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Dark Trails RPG - Bootleg Edition
by Cody H. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 04/20/2020 22:18:22

Dark Trails oozes style! I've been fortunate enough to play through a couple of different modules at conventions and have never been disappointed! It's a gritty escape into a weird and macabe wild west that will leave you wanting more!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Dark Trails RPG - Bootleg Edition
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Dark Trails RPG - Bootleg Edition
by Kevin K. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 04/06/2020 14:03:34

Dark Trails is Fantastic! First off, its based on the Dungeon Crawl Classics Roleplaying Game which is also fantastic. Then, you take the Wacky West and put it into the zaney DCC system...nothing can go wrong there!

Seriously though, if you are a fan of Deadlands or any other creative enterprise in the Ol' West then Dark Trails is perfect for you.

Some favorite mechanics: The Gun Deck, using a deck of cards to simulate gun action ractchets up the tension! Boons and Hexes using poker chips are a fast and loose system for destiny and fate to intervene when needed!

You should check this out!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Dark Trails RPG - Bootleg Edition
by Mike C. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 04/05/2020 14:10:47

It's what it says on the tin. Weird West based on the DCC ruleset. DCC core book not needed, but it doesn't hurt.

The Good: The art in this is great. The rules are complete and playable with some interesting additions to the DCC base rules. Playing cards are involved in gun fights which adds a lovely old west feel. All the classes are represented with a taste of poweres and spells. Just as with DCC there is a lot of support from third party products for this genre already with zines and adventures (and don't forget whole game lines that used this genre as their playground you can borrow ideas from). Rumor has it Gongfarmers Almanac 2020 will be filled with a bunch of Dark Trails inspired goodness.

The Bad: This is not the finished game yet. There are complete rules and class offerings but they stop at level 2. This is more than a quickstart, say akin to D&D Basic Boxed set where you had enough to get going and play for several sessions before making stuff up on your own. Some may baulk at paying $12 for a starter set and they should wait for the finished project. For those hungerin for a DCC Weird West it's here and waiting.

The Ugly: Not a finished product yet so I'll hold off saying what doesn't look like it'll work (I've not run it, just read it). Though the incluided funnel seems particularly deadly and looks like it could take several sessions to fully get through (long time to be at zero level).

Face it, it's the Weird West, it's DCC, it's pretty as anything. You know you want it.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Hey Mike! Thank you so much for the time you took to leave a review. I'd really love to hear more of your thoughts on the things you don't have a taste for, as I'll be taking feedback all the way up til I send the book to the printers! I may have missed something you've spotted, so drop me a line at Thanks, Dave
Dark Trails RPG - Bootleg Edition
by James M. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 04/02/2020 11:08:57

This is a pretty cool idea. I love the idea of a weird west theme based on the Dungeon Crawl Classics ruleset. I haven't had time to play it yet, but I know this will hit my table soon. This is a pretty beefy preview and worth every penny.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Dark Trails RPG - Bootleg Edition
by Stefan S. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 04/02/2020 07:46:13

I had the opportunity to play this game at a convention while the Kickstarter was running and was immediately hooked. I backed the Kickstarter and read over the Bootleg Edition as soon as I got the PDF. The rules are great and well balanced. I love the easy implementation of banes and boons via poker chips to represent luck (or lack thereof). Plus, it's really great how playing cards are used for bonuses and crit success/fails to gunfights. Both can easily removed from the game, though I think you'd lose some great flavor by doing that. Just wanted to note that in case anyone is not wanting to use anythign except dice.

This is the system that does the weird west genre the best for me. That genre difference is also what allowed me to easily get my normal gaming group to agree to try it and we were able to play something that isn't D&D. This is a big recommendation from me for anyone who wants either of those things.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Dark Trails RPG - Bootleg Edition
by Brandon F. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 04/02/2020 02:23:30

Oh, where to begin? It feels like DCC and Deadlands (Classic) skipped merrily over the border, hand in hand, and that's a good thing. I really was not expecting it to be so good for what I wanted out of it.

It brings a lot to the game table, having a bit of something for most playstiles. All the way from blowing things up, to mixing potions, to being dead, and then throwing down for a smackdown, it's suprisingly all in there. Walking the Path helps with keeping an eye on how the player's are doing morally and Boon/Hexes have a nice feel to them for 'luck' (though I'm still trying to figure out how, or even if, the party's supposed to be shaking those Hexes. I might have missed it somewhere, but I'm still not quite sure how/when those go away or refresh).

It's certainly worth a look if you enjoy the likes of DCC and Deadlands.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Dark Trails RPG - Bootleg Edition
by Sarah E. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 04/01/2020 13:24:52

This "shortened" bootleg edition, leaves you hungry for more, but in the "It tastes so good that I want more" way. Packed with fantastic art, cool character classes, and interesting game mechanics, this can be a stand alone book to get you started down dark trails for your home game. The art will help players visualize the weird west setting and the types of characters and monsters that live in this setting. The GM and players will have everything they need to gather the posse and head west.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Hey Sarah, Thank you for taking the time to leave the kind review for the game. It really means so much! Reach out to me at when you get a chance? Dave
Dark Trails RPG - Bootleg Edition
by Chris Z. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 03/31/2020 13:05:59

Weird Wild West + Horror + DCC rules set = Awesome in a lot of ways

I supported the Dark Trails kickstarter a while ago and as part of it the Dark Trails Bootleg edition has been released. I love it. I have played Dark Trails before and I even ran a funnel adventure for it at Gary Con in 2019. Ever since I tried Dark Trails I enjoyed it. Its different than your standard DCC in that it is a Weird West setting. It has horror elements to it. I was hooked on reading this book since I got it because I wanted to see what Mr. David Baity has been doing with the system since I last checked it out. He has been working hard on it. In this book, you will find everything you need to start a Dark Trails game (except for players, and some dice, and playing card decks). The system has eleven new classes. Each have a great feel to them and I like a lot of them. Mr. Baity gives us a taste of what the game will be like by presenting two levels of each class. So you can start your Dark Trails campaign with the funnel adventure in the book (Great idea by the way) and then can advance the character you have survived to level one characters. There is a whole new mecurial magic chart relatable to Dark Trails. We are presented with rules for firearms which play a huge role for most characters. Dark Trails presents a new system for alignment and I enjoy it. Intoxication (chasing the worm) rules are really a great idea for a game like this. Fear and Madness rules are discussed and its a dangerous times out there so this makes sense. There is a system that is in addition to the normal luck rules called Boons and Hexes. This is interesting and I like it. It fits well with Dark Trails.

Overall, I told Mr. Baity, this Bootleg Edition made me want to run a Dark Trails game even though the full game is not 100% complete yet. Its great. I hope this review might help you out if you were considering purchasing the book or pdf. Its a great introduction to Dark Trails RPG.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Dark Trails RPG - Bootleg Edition
by Matt C. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 03/26/2020 19:08:21

This here be a rootin', tootin', gunslingin', gamblin', hustlin', rustlin' Lovecraftn', Fan-the-Hammerin', Occultn', tome of AWESOME and on Helluva good time!

Do yer self a favor Cowpoke and grab yer boots and spurs for a rough riding time of hellfire and tarnation after the seven days of night!

Giddyup and YEE-HAAAW!!!!!!!!!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Hey Matt! Thank you for taking the time to leave some positive vibes on the upcoming game! Please reach out to me at as soon as you can! D
Dark Trails RPG - Bootleg Edition
by John M. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 03/25/2020 21:36:12

fantastic game the gonzo of dcc with the wild west lots of fun you wont be disapointed

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Dark Trails RPG - Bootleg Edition
by Ryan W. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 03/25/2020 19:00:36

Weird West and DCC Brutality. Also a wrestling crit table. It solves all of the problems you just realized you had.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Dark Trails RPG - Bootleg Edition
by Matthew R. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 03/25/2020 16:50:31

DCC RPG and the Weird West, what isn't to like?

This takes the DCC RPG framework with all new classes to fit the setting.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Dark Trails RPG - Bootleg Edition
by Keith N. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 03/25/2020 12:56:32

This book is an excellent take on the DCC engine, presenting an entire system for running weird Western adventures. Think gunslingers, magic, incursions of the Old Ones, and existential dread, all in one package. This particular product is billed as the quickstart rules, but really presents a full system for running all eleven new classes from 1st to 2nd level, including 0-level character generation, with new spells, new equipment, new crit and fumble tables, and an entire adventure included. The artwork is topnotch and this is a great introductory resource to hold you over until the full core book is released later this year. There's a plethora of on-line free material available for it through the DCC fan-driven Gongfarmer's Almanac as well. My only quibble is with the paper quality DTRPG uses for the standard printed really demands to have a high quality print version available, instead of just the standard. Highly recommend it to anyone loking for some weird western goodness.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Dark Trails RPG - Bootleg Edition
by Ian S. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 03/25/2020 10:51:33

Weird Westerns can be hard to do without being samey. Dark Trails sets itself apart from the pack by doing many things differently and well. Each character class looks, feels, and plays differently. From the more mundane classes one would expect from a western setting to the more fanciful and thematic. The influences for the system are deeply rooted in pulp westerns, gindhouse schlock, and lovecraftian horror. To make things even better, Dark Trails runs on the Dungeon Crawl Classics system. The system is well suited for fast and deadly play. If you are familiar with DCC, there are some new mechanics to learn. The Hex and boon token system is well done and the gun deck adds some more random fun to simulate how unpredictable guns could be during the 1800's. The book is well organized and the main topics are separated in neat and tidy chapters and it is very readable. The art is varied and of great quality. The included scenario is lengthy and well written, it serves its purpose of showing the would be judge how to write and structure scenarios for the game. There is just enough info here to get started playing without ruining excitement for the complete book that is coming. Even after the release of the core book, this will still be a valuable resource to have available as it is very easy to parse the mechanics quickly!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Dark Trails RPG - Bootleg Edition
by Peter S. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 03/25/2020 07:35:35

My favourite version of the DCC ruleset. Dave and team have created a great game with some fun new mechanics and wonderfully evocative classes. This is great Weird West role-playing!

Can't wait to play the full rules.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Hey Peter! Thank you for taking some time to leave your thoughts on the game. It really means a lot. Can you contact me at ? Thanks, Dave
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