A few days ago I soloed my way through Not Another Portal, Please! (14 pages, free/pay what you want at DriveThruRPG). This d12 system is set in the time of Victorian England. It also includes an adventure and several characters. I used Solo Cutz (same place and price) as the solo engine. So, I used four of the characters and created one more (you should do this too). The damage system in the game encourages storytelling (there are no hit points, only status effects). Here is my favorite scene. Earlier in the adventure, Ishaan had taken some acid damage to his hand. It forced him to lose his knife. Later, after much physical exertion, his hand began to itch. He begged the group to cut off his hand. Doc looked at the hand. The damage was not that extensive and he refused to do it. Nedra the Burglar told Ishaan to place his hand on the table palm down. She then came up behind him and knocked him out with the hilt of her knife. He had to be dragged around the rest of the adventure. Before this, Feng had received a concussion and had to be moved along in the same way. At the beginning of the adventure Lord Masterson was killed by a sliding door. Yep, this adventure got nasty. Good luck with this one! You will need it! - - Note: To make the adventure longer, I did add some stuff to the "maze" (portal three). I did not use the backup characters.