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by Seamus C. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 01/15/2021 08:35:30

"The mechanics are simple and straightforward, and really do link up very well with different dice systems. Orcery is fantastically creative and a really cool new thing for players to fiddle around with. The various tables, from Atmospheres to Situations to Lands to Folk, provide a ton of variety that you're going to have to work pretty hard to exhaust. The overview at the start of the book says that the Azure Etern should be vast, wild, whimsical, and fun, and if you think of them as goals I absolutely think Skycrawl has managed to attain them." - Seamus Conneely

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by Donut M. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 12/14/2020 10:29:30

Whilst I wouldn't call this book a traditional hexcrawl, the majority of content in this book is well thought out and is invaluable to anyone interested in running a game in the style of movies such as Treasure Planet. The procedure of play regarding Journeys and Ship Combat seem good enough on their own though may require some tweaking depending on which game system you are playing. The most essential section of the book for me lies in the back half. The random tables of atmospheres, encounters, and the various generators are imaginative and inspiring. All in all, I can't wait to run a campaign using a toolbox such as this one.

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