So...I adapted this into a Doctor Who/D&D cross over adventure and it worked really well. I'm sure folks would love this setting if they really want a...unique, breathable world, that is textually different than a lot of old hat bog standard settings.
Great super power supplement for the d6 system. Wish the d6 system was played more these days.
I absolutely adore this game. The premise was a little out there for me, at first. Greeks in space! But, reading through it, I realized that it's so much MORE than Ancient Greeks in space. It's a game about people who care about things, who are heroes and who fight for what they believe in. It's a game that takes things at a slower pace, if you use training times and the Respite Phase. Or, it's a game of fast-paced, heroic action where the heroes burn bright and quick as they seek their Destiny and try to avoid their Fate.
It took me a long time to find a group that wanted to play this game with me, and that's sad. It's a wonderful game. The characters have depth and lots of special abilities they can use, but the base mechanics are so simple that the action just rolls from one moment to the next, never stopping or grinding to a halt.
The world of HELLAS has so much going for it and I can't wait to explore it in more depth with my gaming group. I hope you give this game a try and I hope you love it as much as I do!
A great mash-up of superhero, sword and sorcery, and post-apoc through an Afrocentric lens. Definitely recommended for Mythic D6 fans. Superpowers are bundled into packages with some interesting setting chrome; there's explanatory content for folks who want to design or reverse engineer new powersets or such. Players get to build / focus on their "Company" (military style, not commerce) allowing for more troupe style and/or easy of pulling in new / replacement PCs.
I found this a fun and fresh setting / micro-setting; I don't see a lot of Afrocentric settings. To be transparent, I was a backer for the Kickstarter funding on the project.
Mythic D6 is a stripped down re-writen from the ground up version of WEG D6 game system geared towards action and superaction. It is a superb example of a clear vision of a RPG system and laser focused on it's goal to provide a straight forward and accesible system to fill any genre and game idea.
Highest possible recommendation.
I've always loved the D6 system and this feels like the ultimate distilation of the D6 rule system.
I have regretted very few RPG purchases over my gaming career, but this is one of them. Fans of Starfinder, or Masters of the Universe might like it. But it runs solely on 'rule of cool' with no logic or internal consistency to be had anywhere.
Creator Reply: |
Thank you for the review and sorry you didn't like HELLAS: Worlds of Sun and Stone.
Thank you
Jerry |
An amazing achievement. Continents worth of cultures and history to explore and adventure within. The rules are simple and bare-bones, but clearly not the star of the show. Almost any type of fantasy story can be run here, almost any culture based (even loosly) on real world cultures exists somehwere within the Second Age. A must have for those interested in worldbuilding and exploring.
Good concept, but kind of short considering the price. At $5, I wouldn't likely recomend a concept this short.
I have played in and run quite a lot of different superhero games over the years, and my experience has been that they nearly all have good points and bad points. D6 powers is one of the games that has many more good points than bad in my view.
As you might expect it is firmly based on the skeleton of WEG's D6 system as used in the orginal Star Wars rpg, but also takes inspiration from WEG's DC Universe rpg. However, whilst DCU uses a variant of the D6 system (called D6 Legend if I recall) using special 6-sided dice with symbols, D6 Powers uses standard D6.
What's to like? A good reliable system that is quite intuitive in many respects. A comprehensive power list that is not too complex to deal with (sorry, Champions but I'm looking at you). Masses of other D6 material (most of it now freely available) to raid for new stuff, NPCs, ideas etc.
On the down side. Combat could be a bit more streamlined, along the lines of Minisix. Large numbers of dice to add can slow things down a tad for higher level characters - there is an option for limitign the number of dice rolled, but I think I would have preferred that as the standard rule. The Strength chart for lifting is also a bit odd as the difficulty numbers reach various break points at 6D, 11D, 16D, and 25D - so the difficulty to lift a given weight changes drastically when you pass a break point. I guess it stops super-strong characters rolling to lift things well within their capacity, but I find it a little odd.
Overall, highly felxible an dfun to play
Creator Reply: |
Thank you for the kind words.
When I have the new version of MYTHIC D6 done I hope to see what you think of that product
a rough beta of the first chapter can be found at the link below
Thank you
Jerry |
I already owned the print version of this product, and really enjoyed it. I bought the PDF so that I could cut and paste the description of certain powers into a handout to give to my players for use in character creation. Unfortunately, the publisher has put very strict DRM security permissions on the PDF so I couldn't do that. Since I only bought the PDF for that reason, I have wasted my money. I won't buy any more PDFs from this publisher again.
This is a Great! Map, I would love to see more of the individual parts of it such as the towns, villages and detailed buildings ect..
On the one hand this is much more detailed and gives more characters than expected. Paintings of them too. However some of them seem a little odd, if not weird.
It uses the system from Atlantis, with a few tweeks. It is a game in which characters either go along with destiny or defy it to carry our gods designs. It can go on though sons and grandsons etc. of the characters to complete the job. Good color artwork, well written. I like the fact that it gives partial success and failure as well as full ones. .
It uses basically the same system as the rules in Hellas, with a few minor differences. I do like the fact that you do have partial failures and partial successes as well as the full ones. It gives much more leeway to the GM. The artwork was very good..