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A Wizard
by Chris D. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 03/02/2021 21:14:51

FANTASTIC for one shots. Really disturbing and unsettling albeit the kind of thing that's difficult to slot into an existing campaign. Packed page by page with art it is definitely worth the $8 and I wish it got a lot more attention. This is a horror module, and the better you do at lampshading that fact and sell it as a generic fantasy or D&D game before they play, the more fun this is going to be when it comes out. Know your players before you run this to make sure so you aren't pushing any boundaries but once they reach floor 3 they are locked in. Another fun one is "you don't remember why you were coming here in the first place" to sort of hint at the fact that The Wizard called them there. It can be run with minimal prep with something like Basic Fantasy RPG but just make sure if you run it to know the system in and out first.

If I have any complaint it's that I wish there was an expansion to it, or honestly more reasons for players to enter "the abyss", potentially some kind of reason to enter it given that the tables for this area teak up more than half the book and there's only a small handful of ways to get shoved into there, unless I missed something.

Otherwise, if you are a DM who loves creepy stuff and surprising your players you can't do much better.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
A Wizard
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A Wizard
by Jeremy E. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 09/17/2020 10:54:31

What an amazing and incredibily creepy adventure this is! It's also easy to follow and would work well with many rpg systems. It's the kind of adventure I imagine most players talking about for a long time after. Cosmic horror and exploration done right. Highly recommend.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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