Really, I would give the system a 4.8/5, but that's not an option.
TLDR: Probably the best system I've used in all my years of gaming. Using D6's makes crit fails and successes more rare, and thus more special (like they should be!). Can be used in literally any type/genre of game.
The System:
The guy who put this together really knows his stuff, and it shows in how smooth and versatile the system is. Anything from prehistoric cave-men, to high fantasy space elf pirate clowns fighting off The Great Old Ones who are actually cosmic kittens can be played using this one system. Rules are easy to understand and streamlined to make playing quicker. Easily the best part about this system is the realistic skills and abilities. In other, more mainstream, systems your skill value is static and does not change between each situation. Whereas UNBOUND uses different attributes to augment your skills based on the situation (CON for prolonged time, DEX for performing the task quickly, etc.). It's also a relief to see a magic/psychic/prayer/super power system that makes sense!!! It's about time somebody fixed what has been broken in almost every game system! So why didn't I give it a perfect score? There are two aspects which can be confusing: how many dice you roll, and the action point system in combat. Really the dice pool isn't a big deal, and after using two or three skills you've got it down; it's more for people who are so used to rolling D20 for everything that they forget D6's exist. The combat system is a double edged sword: It's great in that it gives you much more versatility than "You move. You attack. You have these 12 random types of action you can take IF they are triggered." but it also can get confusing when you try to do too many things at once, and start having to track penalties.
The Book Itself:
I love how this thing looks. Sleek and black with big, bold white print gives a sharp and modern look which allows it to stand out amongst the other systems with their cluttered artwork-clad books. Another plus? IT'S NOT 528 PAGES LONG! Seriously, this thing is so well thought-out and put together that it doesn't need even 200 pages to properly explain everything. On top of that, the font isn't super tiny 9pt font like it is in most books. This is proper, 12pt font so you can actually read the damned thing! The artwork was obviously contracted out, and I don't even care because it fits beautifully with the style of this book. Really the only downside to the book is that the paper quality isn't what most players might be used to after looking at the thick and glossy pages of other mainstream systems. But at the same time that just means you aren't getting charged for stupid expensive publishing fees, and makes the book cheaper for you to buy! Plus it makes the book thinner, so you have more room for displaying models or something.
I'm looking forward to what else gets released for this system. I've heard of Bestiaries, Armories, and Spell Books possibly being released, and along with them hopefully a conversion guide so you can play your favourite adventure campaigns from other games with this system.