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Suited: Fight the Zombiearchy
by Bob V. G. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 07/10/2021 00:33:59

Solitari (46 pages) is a strange adventure for Whitefrank. I decided to use a U.S. city in the year 1959 as the backdrop. The RPG system I used was Suited Free Sample Edition (22 pages/free at DriveThruRPG) and its supplement Fight the Zombiearchy. I did use the Solo Investigator’s Handbook to solo this adventure. I started with five female PCs who started their own club - Save the World With Pumps (shoes and shotguns). They meet one evening a week at the local diner. It is here that they discuss Gabby’s visions (she is a clairvoyant) and they try to decide if it is a true quest or a bit of undigested beef.

One night at the meeting they notice some strange things going on. They follow the “odd” person and end up exploring an underground area and further in, they run into the diety Heket. They have an interesting conversation with her, and then go back up to get their weapons out of the car. The weapons come in handy against the three foot long rat when they get back down there. Later, they find a puzzle box and then Gabby has a vision of Wilma finding her soulmate down here. On the second day during the daylight hours, Oleander opens a shrine to Heket in a downtown back alley intersection. She gains several new members. That evening the club members go back down and find a gibbering mouther. They kill it. They also notice that there are more tunnels and rooms down here. Next, they find an opium den. Later, Wilma finds her soulmate Rick. On the third day, Oleander gets more members for her shrine. When the team go down later that night (with Rick) they get attacked by a Viking. Three members of the team are badly wounded, but they do kill the Viking. On the fourth day they sell Viking stuff, rest, and heal. On the fifth day they explore and find a diner waitress, cook, a prison cell, and glowing rocks (which they collect). On the sixth day Oleander and her shrine members are attacked by masked men yelling, “Kill the cultists!” Most of the members are captured, doused with gasoline, and set fire. Oleander escapes and reports back to Heket. Dark green clouds form over the city. Pregnant women give birth to frogs. Gabby has a symbolic vision warning her of danger. They all hide together at Bernice’s place. That evening the masked group attacks the dungeon. Gabby gets a phone call. Men in Black have been seen in the city. On the seventh day, soldiers destroy the dungeon.

So, I wonder, who are the bad guys? The PCs will now have time to check out the puzzle box. What could go wrong?

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Suited: Fight the Zombiearchy
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Suited Themes: Fantasy Hoopla
by Bob V. G. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 07/18/2020 18:39:39

Recently, I soloed my way through Phantom Train. It is a Castle & Crusades adventure available for free at DriveThruRPG. This linear ten page adventure is for third level characters. It is designed for a Dungeon Master and several players. I used The Dungeon Oracle to solo it. The game system I used to run it was Suited Free Sample Edition with this fantasy supplement. I used four characters. This adventure has lots of combat. My suggestion is that you take out two of the combat encounters and replace them with a puzzle room and a riddle room. My characters did discover a way to get on another similar train, but it had a nasty demon on it. Pot the apothecary tried to send it back to hell with his Holy Symbol. He botched the attempt. He went to hell instead of the demon. At this point, the characters decided to get back to the original train. At the Big Boss fight, Kirill the Magus was able to turn the Big Bad into a normal skeleton. They then hacked it to pieces and completed the adventure. Good luck!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Suited Themes: Fantasy Hoopla
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Creator Reply:
Hi Bob! To be honest we never thought about using Suited for running other game's modules but we are glad to hear it worked out! Sounds like you had a heck of an adventure and we appreciate your sharing it with us. Out of curiosity, how did our randomly generated Fantasy characters work out for you? Did the different Spades Bonus classes flow with the module setting?
Suited: Free Sample Edition!
by Tobias M. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 04/05/2020 08:43:18

Suited is fast, exciting and flexible due to its core mechanics and "booster packs", which are basically setting primer that fit on 2 pages. It's unique card mechanics paired with exciting features like their suit/color-related advantages/disadvantages make for nervewrecking, hilarious or dramatic situations. I had a lot of fun playing it solo and I am curious what will come next out of house Escape Box Games. Over all a very enjoyable expirience.

I developed a scale based on the narrative freedom one particular system gives their players and gm. Games like Fate with its setting-agnostic design and unique character creation (skills, troubles, aspects, etc.) for example rate very high, since you are limited only by your imagination. On the other side are very structured and "set-in-stone"-systems like Dungeons and Dragons that are set in a certain kind of setting and come with predefined classes, movesets, etc. Of course, rating high on the freedom scale means more creative involvement from players and more improvisation skills from gamemasters, which might not be desired by some. Suited hits a comfortable middle-ground, having predefined settings, but still giving a lot of choice in character and world creation. I particularily loved the gm table as it is more of a inspirational workbook contained in one sentence (when using the quick adventure setup) and you still come up with unique worlds no matter how often you play the same "setting".

It reminded me of FATE and Numenera as in the skills are somewhat the player's decision and not pre-determined. This is possible due to their modifier-based actions. It's exciting to argument which skill applies and start stacking boni. I was also reminded of Savage Worlds since that system also uses cards to track systems, but, contrary to Savage Worlds, where the card deck is only used sparringly, here it is the core and thus tracking the initiative this way makes much more sense and is only logical. It's also even more exciting when the same deck you use for basically everything starts shrinking (I only shuffled when the deck was empty) and you can guess what cards might be left. Will you get the King and go first?? Or will you draw the last 2 and will face off against an onslaught of enemy actions. This pseudo-predictability makes for a sometimes more exciting encounter. Last, but not least, the benefits/negative flavor effects reminded me a lot of Fantasy Flight's Star Wars system, since in both you can miserably fail, but still get a disadvantage (FF's term for flavor effects) and your weapon might be propelled out of your hand after impact with the scalp of that dreaded marauder chief. I love systems that incorporate a result other than "you succed/fail" into their moves since it invites enviromental/situational events into your narrative and this makes stuff exciting, damnit!

Of course, no system is perfect. As I played it solo, I had to manage NPCs as well. Which is made easy by the inclusion of NPC Stat blocks, although, a more expansive beastiary would be neat. An idea might be to make a list of possible stat blocks (or rather skill blocks, as NPCs only have skills, which makes so much sense) that are system-agnostic and are based off of stereo- and archetypes. For example the "Brute"-Archetype would always have the Raging+5-Skill, and could be a bodyguard in the Noir-setting, or a hulking zombie in the Post-apocalyptic setting. By the by, i love the unique setting genres, it's a more unconvetional selection. You could be band member or a western hero or a detective in a black-and-white-film. Yet, I missed the more generic settings like high and low fantasy and sci-fi. But back to NPCs. Having to resolve all actions basically twice made combat quite slow and would've been easier if there would've been a more pre-set or faster way to decide if my hero does hit the enemy clan leader or not. I love the difficulty table (p.13), as it gives some orientation for how hard a particular action should be, but if I hadn't had some experience in solo playing some actions would've been difficult to resolve. For example my character faced a clan leader and tried to convince her to form an alliance. The leader was pissed at my PC, because he diminished her army, but he also had a macguffin, she wanted, which also made her angry, but he also had an important NPC hostage and so on. I resolved this by adding or subtracting modifiers or raising and lowering the difficulty score, but it felt rather hacky and I'm sure, Escape Box Games could come up with a much more elegant solution. Also I had to homebrew my way of making my character strong enough to manage situations all by themselves, giving them an additional spades bonus. I think, having a "preset" for solo play that doesn't require you to manage a party or several NPCs to succed would be nice (thinking about FATE Solo). Also some mechanics like aiding I never used, because it felt like cheating. Most solo systems incorporate a mechanic that gives the Solo-PC some edge like momentum in Ironsworn, to name a popular example of solo rpg systems. But, this is nagging on a high standard, since the system was overall very solo friendly. I supplemented it with Mythic GM emulator, but I'd love the addition of a few more tables to decide NPC and environment actions, events and some oracles with cards. Having a secondary "Fate deck" next to yours that's only used to resolve difficult questions like "Is the cult leader on my side or against me?" would have added nice flavor. Especially since one of the strong suits of Suited is its portability and not having to carry another system/emulator and additional dice would play into its strengths a lot. Since a deck is basically a d13 and a d4 in one, it feels like there's a lot of opportunities for unusual tables and oracles (a d52-table?). Also I though there could've been some purpose for jokers somewhere, they felt lonely in their tuckbox.

I've been rambling on for too long, so I want to make one final conclusion. Suited is unique and exciting due to it's usage of cards and card mechanics. It's easy, portable and fast. It's a wonderful foundation already, but could use some more polish and depth, so it's not just a situational system, but can hold itself next to mainstays of tabletops.

Thank you, Ted Pick Jr., Erin Johnson and Escape Box Games for this great addition to the evergrowing world of rpgs!

I'm all Suited up for what's to come!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Suited: Free Sample Edition!
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Creator Reply:
Tobias, Thank you for the excellent and in-depth review! Seeing as Suited was never designed with Solo-adventures in mind, we're glad to hear that it turned out well for you! You've given us a lot to think about for solo players and we will be working on a Solo Supplement book for Suited, we're thinking of calling it "Suited: Solitaire Edition". We are working on High and Low Fantasy playsets behind the scenes, the high fantasy is nearly done and will be released as one of our planned monthly "Themes" Supplements. We did include a Sci-Fi Playset in Booster Pack #1 and would love to hear your feedback about the NPC generation tables in Booster Pack #2. Thank you again for the detailed, and awesome, review! We'll be reaching out to you to ask more questions and get some more feedback on Solo play. Also, watch for some optional rules in this months supplement that make use of Jokers.
Suited: Free Sample Edition!
by Meric M. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 03/20/2020 06:37:59

Suited is an incredibly fun time. The rules are straightforward, the writing is funny, and the tables give you endless inspiration for your games. We played the Post Apocalypse playset and mashed up zombies, a mad scientist, hidden knowledge, and "treasures" from the world before. The mad lib style for adventure creation gave me everything I needed to run a one-shot with zero prep.

I strongly recommend adding this game to your collection.

If you want to hear us talk about it or play it, we ran it as a bonus review episode on Massive Damage Adventures:

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Suited: Free Sample Edition!
by Brad Z. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 03/06/2019 21:09:05

I love this game so freaking much; I'm obsessed! I'm getting all my friends into it too. Also I keep bugging Ted & Erin from Escape Box Games (the creators) about how much I love it.

If you like open, free-flowing games with a fun mechanic that never - LITERALLY NEVER - gets bogged down then you have to check this out.

There is a playset for pretty much any genre/setting you'd like, and you can very easily homebrew NPCs and monsters on the fly. Very cool.

Download the rules. Play it with some friends. Tell more friends about it. Play it with them as well. Let your life slowly spiral out of control until you eat, sleep, and breathe Suited.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Suited: Free Sample Edition!
by Tyler H. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 08/24/2018 20:56:00

I played Suited a few weeks ago with three friends and man was it one heck of a ride! The 4 hour session was amazing and was definetly one to remember. The stream lined nature of the rules allowed us to really lean into our characters and role play to our hearts content. I honeslty felt like I was part of the story!

The game is fairly simple. I read through the rule book in about 20min and it was clearly explained so that when we played we hardly had to look at the rule book for information. Character creation was a blast! Since it was all randomized you get a unique character every time you play allowing you to try out different play styles and character types which I think is amazing. Other RPGs I tend to play the same character so it was a fun experience to try something new.

Combat was really intense! I haven't felt so invested in my character in a long time! I was nervous to attack enemies since if I flipped a low card I was doomed to take damage also, but vice versa I was able to dish out damage if the enemy failed to attack me! I loved the dynamic combat and initiative system, it was very thought out and developed.

Also the fun part is that suited has a number of different play styles and themes like western, apocolypse, noir, samurai and more so you can finally break out of the typical fantasy rut that most RPGs play!

Seriously check this game out! You won't regret it! Its a blast and I am sure it'll be a popular one once word gets out!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Suited: Free Sample Edition!
by Spencer N. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 08/24/2018 08:17:41

I played this game for the first time two weeks ago. In fact, I was GM. It was an awesome game! It is super easy to learn and flows super well. Anyone could pick it up and play within 10 minutes of reading the rules. That may make the game sound too simple to be fun, but I assure you that this is not the case. Character creation is brilliant and allows players to play styles of characters they may have never chosen. The system is dynamic. I've played a few other RPG's, but this is the first one with combat in the way that it is. Initiative depends on the round and the draw, you can get hurt for attacking poorly, and you actively defend against getting attacked. It is also a narrative heavy system, so for anyone who isn't just a murder hobo and loves a good story, this system is perfect! I would say that I have expectations for this game to do well amongst the RPG community, but I think it will appeal to a far broader audience than just hardcore gamers. If you haven't tried it, you won't be disappointed.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Spencer, we are really happy to hear that you enjoyed running our system! The combat mechanics is something we debated for a long time and we are really happy with how it turned out. Thank you for your time and enthusiasm, and we are off to go listen to your episode now!
Addendum for other players: The version of the game they are playing in the episode is a Playtest addition that we will be releasing to the general public in September 2018!
Suited: Free Sample Edition!
by Roll P. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 08/23/2018 21:41:55

We at RollPG13 have loved this game. We run a fun podcast that show case new and exciting role playing games and we have enjoyed playing the suited system. First character creation is a blast! With characters being developed by random tables and the flip of a card you are able to try new character types and get out of your normal mold of playing.

Playing the game is extremely simple all you need is a deck of cards and your imagination! I was able to read the entire rule book in 30min top then go and play with my friends for about four hours! Not all RPGs can say that!

Also, the game is perfect for those who love the role playing aspect of RPGs. With less rules to worry about you don't have to spend so much time digging in books and online to figure out what you can even do! You can just play the game and enjoy the story develop by your GM.

Would highly recommend to anyone who loves RPGs! Feel free to listen to the Roll Playing Guys Podcast and hear some actual game play and see why we love suited so much!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Thank you for your awesome review! And we will definitely have to go check out your recording.
Addendum for other players: The version of the game they are playing in the episode is a Playtest addition that we will be releasing to the general public in September 2018!
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