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by Michael I. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 08/25/2023 13:43:44

Picked this up after listening to the Fear of the Black Dragon podcast episode covering this scenario. It's The Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World in a fantasy setting. That happened to be my grandfather's favorite comedy about a group of people that find out about some hidden treasure, then create various team ups in order to race to find it. It's a pretty silly movie and this plays the story a little more seriously but looks to be great fun!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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by Tobia D. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 06/16/2019 05:23:53

I ran this and it was awesome. The module could do with some aids to the GM - a rumor table for random chats in the city with non-keyed npcs, a list of the core information to convey to the pcs, a list of places where the book can be found - but overall it is easy to run and allows for different styles of play. The rumour table could contain all kinds of variations on the core myths - EVERYONE is talking about it, and unavoidably all kind of permutations arise. The flavour and ideas are amazing and the adventure a lot of fun.

The pregens are amazing!

There is a place at the very end which may or may not be discovered by the pcs - I think the adventure is much better if the pcs do not find it, it feels like a weird traditional-dnd-hangover and out of place in the adventure - it robs of its awesome core idea by placing an expected epilogue and ruining the unexpected twist.

Apart from these minor points the adventure comes highly recommended - it is well designed and brimming with amazing npcs and ideas. Me and the players had a great time with it.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
by A customer [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 08/02/2018 10:40:18

A different from the norm, fun scenario. Essentially a treasure hunt the whole city is excited about, with clues to the ultimate location to be found on certain statues. Combats may happen, but they are not the focus. Creative thinking will be rewarded, and the PCs should select a strategy that best fits their abilities. They might pretend to be city maintenance officials, for example, in one case. The challenges are nicely varied. Groups should pick up as much gossip as possible. There is welcome continuity as rivals (possibly short term partners) can be met multiple times. Gaining the loot isn't the end: there are restless dead to be appeased, and prospective buyers to be found. For the latter, some choices will work much better than others. To feed some necessary information, I had a funeral procession pass by the PCs, with people in the crowd muttering "That is the third rival of X to have an accident in the last month. Bet no one trusts him twice", answered with "They don't get the chance".

Highly recommended.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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