This is a fun little adventure. I believe the premise and original quest are cleverly designed, and would make for a good one-off session.
If I can give some constructive criticism to the adventure, it would be:
- Missing maps for more levels of the inn. Granted, these are easy to improvise, but it would have been a nice touch for completeness sake (cellar, second level, etc).
- The table with "Hazards" is quite nice, but would benefit from some more writeup. The trapped guest makes a nice touch, to have a non-combat encounter. Who is it? Add more check ideas (e.g. Persuasion to calm the guest down, or have them hand a useful potion to the party (of hill giant strength, makes grappling checks for capturing the spiders easier?)).
- The rarity ranking of the "Phase Belt" is probably completely off, since it's a 1/day item, with a huge drawback; seems weaker than rare to me.
- There is no indication as to what a "swarm of bees" is. I assume a "swarm of insects" from the basic rules, but with a flying speed?
All in all, and given that it is FREE I would encourage everyone to get this whilst they can, and have run with this adventure.