by Shawn M. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 07/15/2020 11:20:16

John has written an compelling take on the OpenD6 system that is compact but flavorful. It is a worthy competiting option to similar efforts such as Mini Six or MicropenD6. While Mini Six has a similar depth of setting materail, I find this book does a better job of presenting the material as a suite of tools to be leveraged.

There are a lot of tables and tools in here than are written with the GM in mind: cleanly written and modular rules for different genres that can be mashed together to create your own tweaks. Building things like monsters, weapons, or vehicles is very straightforward with the examples given. The attribute+skills list is very evocative of "how" a charcater might do something rather than "what" a charcater might do. I like it - it is easily swapped out with some more traditional if you like but it was nice to see a different take. The Qualities system allows you to get more "data" from a single roll which can speed up play and give the GM and Players choices as how to add flavor to their rolls.

I'd be curious to see a variant of this game that uses the Wound Track and another variant D6 Legends style success counting. These are not negatives though, just further room for exploration in a well-written game.

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Gallant & Bold
by Thomas M. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 06/07/2020 13:21:55

Both smart and beautiful game, a veteran of the OSR will see many details and wonderful ideas at play. The ability test, the shield, the bruises, the progression of characters all this is the result of a thoughtful and learned mind ! If you like the OSR vibe you will love this one. This is the way !!!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Gallant & Bold
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