I ran this and it was awesome. The module could do with some aids to the GM - a rumor table for random chats in the city with non-keyed npcs, a list of the core information to convey to the pcs, a list of places where the book can be found - but overall it is easy to run and allows for different styles of play. The rumour table could contain all kinds of variations on the core myths - EVERYONE is talking about it, and unavoidably all kind of permutations arise. The flavour and ideas are amazing and the adventure a lot of fun.
The pregens are amazing!
There is a place at the very end which may or may not be discovered by the pcs - I think the adventure is much better if the pcs do not find it, it feels like a weird traditional-dnd-hangover and out of place in the adventure - it robs of its awesome core idea by placing an expected epilogue and ruining the unexpected twist.
Apart from these minor points the adventure comes highly recommended - it is well designed and brimming with amazing npcs and ideas. Me and the players had a great time with it.