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Dancing axes. Generic Anglo-Scandinavian warriors 9-11c
by Andrej M. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 03/31/2024 18:49:19


Amazing set. Better quality of artworks. Bigger variety when comparing minis than before.

While different color schemes were common practice in this set artist goes a step further so similar looking warriors have even different accessories. At first glace they look identical but acessories like seax instead of belt pouches make minis stand out.

Reason for 4.8/5 instead of 5/5 is that every warrior has a cloak (There are no warriors with no cloaks), warriors without the helmets all have hats (there are no warriors with no headgear, and all the Saxon archers and fyrd warriors have very similar hairstyles. I'm not well versed in Anglo-saxon history so I'm not sure if this is historically accurate and my lack of knowledge is reason why I don't like everyone having same hairstyle.)

but I still think these are just small personal grievances. Artwork is top notch and amazing addition to previous sets.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Dancing axes. Generic Anglo-Scandinavian warriors 9-11c
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Golden Roses 1680-1730. 15mm paper soldiers.
by Bob B. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 09/21/2023 06:40:08

I bought these figures to take on the Ottoman Turks from the same range. Like the Turks these are 15mm, well produced , attractive figures. There are late 17th century early late 18th century white coated Austrians with Tricone infantry and Grenadiers. While most are musket armed for the early period there are a few pikes, which could form whole units but which I have used to support and differentiate my command stands. Units can have unit command as there are officers and standard bearers. Cavalry consists of white coated cuirassiers and green coated Hussars. There are “frontier troops” which I count as dragoons, and these are depicted as light cavalry and dismounted soldiers (see the authors note in the discussion section). The mounted units have officers standard bearers and musicians for unit commands and these can also be grouped together to form higher command groups An artillery section – guns, crews, accessories and gabions are included. A very good and useable set to build an early Austrian army – either to take on the Turks or a more conventional Europeans army. Although sold as a fictional army there figures are accurate and well depicted. Like the Turks the figures have a shaded background which I found made cutting out easy. Great fun, giving lots of enjoyment. Good value. Highly recommended

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Golden Roses 1680-1730. 15mm paper soldiers.
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Flaming Spear. 1680-1730. 15mm paper soldiers.
by Bob B. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 08/14/2023 04:14:08

Bought these and I am very pleased with the paper figures. Well detailed and authentic looking even in 15mm. The definitive soldiers of the Ottomans – the Janissaries – are well represented; possibly too well at the cost of some of the lesser quality troops. However other infantry are included and it just means printing a few more sheets. Heavy and light cavalry are represented, as are the artillery. Four guns, each with crew, barrels of powder and gabions to protect them all on a single sheet. All the units can have command as there are single officers, standard bearers and musicians. All the figures have shading around them which makes it easy and quick to cut them out and get a pleasing result. On seeing these I also bought Golden Roses 1680 -1730, which I will use as Austrians, to take on the Ottomans. Both sets are excellent – well drawn figures and in a format that allows the huge armies of the period to be built at an inexpensive price Highly recommended

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Flaming Spear. 1680-1730. 15mm paper soldiers.
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Siberian Bear. Generic Russian-style army in Middle Asia 1864-1880.
by Andreas P. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 05/24/2023 05:57:23

It's been a while since I bought this set, but I'm only now getting around to making the figures. As usual, the characters are excellently drawn and beautifully implemented. A perfect small army for Sarmakand and the Russian Empire's Asian conflicts. The red trousers make you want more and I hope that at some point the author will create figures for the war of 1877 (Ottomans and Russians) or maybe even the army of Napoleon III draws. In any case, wonderful figures that I have a lot of fun with.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Siberian Bear. Generic Russian-style army in Middle Asia 1864-1880.
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Polish-Lithuanian warriors 17th century (II)
by Scott W. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 11/02/2022 20:33:14

As usual, great job on these minis! Fabulous artwork. I'll be using them for fantasy battles. :)

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Polish-Lithuanian warriors 17th century (II)
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Horned vs fanged. 28mm Primal Warriors.
by Steven P. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 09/20/2022 09:31:58

This is a very exciting set of figures, drawn in Batalov's usual style. Great attention to detail and shading makes them very pleasing to the eye. They are, as usual mirrored, with the same image on both sides, but reversed. there are actually TWO factions in this set: One dressed for colder weather, and one wearing less. They are well balanced, having the same organization and armament. Five Leaders or heroes, five spear warriors, five hand weapon warriors, five javelin skirmishers, and five bows. In addition, each side gets five women and children, and a dog.

I bought these to use for Vendal in a '13th Warrior' game, but on reading the author's notes, purcheased the rules "Tribal', also on Wargame Vault. This set of figures will make two well balanced forces for that game.

I hope that this series does well, and will be continued with more pre-historic figures, including primitive mammals such as mastodons, smilodons, and bison, as there are some very nice hunting scenarios in the Tribal supplement 'Primeval'.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Horned vs fanged. 28mm Primal Warriors.
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by Steven P. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 05/14/2022 18:21:52

This set of figures contains eight of the main Gladiator 'types', in very good action poses. The figures are drawn from one side, then 'flipped' to give a mirrored appearance. The drawing and shading are well done, the armor is especially well presented.

The Gladiator types include four 'heavies', the Murmillo, the Secutor, and the Provocateur, representing Rome, and the Samnite. There are two spear wielding figures, the Gallus and the Hoplomach. the Gallus has a large shield, the Hoplomach a small round one. The Tracian(think Spartacus) has full armor, but a smaller shield, and a curved sword. finally, the Retiarius, with trident and net being thrown.

These figures will be useful to anyone playing any of the fine gladiator games available. I am using mine with "Red Sand Blue Sky" from Two Hour Wargames. One of the nice features of the Retiarius is that the net is drawn in such a way that it can be cut off, and mounted on it's own base, after it has been thrown, in game.

These figures will also be most useful for those playing out the Servile Revolt of Spartacus.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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The Last Romans (I). Generic romans 4-5AD
by Steven P. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 05/14/2022 17:57:49

This set, like all of Vyacheslav's figures, are drawn from one side and reversed. They are drawn with great detail, and solid research into the proper equipment and dress. With each release, his shading, and use of color palette grows more pleasing.

This set of 4th-5th century Romans will be most useful for rules such as Dux Bellorum, Broken Legions, and Lion Rampant, all from Osprey. They will also be welcomd by players of Simon McDowell's excellent "Comitatatus". Most of the figures can be utilized as Romans, or Sub-Roman British.

The set contains Heavy Cavalry, both armored and un-armored, with command; light cavalry, with either bow or javelins; a nice bolt shooter, with crew; two fully armored foot standard bearers, and a choice of three foederatti leaders, "romanized" to different degrees. There is a sheet with eight 'formed' infantry, four of them armored, and the other four with helmet and shield; another page includes eight skirmishers, four with bow, and four with javelins.

These are a very much needed set, and represent the artist at his best. With the release of the "Scourge of God" set of Huns, adventure in the Fifth Century awaits you.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Last Romans (I). Generic romans 4-5AD
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White Eagle. Generic U.S. regular cavalry 1865-1880
by Cameron F. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 06/17/2021 15:03:16

Batalov's usual excellent artwork, and very generous number of poses. I particularly appreciate the different uniforms provided for the cavalrymen.

This is another set perfectly crafted for Rebels and Patriots, or The Men Who Would be Kings.

The large number of poses, inclusion of dismounted troopers, and provision of support weapons in the form of Gatlings and light artillery, also mean this set can be used with any rules.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
White Eagle. Generic U.S. regular cavalry 1865-1880
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Battle for Eldorado [BUNDLE]
by Steven P. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 01/09/2021 14:03:04

This bundle is a great value: 177 individual images, making up just about any army you could want for playing the Conquest of Mexico , Peru, or an 'imagi-nation' of you choice. For the Spanish, there are cavalry, muskets, crossbows, sword and buckler men, polearms, cannons, cavalry, and war dogs. The sets of Aztek, Mayan, and Inca warriors contain special warrior societies, common warriors, skirmishers, and, for the Toltecs, my favorite: lads throwing gourds filled with live bees.

The artwork is stunnily beautiful, with mirror images for both sides of the figures. All are in profile. I printed mine two images to a page, on 28lb paper. I assemble mine with Scotch Wrinkle-free gluesticks, and get great results. After basing them, I apply a coat of matte Mod Podge.

These figures will be perfect for skirmish games, such as Osprey's "The Men Who Would Be Kings", or possibly "Rebels and Patriots". A little tweaking of the lists should be all it takes.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Battle for Eldorado [BUNDLE]
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Siberian Bear. Generic Russian-style army in Middle Asia 1864-1880.
by Steven P. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 12/26/2020 15:03:21

This set is a ready to go army for games such as Sword and the Flame. 52 characters, making up Command, Infantry, Cavalry, and Artillery in the style of late 19th century Siberian troops. I printed mine at two pages per sheet of 8-1/2 x 11 inch paper, and the infantry is 25mm, from feet to eyes. I used 28 pound paper, and glue with Scotch winkle Free glue sticks. I find it easier to cut out both halves of the figures, THEN gk\lue them together to get the best allignment,

The artwork is very pleasing, with a great variety of faces, some bearded, some clean shaven, with different hair colors. Horses are if several poses, none 'static' except the ones being used to steady the fire of the dismounted cossacks. some os the cossacks have fur caps, some have the peaked cap. some have lances, some swords, some carbines.

The artillery includes a light field gun, a gatling machine gun, and a lin\mber with horse team. There is a good mix of crew members, including ammo carriers and seargents. There is also a pack donkey.

The infantry is in a good asoortment of poses, firing, defending and charging. These will be exceelent for skirmish games.

The figures are printed with the same art on both sides, simply 'mirrorred'. I have no problem with this, as it makes identifying figures easy from any side of the game table. Bases are NOT provided, but slotted bases are reccomended. I used some folding bases from One Monk miniatures, with good results.

I tuly hope that Vyacheslav Batalov will continue to grow this series, with the forces of Queen Victoria, and the soldiers of the 19th century Indian Army.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Siberian Bear. Generic Russian-style army in Middle Asia 1864-1880.
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ECW Loyal Alliance. Cavalry 1640-1660.
by Cameron F. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 04/25/2020 10:10:30

The artist's style and attention to detail is wonderful. Batalov knows his subjects well, as shown by the nice differences between his early 30 Years War, and English Civil War period figures. He captures not only the look, but the feel of the era.

The figures are nicely aligned and easy to assemble. They make a lovely and economical alternative to metal miniatures. I plan to use them with The Pikeman's Lament rules.

I am so impressed with Batalov's work that I have bought nearly his entire line of figures.

Cameron Fairchild Texas

[5 of 5 Stars!]
ECW Loyal Alliance. Cavalry 1640-1660.
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Creator Reply:
Thank you very much for your review. I set as my main goal to convey the feeling of the era!
Firing Blood. European Conquistadors. 28mm paper soldiers.
by Jason P. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 04/24/2020 17:01:50

FANTASTIC companion to the AZTECS and MAYANS. This guy knows his subject, even having the correct type of wardogs the SPANISH used.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Firing Blood. European Conquistadors. 28mm paper soldiers.
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Forest Fury & Golden Roses. Maya & Toltec warriors. 28mm paper soldiers.
by Jason P. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 04/23/2020 16:47:27

BEAUTIFUL artwork. GREAT complement set to the Aztecs and Conquistadors. Bargain price

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Forest Fury & Golden Roses. Maya & Toltec warriors. 28mm paper soldiers.
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Lions of Rock. Aztecs warriors. 28mm paper soldiers.
by Jason P. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 04/23/2020 16:44:04

SUPERB artwork. PERFECT mix of warrior types. BARGAIN price.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Lions of Rock. Aztecs warriors. 28mm paper soldiers.
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