I've always enjoyed the small comics included in the Exalted RPG books and this comics is every bit as enjoyable! It is wonderful to see the high flying action of the exalted depicted in such lovely art! The series truly captures the spirit of exalted and is very enjoyable. This is by far the best dramatic RPG to comic adaptation I've ever read. The only drawback is that being a canceled series, the story sadly doesn't get the chance to get very far. Despite that I highly recommend the exalted comic series to even the most casual fans of Exalted.
This was an early Exalted 2nd edition release and while the comics are good, the stuff in the back of the book is what I used most while playing the game early on (antagonists). My only concern story-wise is that Solars are extremely powerful and a group of 5 of them-- well they could have completely taken over the city they were in in just a couple weeks time! Some of the story arcs have no completion in the comic, however, these character show up in the Splat books and other Exalted material so reading this gives more significance to the one-page comics in the books. This is definitely the B-Team compared to the Dace/Harmonious Jade/Swan group and for that, it's actually more interesting.
Obviously Kidale wasn't running the 2/7 filter defense...
“Makeshift Miracle Book 1” is a solid offering from Udon which combines urban fantasy with stunning artwork. This voume should be approached as ‘scene setting’ for a much longer and broader story; introducing the main players (of which there are really only three) and providing hooks to draw the reader further into the story. In true comics style, this volume ends with more questions than answers, and I am keen to see how this develops.
The artwork is marvellous, and the use of colour is very clever to highlight the intensity of the main character and the Girl from Nowhere, contrasting it against the bleakness of the surrounding world. The author offers a little social commentary too, aiming to establish how empty and meaningless the lives of those around the protagonist are.
The story is enticing, mixing emotional confusion, surreal occurrence and danger in almost equal measures. Readers of Neil Gaiman’s ‘Stardust’ and ‘Neverwhere’ will see brief glimpses and echoes of the themes in those books, yet this comic is able to stand alone and apart from these works.
Overall, highly entertaining and visually pleasing in every regard.
I remember when the story in a comic book like this would be just the three or four page prologue for the rest of the comic. Now these full issues are what used to be summed up in a few pages and then the rest of the story would proceed. I mean, MAKESHIFT MIRACLE is ok...I am intrigued by the protagonist's personal story, and the visions and the wandering work well. The paintings are nice, sometimes. Look again at the paintings and you have full pages that show DIRT, for Pete's sake. Again, and this is my critique of the whole industry, comics have to tell a full story in the first issue. Because if this is indicative of the whole series, it could take twelve issues for anything whatsoever to even develop. Independents MUST start telling full stories, especially in that crucial first issue.
The inevitable clash of the Wyld Hunt with the Solar Circle is resolved and the unhappy after-math as well. The story is close to what one might expect--especially if one has already seen the comic pages printed in the Exalted Rules books and read the descriptions of the characters in the Scroll of Exalts.
The art maintains the quality of the previous books. The circle battles ghosts and runs afoul of the Wyld Hunt. This begins the climax of the action for the story to date.
Yet again, the art is beautiful. The story line continues and introduces the first god shown in the series, Grandmother Bright. She is an important part of the city of Chiaroscuro, the setting for the story, and of the Exalted Game--at least anytime it is played in that city. Characters development continues apace, with Faka Kun's pugnacious attitude towards Kidale.
Again the art is well drawn and inked. This book introduces the last three members of the Solar Circle who are the protagonists of the story. Elements of the Djalas' history are touched on in this issue as well. This is helpful to those who play Exalted as there is little actual historical or cultural info in the rule books on the Djala people.
The second book in the series (despite the numbering), more primary characters are introduced and their personalities are developed with brief scenes of their lives as First Age Solars and their current circumstances. The book is as beautifully drawn and inked as the previous one. The short bonus story of the Contagion, Balorian Crusade and the rise of the Scarlet Empress paints a good brief history of one of the central events of the Exalted Game setting.
The art is beautifully drawn and inked. This book introduces several of the characters who will be the primary actors in the five following books. I recommend the whole series of books for those who like the Exalted game and would like good visual representations of various spells and charms to look at. Also the story fills in the history of the characters Faka Kun, Demetheus, Wind, and Jasara who are presented in the Scroll of Exalts.
Finally released! The delay prone Exalted comic book comes out and is, to me, a moderate disappointment. I'm sure things would've progressed much farther, but this official batch of tie-in material did little to impress me. Besides Demethus' odd display of Exalted-level strength, we see little to suggest that the Exalted are anything spectacular besides glowing low-powered fantasy supers. Nary a Wuxia vibe in sight. Fun comic, worth purchasing for a completionist, decent enough on its own but not necessarily something I would use to bring in new Exalted players. *** / 5.