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Lots of really useful content here, this little book distills cool space opera tropes and presents them as tables full of ideas you can use in your game. Specific enough to be interesting, modular enough to be adaptable to most campaigns. I also like the way the tools are structured and linked together. Other campaign building products like Stars Without Number focus on describing the campaign world (planets, societies...), this one focuses more on things that directly affect the players (villains, threats, complications…). Highly recommended!
it's a beautiful little idea that actually has provided me with the bones for a moon magic adventure.
Thank you so much. Interesting ideas and easy to use
I love how much content there is in this simple system, there is many monsters, spells and items for many genres and the game is quick to learn and play! It works very good for solo roleplaying as well, letting you play a single character or more very easily.
Fun times with an easy to understand rules system!
An excellent product for an easy to understand rules system!
Simple, fast, effective, robust in the simulation but leaving a good place for narration. Very full. A must-have to draw for any initiation, for a quick session. The only downside would come from the maximum skill level being only 3. Personally, I go up to 4 to give a little more weight to the skills.
One page dungeons are fab and this is one of the best. Everything about it- the art, the setting and the encounters are evocative clear and immediately gameable.
Would be nice to have the 5e stat blocks but you can't have everything.
Recently, I soloed my way through Fear Can’t Hurt You (21 pages, free) which is an adventure for Elemental RPG. This adventure is set in the year 1984. I did use the six characters that are in this adventure as my PCs. To solo this I used Monster From the Other Side with a yes/no/maybe oracle. All three products are available at DriveThruRPG. So, last year when I did my camp adventures, my PCs were campers. This time my PCs were adults who worked at the camp.
On the first day, my PC Zac the camp leader discovered a dead body in the woods during the day. That evening, he and his friends explored the same woods looking for the culprit. They discovered three campers (woods map is attached, artist Manon Krapf) who did not listen to their instructions and made a run for it. The PCs followed them to an abandoned mansion. It was here that it was revealed that the campers were actually aliens who were armed with knives. The PCs killed the aliens and gathered up the loot: three knives and a pair of rainbow earrings.
On the second day, the PCs looked for a camper who was acting weird (an alien). That night they took him to the shed, tied him up, questioned him, watched him turn into an alien. Fifteen minutes later, a crab vehicle, piloted by an alien, crashed through the wall and attacked. The vehicle and pilot were destroyed. The camper/alien escaped. The camp nurse PC Amanda drove the camp bus to go get help.
On the third day at dusk, Amanda and a FBI agent arrived in his car. Soon, the group is attacked by two crab vehicles. Zac is damaged again, the agent is killed, and the two vehicles and pilots are destroyed. At this point, all staff and campers are escorted to the mess hall for safety reasons. At midnight the Men In Black appear. They took control of the situation and the campers and staff are taken out of the area to a safe location. Give this RPG a try!
Recently, I soloed my way through Fear Can’t Hurt You (21 pages, free) which is an adventure for Elemental RPG. This adventure is set in the year 1984. I did use the six characters that are in this adventure as my PCs. To solo this I used Monster From the Other Side with a yes/no/maybe oracle. All three products are available at DriveThruRPG. So, last year when I did my camp adventures, my PCs were campers. This time my PCs were adults who worked at the camp.
On the first day, my PC Zac the camp leader discovered a dead body in the woods during the day. That evening, he and his friends explored the same woods looking for the culprit. They discovered three campers who did not listen to their instructions and made a run for it. The PCs followed them to an abandoned mansion. It was here that it was revealed that the campers were actually aliens who were armed with knives. The PCs killed the aliens and gathered up the loot: three knives and a pair of rainbow earrings.
On the second day, the PCs looked for a camper who was acting weird (an alien). That night they took him to the shed, tied him up, questioned him, watched him turn into an alien. Fifteen minutes later, a crab vehicle, piloted by an alien, crashed through the wall and attacked. The vehicle and pilot were destroyed. The camper/alien escaped. The camp nurse PC Amanda drove the camp bus to go get help.
On the third day at dusk, Amanda and a FBI agent arrived in his car. Soon, the group is attacked by two crab vehicles. Zac is damaged again, the agent is killed, and the two vehicles and pilots are destroyed. At this point, all staff and campers are escorted to the mess hall for safety reasons. At midnight the Men In Black appear. They took control of the situation and the campers and staff are taken out of the area to a safe location. Give this a try!
This is a great game with a classic zombie horror appeal. I highly recommend it.
It's a slightly expanded Island of the Lizard God. With stats. And premade player characters.
What's not to like?
Creator Reply: |
Indeed! We just complemented an already-great-little-setting-on-a-page. Thanks for chiming in! |
Can’t Sleep – Clowns Will Eat Me is a fun 4 page adventure for Elemental (DriveThruRPG, 168 pages). To solo this, I used the Flextale Solo Adventuring Toolkit (same place, 600+ pages) . I did use the six characters included in the module. So, the characters came into the town of Juniper’s Crossing and talked to several NPCs (four) before finding the quest. They also figured out that if you try to sleep in the town, the attempt will fail and you will not get any rest. They continued their investigation, talked to four more NPCs, and entered another structure (I am trying to avoid a spoiler, but there is a circus in town). Within minutes, they were attacked by a mimic. They killed it, but were soon attacked by two doppelgangers (killed them too). So, now they were damaged and ready to escape. They searched for and found the exit, left town, set up camp, and did get some rest.
On the second day, they went back to “the structure” and discovered two more doppelgangers. After killing them, they had had enough. They exited, cast healing spells, and came back to it at dusk. They torched the place and it did burn down. Unfortunately, the area where the circus performers sleep caught fire as well and was destroyed. Oops. No circus performers were killed or injured. But they did chase my characters into the woods. Hesp would not give up the chase, but Za “persuades” him to not do that. The adventurers decide it is time to go to the next town. The last scene – one of the mad wizards from the circus starts digging through the smoldering remains of the structure. He finds The Dream Eater’s Crown (the Eater died in the fire). The mad wizard puts it on. What could go wrong?
This is an exceptional scenario. One, maybe THE, darkest horror scenario I have ever known. It's not about slimey monsters. It's not about gore. It's not about cultists. It's not even about psychokillers or whatever your monster of the week is. It's about people. And worse : those people are the PCs.
Excellent adventure which works either as an introduction to RPGs for new or young players, or as a worthy challenge for more seasoned players. The use of video is fun and different without getting in the way.
This rule set is exactly the kind of thing that I like. The task resolution system is simple and fast, but not so simple as to completely lack granularity. It is universal enough to handle most genres pretty well, but not so generic that everything feels the same with a different skin. I'm planning on using this to run a campaign for a group of RPG newcomers. I enjoy certain other games that are more complex, but I dislike using complicated rules to introduce newbies as it can really cloud the real goal of a tabletop game.
The core of the system is so simple that very few references to the book will be required. Task resolution works like this: Ability Score + Skill Score + Misc Modifiers + 1d6 vs. Difficultly Number or opposed roll. Environmental modifiers and skills are hard capped at a value of 3, so the numbers are small and simple to calculate. Most d6 rolls can explode and are rerolled on a 6 then the sum is used. Only one explosion per roll is allowed. Health works on a hit point system, but even a very tough fantasy hero might have merely 24 health points. Hit rolls are opposed rolls against the target. Criticals exist, but are equally simple to handle.
There are sections for Fantasy, Horror, and Pulp/Supers. These sections provide just enough to get started, but not quite enough in my opinion. The fantasy section is the largest with lots of spells and creatures. The horror, sci-fi, and supers sections are notably smaller (or at least it seems that way.) I believe that these portions of the book could really have been fleshed out a bit more. For example: The sci-fi section contains ships and mecha, but they get not much more than one page each. This is nice in its simplicity, but I do wish there had been a little more meat on the bones here.
That said, it is remarkably easy to create what you need with a game this simple. I created a more fleshed out starship combat system in my head in about 30 minutes, so, the bare bones nature is kind of a mixed blessing. I also don't agree with all of the spell difficulty numbers in the fantasy section, but that is also super easy to customize by just increasing the difficulty on the flasher spells.
If are looking for an RPG that hits about a 3/10 on the complexity scale with plenty of room to customize, this will scratch the itch. If you like a more tactical, complex, or more fleshed out game you will not be satisfied. As for myself, I like light to medium complexity games with room to build and tinker. So, I'm kind of the target audience of this product. Your milage may vary.
Creator Reply: |
Ian, thanks for the informative and thoughtful review. Your comments do a great job explaining who the game is for and isn’t for. Glad you’re enjoying it! |