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Neon Lords of the Toxic Wasteland Core Rulez
by Ed [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 01/03/2025 14:55:39

I've played RPGs since 1982, and without a doubt, this is my favorite RPG I've bought (and I've bought a lot of them). To be truthful, I'm now editing some Neon Lords books. I didn't start that way, though. I began a year ago as a fan. I loved the game so much I wanted to contribute to it, and now I'm an editor (having a blast doing it).

As I read the rule book, I was frequently laughing out loud at the cool Easter eggs I was finding. As I read each of the classes, I wanted to play each one. The Brutacorn (a cybernetic bi-corn with a ton of attitude), Noise Thrasher (shredder that wields magic through guitar solos), and the Cyberskin (cyborg Ronald Reagans that were built for some now lost purpose before the apocalypse) are just some of the insanely fun classes you can play.

In the lore of the game, an apocalypse occurred in 1992, and we are now millions of years in the future. Chronosages use magic smoke to look back into the past, and they've concluded that the pro Wrestlers were the gods, thus Randy "Macho Man" Savage is essentially like Zeus in the game. Civilization has begun taking root, but it is a fun-house version of 80s-90s excesses. Energy drinks and mutant pizzas abound.

Rules are simple, largely drawn from BX D&D, but there are a lot of the great innovations in the game. Among them are class-based Critical Hit tables (called To the Max! tables) and unique critical hit tables for every monster. These are sure to inject memorable chaos and epic moments in the game. Each class has multiple class-based abilities...some are free (innate) and others require that you spend Class Points. Spend too many Class Points and weird things start happening.

Mutations are a common occurrence that are at times very beneficial.

Hairstyles and sick shades can offer some great buffs to characters.

Within the game, there are also mini games that can come into play: arm wrestling, Power Caps (Pogs), and the dice game Snotz!

It's clear the author loves random tables, there are a ton in the book. These, along with the mini games, give the game master a plethora of tools to make unique, fun, and hilarious adventures for players.

I've run the game for multiple groups, and it has always gone over well. I've even gotten my wife to play this as her first-ever RPG session. I've also played four sessions, and each was a memorable and fun experience.

While I love Dungeon Crawl Classics, Neon Lords of the Toxic Wasteland is my go-to game. I've even written 2 adventures for it this year.

It helps to enter the game with the right vibe. Don't get brokenhearted if your character gets turned into a pile of goo. There are plenty of cool characters to play. Pick up one or two of the very affordable adventures, and start having fun.

While you can pretty much do anything with any RPG, the vibe of this one is TMNT, Judge Dredd, Predator, He-Man, and the like. You are sure to find a treasure trove of familiar tropes in this game that will have you laughing and begging for more.

And, if you get this book, be sure to pick up "Riders of the Burpwarp" to pick up another 12+ classes, including the Sewer Shark and Toxic Barbarian.

Finally, the game has a great community on Discord where people discuss the game and even run online sessions...a great way to check out the game yourself.

Even if you don't play the game, this book will give you hours of enjoyment in just the reading, and it is sure to inspire you to making some very cool adventures in whatever system you play.

So, what are you waiting for?

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Neon Lords of the Toxic Wasteland Core Rulez
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Neon Lords of the Toxic Wasteland Core Rulez
by Eric [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 12/28/2024 08:52:17

This game is far and away the best new thing to come out of the OSR movement. Based on the Basic/Expert rules system with many significant tweaks and improvements streamlining at-table play, Neon Lords comes out swinging with powerful new character classes, fun and exciting enemies, a completely awesome setting that is in itself totally worth the price of admission. And a huge library of pre-written encounters and adventures in easy, pamphlet, zine, and booklet form. Plus full blown supplement books like Warpshine Runners and Space Bulk, and more! There's fan made classes and content to enjoy, A vibrant community on Discord and Facebook constantly adding new content, and Super Savage Systems own Knights of the Slime Table Patreon giving even more Gane content weekly! I cannot recommend and endorse this ttrpg strongly enough! This is the fun, funny, awesome, gonzo, radical post apocalypse role playing game of the decade that you didn't even know you were missing until you dive in and experience the incredible awesomeness of it. If I could give Neon Lords ten stars I absolutely would!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Mutant Hive Warz
by Jason [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 08/27/2024 12:22:33

Another banger for Neon Lords! This one is awesome, and way enhanced with a pair of 3D glasses. Best of all, it's got a couple of fun new classes AND is chock full of awesome art by the one and only Mustafa Bekir. If you are a fan of Neon Lords, you need this in your collection.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Mutant Hive Warz
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Manhattan Missions
by Jason [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 07/02/2024 16:03:31

Another fantastic set of adventures for the greatest RPG of all time - NEON LORDS! This one is a throwback to the early days of Neo-Terraxx, with 5 sick adventures for your Scumdogs to discover.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Manhattan Missions
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Warpshine Runnerz
by Jason [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 06/06/2024 17:29:28

This 'HicksCrawl' for Neon Lords might be my favorite book in the Neon Lords library to date. Just chock full of awesome, insane and hilarious encounters, locations and NPCs. You'll be exploring Beggar's Ridge for years to come, so much to do and see here. The map of the town by Mustafa Bekir is phenomenal - wish I had it in Poster format!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Warpshine Runnerz
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Riders of the Burpwarp
by Jason [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 06/06/2024 17:21:17

Awesome collection of NEW CLASSES for the best RPG ever created - NEON LORDS OF THE TOXIC WASTELAND! There are also new Bros 4 Hire, new gear, new spells and lots more cool stuff. My next Scumdog is DEFINITELY going to be a Radioactive Raccoon. HIGEST POSSIBLE RECOMMENDATION!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Riders of the Burpwarp
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Hell Night Hijinks
by Bob V. G. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 07/18/2023 18:39:20

During the last few days I have soloed my way through a fun adventure, Hell Night Hijinks (20 pages, free at DriveThruRPG). This adventure is designed for Neon Lords of the Wasteland, but I used Wushu: Black Belt Edition (192 pages, free/pay what you want, same place). To solo it, I changed four lines in Trick or Treat a Tunnels & Trolls Halloween Solo. I created four first level characters. The adventure started when the PCs heard about the Hell Night event. This is when, for one night a year, the veil between terra-realm and the terror-realm is so thin that all hell breaks loose. When tricks and treats fill the streets of all the humanoid sectors and all the unspeakable horrors wreak havoc. The PCs decided to go check it out.

When they got there, they listened to The Carnie, put on their costumes, and then entered the Warehouse of Horrors. They entered a dark room, found a bronze key, and soon found themselves on a dangerous conveyor belt. My geomancer PC saw its weakness and plunged his eight inch spiral metal spike into that spot. There was a loud grinding sound and then the belt stopped working. They discovered the secret and moved into the next room. They then used the bronze key to get to the mirror maze. When the PC Clarine looked into the mirror, a doppelganger, which looked like her, stepped out of the mirror, attacked, and killed her. The PC named Willy held out his plastic pumpkin and said, “Trick or treat”. The doppelganger put a severed finger into it and then just stood there with a blank look on its face. The PCs were able to escape the maze by using blindfolds. Next, they found the dungeon set of rooms where they saw The Executioner. Hack gives the PCs his stuff and then fights the enemy. Hack dies, the two remaining PCs retreat, and then blow up the enemy and part of the building with the C4. They escape the building through the damaged wall.

Determined to get better treats, they enter the McRonalds. This time they get a “Slimefinger” and a razor blade apple. When they try to get treats from a house, Willy gets hit by a poison dart that came from the occupant. They move around the corner and Willy heals himself. The two PCs go to the back door and try to get in using their lock pick. When this fails, Art the geomancer shoots the door with his semi-automatic pistol. They enter through the destroyed door. They are now face to face with two brothers. They are middle-aged, have goat eyes, and are wearing t-shirts. One is a Franken Berry shirt and the other is Frute Brute. They are armed with switchblades. Art and Willy kill them. They gather up the loot in this home: pink fluffy candy, two switchblades, a poison dart, and a blow dart tube. Well, the PCs have had enough of this crazy event. They leave the location and head back home.

Maybe you will have better luck. Give this a try!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Hell Night Hijinks
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Neon Lords of the Toxic Wasteland Core Rulez
by Jason E. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 04/18/2023 16:27:17

I gave the original release of Neon Lords a glowing 5-Star Review and, well... The TOTAL CARNAGE Edition deserves an even HIGHER RATING! Everythign you loved about the NL Core Rulez, now with tons of additional content, including SPACE BULK, an amazing toolkit for running adventures in behemoth juggernaut spaceships the size of a city, inspired by the classic GW Space Hulk game! If you love Warhammer 40K and the old school GW aesthetic, then this will be right up your alley! If you've been waiting to dip your toes in the Neon Lords pool [of toxic waste], there's no better time - dive on in! LORD RANDY BE PRAISED!!!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Neon Lords of the Toxic Wasteland Core Rulez
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Sleazoid Mutant Freaks From Cannibal Island
by Jason E. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 04/18/2023 16:21:27

Yet another awesome Neon Lords adventure! Love the Sewer Skiff, I had it printed 11x17 and laminated, really cool map. If you love Mutants, Sleaze and all things cool - GET THIS!!!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Sleazoid Mutant Freaks From Cannibal Island
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The Last Outpost on the Left Remastered
by Eric W. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 04/18/2023 13:17:32

The fact that this is not being sold for $15 to $30 is insane! And a testament to the extreme nach0-flavored baja-blast awesomeness of the creators of this game. What this is is literally a fully written short-run classic dungeon crawl style adventure for Neon Lords of the Toxic Wasteland. Seriously! A Module in the E. Gary Gygax traditions of crankin'-out badass modules for GameMasters to run their players through. As a Neon Lords, you'll pit your Scumdog crew ( player's characters ) against classic traps, gnarly monsters and find rad treasures that'll elevate your Cosmic Barbarians and Death Bringers and Night Stalkers to fame and fortune! When this comes out in print format, I'll be buying three so I can give extra copies out as gifts! THis is really a straight up, solid role playing gaming product that I honestly want to submit for awards. It is the real deal Holyfield. You will get so much good times and radical action from this module. Snap into this slim jim of ultra-flavor badassery!!!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Last Outpost on the Left Remastered
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Battle Vest: Fashionable Armor for the Noise Thrasher
by Jason E. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 03/22/2023 11:37:03

This is a MUST HAVE for the new NOISE THRASHER Class! Build-Your-Own BATTLE VEST, in the style of a kids coloring menu from your favorite greasy spoon. Best of all... it's FREE!!! Get it now, SCUMDOGS!!!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Battle Vest: Fashionable Armor for the Noise Thrasher
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Overreaching Government Leeches
by Jason E. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 03/08/2023 11:39:59

Fun romp through the HQ of a corrupt corpo - stick it to the man!

Hilarious send-up of the OGL fiasco wrapped in an excellent encounter for your Scumdog party to enjoy.

Love the layout on this one, different from the standard NL design, but it's refreshing in HOT PINK and NEON LIME GREEN.

Beware the KHAOTIC COPIER!!!

This one is a blast, highly recommended.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Overreaching Government Leeches
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Attack Alley
by Jason E. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 03/08/2023 11:29:39

This is such a fun supplement for Neon Lords! If you are into old-school beat 'em up arcade games like Streets of Rage, Double Dragon, Final Fight, Captain Commando, TMNT, etc [OR movies like The Warriors] then you NEED THIS IN YOUR LIFE!

Awesome back-alley brawls against ruthless gang bangers while on your way to the local Detroit Prime Pizza Time... excellent. Do you run, or do you FIGHT?!

Hey man, I'm not lookin' for trouble... I just wanted a slice of pie and a can of Glug-Chug... didn't know they'd be serving up knuckle sammiches!


[5 of 5 Stars!]
Attack Alley
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Character Sheet
by Jason E. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 09/06/2022 11:53:50

Awesome expanded 2-page NL character sheet. It's perfect for all of your wasteland wandering needs.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Character Sheet
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Ape Warlord x Party Beholder
by Jason E. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 09/06/2022 11:53:08

I mean... how could you NOT want to add the Ape Warlord class to your Neon Lords games? Don't be silly. You know you need this. 5 Stars, an essential NL character class, with a killer Monster added to boot.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Ape Warlord x Party Beholder
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